Research Project
Chemical communication in bivalves: hormonal and pheromonal roles
The impact of climate Change on bivalve farming: combined effect of temperature and salinity on survival and feeding Behavior of clams Ruditapes decussatus
Publication . Rato, Ana; Joaquim, Sandra; Matias, Ana Margarete; Roque, Cláudia; Marques, António; Matias, Domitília
European clam (Ruditapes decussatus) is one of the most relevant emergent bivalve species from the aquaculture sector in Europe with high economic value. Climate changes represent a potential limiting factor to this activity, directly interfering with the survival and behavior of bivalves. Severe fluctuations in temperature along with periods of heavy rainfall or periods of drought that significantly change the salinity can promote physiological stress in bivalves, resulting in changes in physiological and behavioral responses and, in extreme cases, leading to high mortalities. This study aimed to evaluate the combined effect of temperature and salinity on mortality and feeding behavior of R. decussatus. Juveniles and adults were exposed to combined ranges of temperature (5 degrees C-35 degrees C) and salinity (0-40). Mortality and feeding behavior were registered every 24 h of each 120-h trial. A control temperature range was set between 15 degrees C and 23 degrees C, where mortality and feeding behavior were considered as the normal scenario. Our data suggested salinity 15 as a "turning point," a point from which occurred distinct patterns in mortality and feeding behavior. The results evidently indicate that abrupt reductions in salinity and sharp increases in temperature will lead to high mortality of R. decussatus. Juveniles were revealed to be more sensitive to the increase of temperature in a less saline environment, to suffer greater and faster mortalities, and to be more resistant to extremely high temperatures under more saline conditions. The high temperatures and sporadic heavy rainfall that are predicted to occur in the south of Europe due to climate changes will contribute to compromise the recruitment of European clam, thus threatening the production of this species and consequently impacting the economic sector.
What do oysters smell? Electrophysiological evidence that the bivalve osphradium is a chemosensory organ in the oyster, Magallana gigas
Publication . Rato, Ana; Joaquim, Sandra; Matias, Domitília; Hubbard, Peter
The sensing of chemical cues is essential for several aspects of bivalve biology, such as the detection of food and pheromones. However, little is known about chemical communication systems in bivalves or the possible role of the osphradium as a chemosensory organ. To address this, we adapted an electrophysiological technique extensively used in vertebrates & mdash;the electro-olfactogram & mdash;to record from the osphradium in the Pacific oyster, Magallana gigas. This technique was validated using amino acids as stimulants. The osphradium proved to be sensitive to most proteinogenic l-amino acids tested, evoking tonic, negative, concentration-dependent 'electro-osphradiogram' (EOsG) voltage responses, with thresholds of detection in the range of 10(-)(6) to 10(-)( 5) M. Conversely, it was insensitive to l-arginine and l-glutamic acid. The current study supports the hypothesis that the osphradium is, indeed, a chemosensory organ. The 'electro-osphradiogram' may prove to be a powerful tool in the isolation and characterization of pheromones and other important chemical cues in bivalve biology.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number