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  • Designing technology-mediated tasks for language teaching: A methodological framework
    Publication . Lopes, António; Ruiz-Cecilia, Raul
    PETALL (Pan-European Task-based Activities for Language Learning) is a European-funded project aiming at the promotion of foreign languages learning through ICT-based tasks. For that purpose, the project consortium has offered teacher training courses and has produced samples of best practices in which technologies play a major role. These tasks have been trialled and evaluated in the neighbouring countries in a network of collaborative partnerships in teaching and research, which allowed the designers of the tasks to receive constructive feedback from peers and end-users (teachers and learners). This article first provides an overview of the project (namely its rationale, literature review, implementation and evaluation processes, and the dissemination and exploitation strategies), before explaining in greater detail the procedures employed by the consortium in the setting-up of a methodological framework to be used in the designing and trialling of ICT-based tasks. The different stages of the designing process are described, as well as the criteria for the validation of the proposed samples. The template used by the designers is explained and an analysis of the set of tasks is also provided. In the end, some closing remarks based on the outcomes of the project are given.