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- Nutrients and chlorophyll-a exchanges through an inlet of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, SW Iberia during the productive season - Unravelling the role of the driving forcesPublication . Cravo, Alexandra; Cardeira, Sara; Pereira, Catarina; Rosa, Monica; Alcantara, Pedro; Madureira, Miguel; Rita, Filomena; Correia, Cátia; Rosa, Alexandra; Jacob, J.Despite the advances and increase of observations of physical and chemical processes to better understand thefunctioning of coastal environments, a large gap still exists in quantifying exchanges and interactions betweenadjacent coastal systems. It is important to bear in mind that the dynamics and mass exchanges depend on thevariability of the driving mechanisms and respond to several time scales (tidal, seasonal and inter-annual). Thegeneral objective of this work was to unravel the role of the driving forces on the nutrients and chlorophyll-aexchanges at the Ancão inlet of Ria Formosa lagoon during the most productive season - spring. This is thesmallest inlet of the western system, the closest to continental interface and the one where migratory patterns areevident. So, the changes along time could be more evident there than at the other two inlets of the westernsector. Ancão inlet will serve as a reference to compare the mass budgets exchanged with the ocean with theother two inlets. Specifically, this work intends to: i) better understand the behaviour of this inlet; ii) its role inthe mass exchanges; and iii) its interplay with phytoplankton productivity during the peak season. In thiscontext, the transport of water, nutrients and chlorophyll-a(proxy of phytoplankton density) were estimatedacross the Ancão inlet section during the spring season. Surveys were conducted under extreme fortnightly tidalconditions during 2007, 2009 and 2012, covering different hydrodynamic, meteorological and environmentalconditions. To estimate the mass transport,field velocities, nutrients and chlorophyll-aconcentrations weremeasured concurrently along its cross section. Results show that although the hydrodynamic and morphologicchanges recorded at this inlet provoked a loss of hydraulic efficiency apparently these did not markedly affectthe mass exchanges during the spring productive season. Globally, the contribution and intensity of the me-teorological/physical, chemical and biological drivers superimposed those affected by tides, reflected in thedifferences between thefive surveys conducted. Upwelling was frequent during the spring season and played akey role on the exchanges and mass transport through the Ancão inlet. Data also show that nutrients behaveddissimilarly; silicate was consistently exported, nitrate mostly imported, dependent on the intensity of upwellingand biological consumption, while phosphate generally followed the direction of residual circulation.Chlorophyll-ashowed a general import except in both 2012 campaigns, when it was exported in small amounts(< 1 kg). Data support that during spring season, particularly in periods when upwelling is relevant, theavailability of nutrients on the coast will promote afterwards the growth of phytoplankton that enters andfertilizes the Ria Formosa, increasing its productivity. The estimated amounts are relative to the smallest inlet ofthe western sector of Ria Formosa. In consequence, it may be anticipated that through the other main inlets fromthis sector the exchanges are intensified and may enhance their contribution to the Ria Formosa fertilization.
- Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of CadizPublication . Sierra, A.; Ortega, T.; Forja, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Cravo, Alexandra; Correia, CátiaA first characterization of greenhouse gases had been carried out to study their role and impact in a productive transitional coastal system of the southern Portugal – Ria Formosa lagoon. To this purpose, the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and the concentration of dissolved CH4 and N2O have been measured. Two surveys were carried out during 2020, at low tide under typical conditions of Spring (March) and end of Summer (October). The samplings sites were distributed along the costal lagoon covering: i) inner areas with strong human impact (influence of different flows of treated wastewater discharges); and ii) main channels in connection with the main inlets to study the exchanges with the ocean. In general, the highest values of the three greenhouse gases were found at the inner studied areas, especially affected by the disposal of treated effluents from wastewater treatment plans, in October. The mean water - atmosphere fluxes of the CO2, CH4 and N2O are positive, showing that the study
- Water quality of a southwest Iberian coastal lagoon: Spatial and temporal variabilityPublication . Rosa, Alexandra; Cravo, Alexandra; Correia, Cátia; Jacob, JoséThe present work aims to characterize Ria Formosa water quality considering its spatial, and temporal variability at two scales: short-term (among seasons) and long-term to evaluate its evolution over the past 40 years, by comparing six historical datasets with data obtained in this study. To attain these goals, four field surveys under different seasons and/or weather conditions were conducted between 2017 and 2019 at seven sites along the Ria Formosa, covering the water bodies specified for this system. In situ measurements (temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen) and water sampling for determination of nutrients, chlorophyll a and suspended solids were taken every 2 h at each site, during complete semidiurnal tidal cycles. Moreover, these data were complemented with in situ data acquired at a high frequency (every 15 min) by a real time observational station deployed at an inner area, close to a main channel, where the anthmpogenic pressure is more intense. Data analysis clearly depict a spatial variability pattern along the Ria Formosa, as well as a temporal heterogeneity, influenced by the contribution of precipitation, sediments, wind and water exchanges with the adjacent ocean. Between sampling sites, the lowest variability of water quality parameters occurred at the boundary coastal station, at the main inlet, in permanent connection with the ocean, while the maximum variability was found at both the lagoon edges, mainly due to the shallowness of the water column. Temporally, the highest concentrations of nutrients were obtained during the Wet/rainy conditions survey, under the influence of runoff. The lowest concentrations of nutrients were attained during the Summer, except for phosphate, due to consumption by phytoplankton. Although the sampling frequency along time has been limited, Ria Formosa water quality data from the last 40 years shows a decreasing trend in nutrients concentration and a marginal increase of dissolved oxygen, suggesting a water quality improvement over time, in contrast with other coastal lagoons that are showing a water quality deterioration due to an increasing anthropogenic pressure. Altogether, these are relevant aspects to consider regarding Ria Formosa present and future management, including climate change and anthropogenic pressures susceptibility assessment and to use them within an international context by comparison with other similar systems.