Maria Neto Paixão Vazquez Fernandez Martins, Helena
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- Análise dos Incêndios Florestais num período de 30 anos (1990-2017). Caso de estudo Concelho de Mação (Portugal)Publication . Fernandez, Helena Maria; Granja-Martins, Fernando M.; Fernandes, PatríciaAs mudanças climáticas globais são uma temática de grande destaque na nossa sociedade, surgindo, inevitavelmente, associado a esta preocupação, o aumento dos gases de efeito de estufa (GEE) presentes na atmosfera. Segundo Chuvieco et al. (2007) os incêndios florestais são responsáveis por quase 40% das emissões totais de CO2, aumentando significativamente na contribuição dos GEE na atmosfera. Uma forma de compreender os fluxos associados ao carbono é o estudo da quantificação da biomassa florestal, que atua como sumidouro. Ao ocorrer um incêndio florestal, esta dinâmica fica profundamente afetada (Celes et al., 2013).
- An assessment of forest fires and CO2 gross primary production from 1991 to 2019 in Mação (Portugal)Publication . Fernandez, Helena Maria; Granja-Martins, Fernando M.; Pedras, Celestina M. G.; Fernandes, Patrícia; Isidoro, JorgeForest-fire rates have increased in Southern European landscapes. These fires damage forest ecosystems and alter their development. During the last few decades, an increase in fast-growing and highly fuel-bearing plant species such as bush, Eucalyptus globulus Labill., and Pinus pinaster Ait. has been observable in the interior of Portugal. This study aims to verify this assumption by the quantification of the biomass carbon sink in the forests of the Mação municipality. Maps of fire severity and forest biomass evolution after a wildfire event were produced for the period of 1991 to 2019. To quantify carbon retention in this region, this evolution was correlated with gross primary production (GPP) on the basis of satellite imagery from Landsat 5, Landsat 8, and MODIS MYD17A2H. Results show that wildfires in Mação increased in area and severity with each passing decade due to the large accumulation of biomass promoted by the abandonment of rural areas. Before the large fires of 2003, 2017, and 2019, carbon rates reached a daily maximum of 5.4, 5.3, and 4.7 gC/m2/day, respectively, showing a trend of forest-biomass accumulation in the Mação municipality.