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  • Modelling health state preference data using fixed and random effects models
    Publication . Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Ferreira, Pedro L.; Pereira, Luis Nobre
    The use of preference-based measures of health in the measurement of Health Related Quality of Life has become widely used in health economics. Hence, the development of preference-based measures of health has been a major concern for researchers throughout the world. This study aims to model health state preference data using a new preference-based measure of health (the SF- 6D) and to suggest alternative models for predicting health state utilities using fixed and random effects models. It also seeks to investigate the problems found in the SF-6D and to suggest eventual changes to it.
  • O sistema português de valores do SF-6D
    Publication . Ferreira, Pedro L.; Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Pereira, Luis Nobre
    Introdução: Nos últimos tempos tem-se assistido ao desenvolvimento de estudos em alguns países, de forma a obter funções de valoração relativas aos instrumentos de medição de preferências mais utilizados. Na verdade, a evidência sugere que as valorações dos estados de saúde podem diferir de país para país. O objectivo deste estudo foi a determinação de um sistema de valores subjacente ao SF-6D para Portugal. Metodologia: Uma amostra de 55 estados de saúde definidos pelo SF-6D foi valorizada por uma amostra aleatória estratificada da população em geral, utilizando o standard gamble (SG). A pesquisa foi conduzida por entrevistas pessoais, tendo os respondentes valorizado seis estados de saúde, acrescidos do pior estado de saúde definido pelo SF-6D ou da morte imediata. Estimaram-se vários modelos com o objectivo de prever as valorações dos estados de saúde. Numa primeira fase, foram estimados modelos lineares, tanto ao nível individual, como agregado, assim como modelos com efeitos fixos, com efeitos principais e de interacção e com a constante forçada à unidade. Numa segunda fase, foram ainda testados, pelo método dos mínimos quadrados generalizados, modelos com efeitos aleatórios (MEA). Foram também estimados MEA com a constante forçada à unidade pelas equações de estimação generalizadas (EEG). Consideraram-se especificações alternativas, como forma de tomar em consideração o enviesamento das valorações dos estados de saúde. Os modelos foram analisados em termos dos seus coeficientes, ajustamento e capacidade para prever os valores dos estados de saúde captados pelo SG. Resultados: Os MEA e os modelos EEG produziram coeficientes significativos, que se verificou serem robustos nas especificações dos modelos. A utilização de uma bateria de medidas de bondade do ajustamento levou à conclusão que o modelo EEG com efeitos principais era o melhor modelo estimado. Conclusão: Esta investigação demonstra que é possível obter sistemas de pesos para a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde. O melhor modelo obtido parece prever adequadamente os valores dos estados de saúde da população portuguesa. No entanto, existem algumas incoerências que devem ser investigadas.
  • Avaliação Económica e Social dos Concelhos do Algarve
    Publication . Pereira, Luis Nobre; Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Jesús, Margarida
    Este estudo tem como objectivo principal realizar uma avaliação económica e social dos concelhos do Algarve através de Índices de Desenvolvimento Concelhio. A realização de análises exploratórias multivariadas suportou a construção desses Índices de Desenvolvimento. As assimetrias existentes entre os concelhos puderam ser identificadas através da formação de grupos homogéneos de concelhos.
  • Contribution for the validation of the portuguese version of EQ-5D
    Publication . Ferreira, Pedro Lopes; Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Pereira, Luis Nobre
    Introduction: The EQ-5D allows the achievement of two essential components of any measure of health-related quality of life to be used in cost-utility economic evaluations: (i) a profile describing the health status in terms of domains or dimensions; and (ii) a numeric value associated with the health status described. Aim: The Portuguese version of the EQ-5D questionnaire was completed in 1998, based on guidelines set by the EuroQol Group, including translation and back translation procedures. Despite its wide use in Portugal, until now it had not yet been published studies that initially led to the Portuguese version and the guarantee of acceptability, reliability and validity. The purpose of this article is to document these first values relating to the Portuguese version of the EQ-5D. Material and Methods: We used three different samples: a first one with 1,500 individuals representative of the Portuguese population; a second with 140 individuals just intended for the reliability test; and a third sample with 643 individual patients with cataracts, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or rheumatoid arthritis. Results: The acceptability was assessed by the number of missing responses. It was also found a marked ceiling effect, with a large part of the sample not reporting any problems in the dimensions of the EQ-5D. Discussion: The construct validity was tested by examining the degree to which low values of EQ-5D were positively associated with increasing age, being female, and the sick, as well as the values of dimensions of the SF-36v2 scale. Convergent validity was based on correlations between EQ-5D values and other specific measures. The EQ-5D showed moderate to high correlations with other disease-specific measures of health status and health related quality of life. Conclusion: We can state that the Portuguese version of the EQ-5D has a good accessibility, reliability and validity in measuring health.
  • Mapeamento dos gastos em consumo das famílias de países da União Europeia
    Publication . Pereira, Luis Nobre; Ferreira, Lara Noronha
    A análise dos gastos das famílias constitui um indicador que poderá ser utilizado para estudar a performance da economia portuguesa num contexto europeu. Neste artigo apresenta-se um mapeamento da evolução dos gastos em consumo das famílias de alguns países da União Europeia, em percentagem dos gastos totais em consumo entre 1991 e 2001. Esse mapeamento é feito através de um estudo em Dupla Análise em Componentes Principais. Os resultados indicam uma evolução temporal decrescente do peso dos gastos em consumo das famílias em alimentação, bebidas, vestuário e calçado, relativamente aos gastos totais, e uma subida dos gastos em habitação, água, electricidade, gás, outros combustíveis, comunicações, entretenimento e cultura. Verificou-se a existência de uma oposição em termos de gastos em consumo entre os países do sul e os do norte da Europa. Em Portugal, observou-se uma diminuição dos gastos em consumo em alimentação, vestuário e calçado e um aumento dos gastos em entretenimento e cultura.
  • Mapeamento da Investigação e Desenvolvimento na União Europeia
    Publication . Pereira, Luis Nobre; Ferreira, Lara Noronha
    A Investigação e Desenvolvimento (I&D) tem um papel fundamental nos dias de hoje pois é a base da Inovação, do Conhecimento e do Desenvolvimento Tecnológico.
  • How consistent are health utility values?
    Publication . Ferreira, Pedro L.; Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Pereira, Luis Nobre
    The use of preference-based generic instruments to measure the health-related quality of life of a general population or of individuals suffering from a specific disease has been increasing. However, there are several discrepancies between instruments in terms of utility results. This study compares SF-6D and EQ-5D when administered to patients with cataracts and aims at explaining the differences. Agreement between EQ-5D and SF-6D health state classifications was assessed by correlation coefficients. Simple correspondence analysis was used to assess the agreement among the instrument’s descriptive systems and to investigate similarities between dimensions’ levels. Cluster analysis was used to classify SF-6D and EQ-5D levels into homogeneous groups. There was evidence of floor effects in SF-6D and ceiling effects in EQ-5D. Comparisons of means showed that SF-6D values exceeded EQ-5D values. Agreement between both instruments was high, especially between similar dimensions. However, different valuation methods and scoring algorithms contributed to the main differences found. We suggest that one or both instruments should be revised, in terms of their descriptive systems or their scoring algorithms, in order to overcome the weakness found.
  • An application of the SF-6D to create health values in Portuguese working age adults
    Publication . Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Ferreira, Pedro L.; Pereira, Luis Nobre; Brazier, John
    Objectives : This study describes the health-related quality of life(HRQOL) of the Portuguese working age population and investigates sociodemographic differences. Methods : Subjects randomly selected from the working age population ( n =2,459) were assessed using the SF-36v2 and converted into the preference-based SF-6D. Results : The mean SF-6D utility value was 0.70 (range 0.63–0.73). The mean utility value was lower for the lower educational level than for the highest. Women, people living in rural areas and older adults reported lower levels of utility values. Non-parametric tests showed that health utility values were signifi cantly related to employment; unskilled manual workers reported utility values lower than non-manual workers. For different diseases, mean utility values ranged from 0.58 (sexual diseases) to 0.66 (hepatic conditions). Cluster analysis was adopted to classify individuals into three groups according to their answers to the SF-6D dimensions. Multinomial logit regression was used to detect sociodemographic characteristics affecting the probability of following each cluster pattern. This study yielded normative data by age and gender for the SF-6D. Conclusions: The authors conclude that SF-6D is an effective tool for measuring HRQOL in the community so that different population groups can be compared. The preference-based measure used seems to discriminate adequately across sociodemographic differences. These results allow a better understanding of the impact of sociodemographic variables on the burden of illness perception.
  • A portuguese value set for the SF-6D
    Publication . Ferreira, Lara Noronha; Ferreira, Pedro L.; Pereira, Luis Nobre; Brazier, John; Rowen, Donna
    Objectives: The SF-6D is a preference-based measure of health derived from the SF-36 that can be used for cost-effectiveness analysis using cost-per-quality adjusted life-year analysis. This study seeks to estimate a system weight for the SF-6D for Portugal and to compare the results with the UK system weights. Methods: A sample of 55 health states defined by the SF-6D has been valued by a representative random sample of the Portuguese population, stratified by sex and age (n = 140), using the Standard Gamble (SG). Several models are estimated at both the individual and aggregate levels for predicting health-state valuations. Models with main effects, with interaction effects and with the constant forced to unity are presented. Random effects (RE) models are estimated using generalized least squares (GLS) regressions. Generalized estimation equations (GEE) are used to estimate RE models with the constant forced to unity. Estimations at the individual level were performed using 630 health-state valuations. Alternative functional forms are considered to account for the skewed distribution of health-state valuations.Results: The models are analyzed in terms of their coefficients, overall fit, and the ability for predicting the SG-values. The RE models estimated using GLS and through GEE produce significant coefficients, which are robust across model specification. However, there are concerns regarding some inconsistent estimates, and so parsimonious consistent models were estimated. There is evidence of under prediction in some states assigned to poor health. The results are consistent with the UK results. Conclusion: The models estimated provide preference-based quality of life weights for the Portuguese population when health status data have been collected using the SF-36. Although the sample was randomly drowned findings should be treated with caution, given the small sample size, even knowing that they have been estimated at the individual level.
  • Estimação de modelos lineares gerais mistos utilizando o SAS®
    Publication . Pereira, Luis Nobre; Ferreira, Lara Noronha
    O Modelo Linear Geral Misto (MLGM) enquadra-se numa classe de modelos que tem sido tradicionalmente analisada através de procedimentos de análise de variância.