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A hybrid training method for B-spline neural networks

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Current and past research has brought up new views related to the optimization of neural networks. For a fixed structure, second order methods are seen as the most promising. From previous works we have shown how second order methods are of easy applicability to a neural network. Namely, we have proved how the Levenberg-Marquard possesses not only better convergence but how it can assure the convergence to a local minima. However, as any gradient-based method, the results obtained depend on the startup point. In this work, a reformulated Evolutionary algorithm - the Bacterial Programming for Levenberg-Marquardt is proposed, as an heuristic which can be used to determine the most suitable starting points, therefore achieving, in most cases, the global optimum.



Algoritmo de levenberg-marquard Algoritmo bacteriano Programação genética B-splines


IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP). - Faro, 1-3 September 2005. - p. 165-170

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