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A sustentabilidade no turismo é um caminho sem volta e assumido com crescente
consciência pelos agentes do setor, à escala mundial. Existe uma crescente preocupação
com o estado do planeta que proporciona uma reflexão maior sobre as ações humanas no
quotidiano que, neste sentido, devem minimizar os impactos negativos por meio de
práticas mais sustentáveis.
Este trabalho pretende analisar a sustentabilidade na hotelaria 5 estrelas da região do
Algarve, determinando como os hotéis comunicam o seu comportamento sustentável nos
seus websites, quais são as práticas sustentáveis mais adoptadas, quais são os principais
motivadores e os principais obstáculos.
Através da revisão de literatura foi possível obter a base teórica para o trabalho, servindo
como meio os conceitos abordados ao longo desta dissertação e dando significado às
questões abordadas.
De forma a responder às questões de investigação, este estudo utilizou metodologias
qualitativa e quantitativa. Na parte qualitativa, realizou-se observações nos websites
próprios dos hotéis e nos sites de reserva hoteleira. Na quantitativa, utilizou-se um
questionário e as práticas sustentáveis divulgadas pelos hotéis no site
Os resultados finais evidenciam que as unidades hoteleiras investigadas têm procurado
integrar as práticas sustentáveis como estratégia de negócio. Relativamente a
comunicação sustentável online, foi possível perceber que existe pouca divulgação nos
websites próprios. Porém, no motor de busca, que é um ambiente de
concorrência, essa percentagem eleva-se consideravelmente. No que diz respeito a
práticas sustentáveis, as principais áreas de intervenção são: gestão energética, gestão
hídrica, gestão de resíduos e responsabilidade social. Verifica-se que as práticas mais
populares implementadas são também as menos dispendiosas. Os principais motivadores
para a implementação de práticas sustentáveis é a responsabilidade ambiental, seguida da
visão estratégica e ganho de eficiência. Embora o principal obstáculo apontado continue
a ser o custo elevado de investimento, a falta de pessoal qualificado e bloqueios técnicos
também constituem constrangimentos para adopção de práticas mais eficientes e eficazes. Assim, com a realização desta investigação, espera-se dar um contributo para que as
unidades hoteleiras possam introduzir novas práticas de sustentabilidade, seja por
adotarem uma gestão mais eficiente ou introduzirem inovações nas suas operações.
Sustainability in tourism is a path of no return and assumed with increasing awareness by agents in the sector, on a global scale. There is a growing concern with the state of the planet, which provides a greater reflection on human actions in everyday life, which, in this sense, must minimize negative impacts through more sustainable practices. This work intends to analyze sustainability in 5-star hotels in the Algarve region, determining how hotels communicate their sustainable behavior on their websites, which are the most adopted sustainable practices, what are the main motivators and the main obstacles. Through the literature review it was possible to obtain the theoretical basis for the work, serving as a means of the concepts approached throughout this dissertation and giving meaning to the issues addressed. In order to answer the research questions, this study used qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the qualitative part, observations were made on the hotels' own websites and hotel reservation sites. In the quantitative, we used the questionnaire survey and the sustainable practices disclosed by the hotels on the website. The final results show that the investigated hotel units have sought to integrate sustainable practices as a business strategy. Regarding sustainable online communication, it is possible to perceive that there is little disclosure on their own websites. But in the search engine, which is a competitive environment, this percentage rises considerably. Regarding sustainable practices, the main areas of intervention are energy management, water and waste management, and social responsibility. The most popular practices implemented are also the least expensive. Main motivators for implementing sustainable practices is environmental responsibility, followed by strategic vision and efficiency gains. This highlights the double advantage, as it allows saving resources at the same time as increasing profitability (by reducing expenses). Although the main obstacle pointed out continues to be high cost of investment, the lack of qualified personnel and technical obstacles also constitute constraints to the adoption of more efficient and effective practices. Thus, with the accomplishment of this research, it is expected to make a contribution so that hotel units can introduce new sustainability practices, either by adopting more efficient management or introducing innovations in their operations.
Sustainability in tourism is a path of no return and assumed with increasing awareness by agents in the sector, on a global scale. There is a growing concern with the state of the planet, which provides a greater reflection on human actions in everyday life, which, in this sense, must minimize negative impacts through more sustainable practices. This work intends to analyze sustainability in 5-star hotels in the Algarve region, determining how hotels communicate their sustainable behavior on their websites, which are the most adopted sustainable practices, what are the main motivators and the main obstacles. Through the literature review it was possible to obtain the theoretical basis for the work, serving as a means of the concepts approached throughout this dissertation and giving meaning to the issues addressed. In order to answer the research questions, this study used qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the qualitative part, observations were made on the hotels' own websites and hotel reservation sites. In the quantitative, we used the questionnaire survey and the sustainable practices disclosed by the hotels on the website. The final results show that the investigated hotel units have sought to integrate sustainable practices as a business strategy. Regarding sustainable online communication, it is possible to perceive that there is little disclosure on their own websites. But in the search engine, which is a competitive environment, this percentage rises considerably. Regarding sustainable practices, the main areas of intervention are energy management, water and waste management, and social responsibility. The most popular practices implemented are also the least expensive. Main motivators for implementing sustainable practices is environmental responsibility, followed by strategic vision and efficiency gains. This highlights the double advantage, as it allows saving resources at the same time as increasing profitability (by reducing expenses). Although the main obstacle pointed out continues to be high cost of investment, the lack of qualified personnel and technical obstacles also constitute constraints to the adoption of more efficient and effective practices. Thus, with the accomplishment of this research, it is expected to make a contribution so that hotel units can introduce new sustainability practices, either by adopting more efficient management or introducing innovations in their operations.
Sustentabilidade Práticas sustentáveis Hospitalidade Gestão hoteleira Algarve