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  • Marie-Louise Tenèze, Les contes merveilleux français. Recherche de leurs organisations narratives, Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2004, 164 pp. ISBN 2-7068-1789-5
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    O presente estudo resulta duma reflexão cujo ponto de partida foi a Morfologia do Conto de Propp e que faltava fazer em relação ao conto maravilhoso: o sonho de todos os que, no trilho de Propp, procuraram na estrutura do conto maravilhoso uma ferramenta de identificação e análise que viesse complementar a do índice de Aarne e Thompson. Com a obra agora apresentada, que Tenèze propõe como complemento aos dois volumes do catálogo francês dedicados ao conto maravilhoso (ver n. 1), estamos perante uma séria concretização desse sonho.
  • O conselho do Marquês
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    O precedente grupo de artigos dedicados ao mesmo tema –o conselho de decapitar súbditos rebeldes expresso pela acção de cortar as espigas mais altas de uma seara–ocasionou esta nota, em que se propõe um novo subtipo para aquela narrativa, que aparecerá na tradução portuguesa do Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales com o número 924*A, O Conselho dum Tirano. Transcrevem-se também as duas redacções da sua única versão portuguesa, ambas presumivelmente de Cardoso Martha, a primeira de 1912 e a segunda de 1931, procurando ver nelas sinais do tempo que as separa.
  • Dawood Auleear, Lee Haring, Indian folktales from Mauritius, Chenai (India), National Folklore Support Centre, 2006, 116 pp.
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    An interesting collection of folktales, with detailed background information and dealt with very special care. We learn that the tales have been told by informants who were descendants of north-Indians from the state of Bihar, recruited in the 19th cent to the Mauritius for cheap labor. They still keep their original language, the Bhojpuri, and are now a community of 250.000 people, one-fifth of the Mauritius population. Dawood Auleear collected and translated the tales, which he also transliterated following a method learned in the 1980s from Karen Gallob, an American anthropologist whom he assisted in collecting jokes from the same community. Lee Haring was responsible for the edition of the book, its introduction and notes, and this was published in India by the National Folklore Support Centre.
  • Julio Camarena e Maxime Chevalier, Catálogo tipológico del cuento folklórico español: cuentos religiosos e cuentos novela, Madrid, Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, 2003, 2 vols., 371 pp.
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    Estamos de parabéns: foram enfim publicados mais dois volumes do notável catálogo do conto tradicional espanhol de Julio Camarena e Maxime Chevalier — já não pela Gredos como os volumes cartonados que os precederam ( Cuentos maravillosos e Cuentos de animales ), mas, agora brochados, pelo p restigioso Centro de Estudios Cervantinos. Em boa hora!
  • Povo, povo eu te pertenço
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    Filipa Faísca de Sousa, guardiã da tradição oral de Querença, poeta popular, artesã, transmissora de romances, orações, contos, cantigas, de saberes e de sabores, merece um livro que guarde e transmita tudo o que ela guardou e transmitiu. E ele aí está. Editado pela Câmara de Loulé, o livro foi organizado pela incansável colectora de literatura oral Idália Farinho Custódio. Permitimo-nos transcrever as palavras introdutórias ao livro da autoria da grande estudiosa Maria Aliete Galhoz, que também se encarregou da classificação e notas.
  • "God created Slovenia last". Past and contemprary slovenian folktales (Vilenica 99/Literary folklore), selected, edited and introduction
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    We have a confession to make. Author Marija Stanonik sent us this collection of Slovenian folktales just after it was published, in 1999. We would have gladly made a review of it should we have passed the middle of it while turning its pages, as if the first half was in Slovenian, the second half was in the purest English. All these years had to pass before we were told by the author that turning a few more pages would bring good results. And she was right! From p. 107 to the end the book is not only in English but it gives us the first English translation of Slovenian folktales, a treasure because it is the first time ever that we have access to them in the English reading world, but also because they are a joy to read.
  • Mahendra K. Mishra, Visioning folklore, Bhubaneswar, Lark Books, 2002, 206 pp.ISBN 81-7375-089-0
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    Mahendra Kumar Mishra is a well-known Indian folklorist who specialized on the language and culture of Western Orissa. The present book entails a description and interpretation of a number of rituals, epics, songs and traditions from the districts of Kalahandi near Western Orissa, in Central India, in their specificity as well as in the light of mainstream traditions (as in chapters 1, 2 , 5 and 6). It would seem that “many races of this land [Western Orissa], in order to keep their cultural identity alive, have associated themselves with the great epics of solar and lunar mythology i.e. the Ramayana and the Mahabharata [...] each and every race of this country has tried to identify with Indian mythology and dynasties” (p. 102).
  • Type and genre: a manual for compilation of indices & a bibliography of indices and indexing
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    This manual is divided in 6 parts (numbered from A to F): Concepts (A), dealing at length with the notions of Motif, Type and Genre; Praxis (B), the core of this manual, a guide for the making of an index, expounded in eight parts, each of them meticulously organised into clear subheadings; Auxiliary Registers (C), a guide on how to improve the utility of an index with clear and user-friendly cross-referenced information; Sample Analyses (D) using four versions of one particular tale tale for a close analysis of the plot, from which a classification of motifs, types and genre arises; an Appendix (E), defining and giving a list of Euro-Asian-African genres, referred to above. Finally a Bibliography (F), opening with a numbered list of indices (339 items) organised by languages; a numbered bibliography on classification problems (284 items in all), organised by subjects/ themes (such as “B. Reports on the Enzyklopädie des Märchens”; “C. General problems”; “D. Discussions of the composition of repertoires”; until “P. Preliterate cultures”) and nearly 30 pages of auxiliary registers for these last two sub-headings, such as the “Level of indices” (A), which lists “those arranged according to Thompson’s Motif Index” and eight other schemes; down to a list of all the “Indices in FF Communications” (K).
  • Os ogros na tradição oral angolana
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    Os Ogros apresenta-se como uma extensa e elucidativa apresentação (116 pp.) de uma rica antologia de 108 narrativas angolanas sobre ogros compiladas de livros e revistas impressos em (ou mais tarde traduzidas para) português e ordenadas por um critério de agrupamento etno-linguístico, seleccionado de um autor, de entre vários, todos eles referidos.
  • Francisco Vaz da Silva, Metamorphosis: The dynamics of symbolism in European fairy tales, "International Folkloristics" 1, prefaced by Alan Dundes, New York, Peter Lang, 2002
    Publication . Cardigos, Isabel
    In his book, F. Vaz da Silva chooses fairytales as his “pointers to universals in human thinking [...] heuristical[ly] define[d] as relevant dimensions of European mythism” which will “prove fruitful in crosscultural analysis involving non-European representations” (9). If fairytales will be his tools, metamorphosis — “where fundamental symbols thrive” (loc.cit.) — will be the touchstone of his enquiry.