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- On the external forcing of global eruptive activity in the past 300 yearsPublication . Le Mouël, J-L.; Gibert, D.; Courtillot, V.; Dumont, S.; de Bremond Ars, J.; Petrosino, S.; Zuddas F. Lopes, P.; Boulé, J-B.; Neves, MC; Custódio, S.; Silveira, G.; Kossobokov, V.; Coen, L.; Geze, M.The decryption of the temporal sequence of volcanic eruptions is a key step in better anticipating future events. Volcanic activity is the result of a complex interaction between internal and external processes, with time scales spanning multiple orders of magnitude. We review periodicities that have been detected or correlated with volcanic eruptions/phenomena and interpreted as resulting from external forces. Taking a global perspective and longer time scales than a few years, we approach this interaction by analyzing three time series using singular spectral analysis: the global number of volcanic eruptions (NVE) between 1700 and 2022, the number of sunspots (ISSN), a proxy for solar activity, the polar motion (PM) and length of day (lod), two proxies for gravitational force. Several pseudo-periodicities are common to NVE and ISSN, in addition to the 11-year Schwabe cycle that has been reported in previous work, but NVE shares even more periodicities with PM. These quasi-periodic components range from ~5 to ~130 years. We interpret our analytical results in light of the Laplace's paradigm and propose that, similarly to the movement of Earth's rotation axis, global eruptive activity is modulated by commensurable orbital moments of the Jovian planets, whose influence is also detected in solar activity.
- Evidence of earthquake seasonality in the Azores Triple JunctionPublication . Lordi, Ana L.; Neves, MC; Custódio, Susana; Dumont, StéphanieThis work presents evidence of seasonal and inter-annual variations of the earthquake occurrence rate in the Azores Triple Junction, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Annual cycles in microearthquakes are relatively common in intraplate continental regions afected by large hydrological loads, but this is the frst time that earthquake seasonality is recognized near mid-ocean ridges. First, we benchmark the methodology by matching the published results of earthquake seasonality in the intraplate New Madrid Seismic Zone (USA). Next, we analyze the Azores earthquake catalogue, from 2008 to 2018, separately for oceanic and island regions. The results demonstrate that the seasonal modulation of the seismicity rate is only observed in the ocean, especially in the vicinity of the triple junction, with more earthquakes occurring during the summer months from May to August. Monte Carlo simulations show that the probability of observing such seasonality by chance is less than 1% for the magnitude band from 3.3 to 4.5, well above the detection threshold and magnitude of completeness of the seismic catalogue. The methodology includes a Jack-Knife approach, which shows that the oceanic seasonality is not the consequence of abnormal or extreme events. Although we speculate about possible earthquake triggering processes, it remains a challenge to defnitely establish the mechanism responsible for the observed earthquake seasonal modulation in the Azores.
- Easter microplate dynamicsPublication . Neves, MC; Searle, RC; Bott, MHP[1] We use two-dimensional elastic finite element analysis, supplemented by strength estimates, to investigate the driving mechanism of the Easter microplate. Modeled stresses are compared with the stress indicators compiled from earthquake focal mechanisms and structural observations. The objective is to constrain the tectonic forces that govern the Easter microplate rotation and to test the microplate driving hypothesis proposed by Schouten et al. [1993]. We infer that the mantle basal drag cannot drive the microplate rotation but opposes it, and that the asthenospheric viscosity is no more than about 1 x 10(18) Pa s. At most, the basal drag comprises 20% of the force resisting microplate rotation. The outward pull of the main plates can drive the rotation by shear drag applied along the northern and southern boundaries of the microplate. However, we propose an additional driving force which arises from the strong variation of the ridge resistance force along the east and west rifts, so that the main driving torques come from the pull of the major plates acting across the narrowing and slowing rifts. This requires the strength to increase substantially toward the rift tips due to thickening of the brittle lithosphere as the spreading rate slows.