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- Energy production of solar DSF for ceiling-mounted localized air distribution systems in a virtual classroomPublication . Conceição, Eusébio; Gomes, João; Lúcio, Maria Manuela; Awbi, HazimThis paper presents an application of energy production in a solar Double Skin Facade (DSF) used in a Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system for a ceiling-mounted localized air distribution systems in a virtual classroom. In this numerical work, a virtual classroom, an inlet ceiling-mounted localized air distribution system, an exhaust ventilation system, and a DSF system are considered. The numerical simulations consider an integral building thermal response (BTR) and a coupling of an integral human thermal-physiology response (HTR) and differential computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The BTR numerical model calculates, among other parameters, the DSF indoor air temperature and energy production. The HTR numerical model calculates, among other parameters, the human thermal comfort. The CFD numerical model, among other parameters, calculates the indoor air quality. In this study which is performed for winter conditions, the energy produced in the DSF is used for driving the HVAC system. Six different airflow rates are used. The air temperature and energy production in the DSF are also evaluated. The influence of the airflow rate on the HVAC system performance is evaluated by the Air Distribution Index for mid-morning and mid-afternoon conditions. The results show that energy production reduces when the airflow increases and the operating point can be selected using the acceptable levels of thermal comfort and air quality levels or using the maximum Air Distribution Index value. In this study, the application of the thermal comfort and air quality levels criteria demonstrates that the HVAC system uses an optimum airflow rate.
- Production of thermal energy in university building greenhouses in cold climate conditionsPublication . Conceição, Eusébio; Gomes, João; Lúcio, Maria Manuela Jacinto Do Rosário; Awbi, HazimThe present work focuses on the production of thermal energy in University building greenhouses in cold climate conditions. The building model uses a system of energy and mass balance integral equations, which are solved by the Runge–Kutta–Felberg method with error control. This numerical study is about the thermal behaviour of a university building with complex topology, in winter and transient conditions. The thermal comfort of the occupants, using the Predicted Mean Vote index, and the indoor air quality, using the carbon dioxide concentration, are evaluated. This building has 319 compartments distributed by four floors and it is equipped with one internal greenhouse in the third floor. This greenhouse is located on the south facing facade and the heated air in this space will be transported to compartments located on the north facing façade. The spaces subject to the influence of the heated air coming from the greenhouse improve the level of thermal comfort of its occupants. The level of indoor air quality in occupied spaces is acceptable according to international standards.
- Comparative study of a clean technology based on DSF use in occupied buildings for improving comfort in winterPublication . EZE, Conceicão; Gomes, João; Lúcio, Maria Manuela Jacinto Do Rosário; Conceição, Maria Inês; Awbi, HazimThis paper presents a comparative study of a clean technology based on a DSF (double skin facade) used in winter conditions in the occupied buildings comfort improvement, namely the thermal comfort and air quality. The performance of a solar DSF system, the building’s thermal response, the internal thermal comfort and the internal air quality are evaluated. In this study, a DSF system, an air transport system and a HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) system based on mixing ventilation are used. The study considers a virtual chamber occupied by eight persons and equipped, in the outside environment, by three DSFs. A new horary pre-programming control methodology is developed and applied when the airflow rate is constant and the number of DSFs to operate is variable, when the airflow rate is variable and the number of DSFs to operate is constant and when the airflow rate is variable and the number of DSFs to operate is variable. This work uses a numerical model that simulates the integral building thermal behavior and an integral human thermal response. The internal air, provided by a mixing ventilating system, is warmed using the DSF system. The air temperature inside the DSF system and the virtual chamber, the thermal comfort level using the PMV index, the internal air quality using the carbon dioxide concentration and the uncomfortable hours are calculated for winter conditions. The results obtained show that the energy produced in the DSF, using solar radiation, guarantees acceptable thermal comfort conditions in the morning and in the afternoon. The indoor air quality obtained at the breathing level is acceptable. It is found that the airflow rate to be used is more decisive than the DSF operating methodology. However, when a solution is chosen that combines a ventilation rate with the number of DSF to operate, both variables throughout the day can obtain simultaneously better results for indoor air quality and thermal comfort according to the standards.
- Energy production in solar collectors in a university building used to improve the internal thermal conditions in winter conditionsPublication . Conceição, Eusébio; Gomes, João; Lúcio, Maria Manuela Jacinto Do Rosário; Awbi, HazimIn this numerical study the energy production in solar collectors in a University building used to improve the internal thermal conditions is made. Passive and active solutions, using external solar collector and internal thermo-convectors, are used. The numerical simulation, in transient conditions, is done for a winter typical day with clean sky. This numerical study was carried out using a software that simulates the Building Dynamic Response with complex topology in transient conditions. The software evaluates the human thermal comfort and indoor air quality levels that the occupants are subjected, Heated Ventilation and Air Conditioned energy consumption, indoor thermal variables and other parameters. The university building has 107 compartments and is located in a Mediterranean-type environment. External solar water collectors, placed above the building’s roof, and internal thermo-convectors of water/air type, using mixing ventilation, are used as passive and active strategies, respectively. The thermal comfort level, using the Predicted Mean Vote index, and the indoor air quality, using the carbon dioxide concentration, are evaluated. The results show that in winter conditions the solar collectors improve the thermal comfort conditions of the occupants. The indoor air quality, in all ventilated spaces, is also guaranteed.
- Spiral beacon calibration and experiments for underwater localizationPublication . Viegas, Rúben; Zabel, Friedrich; Gomes, João; Silva, AntónioUnderwater localization and navigation are still challenging tasks due to the underwater acoustic channel characteristics. Spiral sources are underwater transducers that create structured acoustic fields from which the angle to the source can be readily obtained. The angle estimation is obtained from the phase difference between transmitted circular and spiral fields, but for reliable operation the transducers must be properly calibrated. This paper presents a spiral source calibration procedure with the integration of a stepper motor to measure phase and amplitude features of the transmitted circular and spiral fields, at multiple bearing angles. The calibration was performed for two developed prototypes, which in turn determined the most appropriate operating frequency range. For one of the prototypes, its linearity was confirmed at all the tested frequency ranges through homogeneity and additivity tests. In addition to calibration, acoustic localization experiments were carried out with the transmission of circular and spiral fields, with a comparative analysis against footage captured from the top of the test pool. The phase difference of the mobile hydrophone was subtracted to the phase difference of the reference hydrophone to compute the angle between the spiral beacon and the mobile hydrophone. The localization results revealed noteworthy angular errors, hypothesized to be associated with the Doppler effect induced by the movement of the mobile hydrophone. These calibration and localization experiments suggest that spiral sources could be an important enabling technology for safe and reliable localization of underwater vehicles.
- Modelling of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in passive buildings subjected to external warm climate conditionsPublication . Conceição, Eusébio; Gomes, João; Conceição, Maria Inês; Conceição, Margarida; Lúcio, Maria Manuela Jacinto do Rosário; Awbi, HazimAir renewal rate is an important parameter for both indoor air quality and thermal comfort. However, to improve indoor thermal comfort, the air renewal rate to be used, in general, will depend on the outdoor air temperature values. This article presents the modelling of indoor air quality and thermal comfort for occupants of a passive building subject to a climate with warm conditions. The ventilation and shading strategies implemented for the interior spaces are then considered, as well as the use of an underground space for storing cooled air. The indoor air quality is evaluated using the carbon dioxide concentration, and thermal comfort is evaluated using the Predicted Mean Vote index. The geometry of the passive building, with complex topology, is generated using a numerical model. The simulation is performed by Building Thermal Response software, considering the building's geometry and materials, ventilation, and occupancy, among others. The building studied is a circular auditorium. The auditorium is divided into four semi-circular auditoriums and a central circular space, with vertical glazed windows and horizontal shading devices on its entire outer surface. Typical summer conditions existing in a Mediterranean-type environment were considered. In this work, two cases were simulated: in Case 1, the occupation is verified in the central space and the four semi-circular auditoriums and all spaces are considered as one; in Case 2, the occupation is verified only in each semi-circular auditorium and each one works independently. For both cases, three strategies were applied: A, without shading and geothermal devices; B, with a geothermal device and without a shading device; and C, with both shading and geothermal devices. The airflow rate contributes to improving indoor air quality throughout the day and thermal comfort for occupants, especially in the morning. The geothermal and shading devices improve the thermal comfort level, mainly in the afternoon.