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- A poda de manutenção em citrinosPublication . Matias, Pedro; Mendonça, Angélica; Oliveira, Silvino; Reis, Valter; Duarte, AmilcarA poda em citricultura é muitas vezes tema de discórdia: enquanto uns a consideram uma prática essencial ou mesmo indispensável, outros acham que é uma prática desnecessária, cujos benefícios não compensam os custos. Na realidade, se realizada da forma e na época adequada, a poda pode funcionar como estratégia para melhorar a produtividade e qualidade da produção, além de atenuar vários problemas da cultura dos citrinos.
- Recuperação de pomares de citrinos antigos através da podaPublication . Matias, Pedro; Mendonça, Angélica; Oliveira, Silvino; Duarte, AmilcarUma parte significativa da citricultura no Algarve é constituída por árvores antigas e de grande porte. Algumas destas árvores não são podadas há vários anos e apresentam grande porte e folhagem densa na periferia da copa. Isso dificulta a penetração da radiação solar e do ar no interior da copa, o que leva à morte dos ramos aí situados e ao desenvolvimento de uma “bola oca”.
- Effects of a severe recovery pruning in the productivity and fruit quality of two late orange cultivarsPublication . Matias, Pedro; Duarte, Beatriz; Mendonça, Angélica; Oliveira, Silvino; Barrote, Isabel; Guerrero, Carlos; Duarte, AmilcarCurrently, citrus production plays a major role in worldwide agriculture, especially in the Mediterranean. However, the typical irregular branch development and the formation of large canopies and dense exterior foliage can be significant limitations to light entry and air circulation through the canopy. Consequently, dead branches appear in the inner canopy, which becomes unproductive; flowering and vegetative growth occur only on the outer canopy, and the fruits formed usually are of lower quality. Furthermore, dead branches can be an inoculum for some pathogenic microorganisms, chemical treatments become less efficient since reaching the inner canopy branches becomes more difficult, and fruit harvest becomes harder and more expensive. Pruning is a cultural practice that allows canopy management and the control of the problems mentioned above. However, many citrus growers avoid or postpone pruning, or prune insufficiently due to pruning’s high costs and, sometimes, direct production losses. To assess the effects of pruning, two experiments were performed on large canopy trees: one in ‘Valencia Late’ and the other in ‘Dom João’. In both experiments, some trees were left unpruned (control) and others were severely pruned in November 2019 (recovery pruning). The pruning was made by removing at least 30% of the canopy, with the complete removal of a few large branches. Pruning allowed a significant increase in light availability inside the canopy. In the 2020 harvest, there were no differences in fruit size between treatments. The production decreased in the pruned trees in the ‘Dom João’ experiment, as expected, and was similar in the ‘Valencia Late’ experiment. In the 2021 harvest, in both experiments, the pruned trees had a smaller canopy, and the production was similar in both treatments. However, the fruits from pruned trees were bigger in the ‘Dom João’ experiment and several quality parameters were better in the ‘Valencia Late’ experiment.