Research Project
Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research
Health status in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles fed diets devoid of fishmeal and supplemented with Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Publication . Reis, B.; Ramos-Pinto, L.; Martos-Sitcha, J. A.; Machado, M.; Azeredo, R.; Fernandez-Boo, S.; Engrola, S.; Unamunzaga, C.; Calduch-Giner, J.; Conceicao, L. E. C.; Silva, T.; Dias, J.; Costas, B.; Perez-Sanchez, J.
To enhance fish general health, feeds can be supplemented with health-promoting additives, reducing the need to use chemotherapeutics. Incorporation of marine algae biomasses in aquafeeds has been shown to improve fish immune status by enhancing innate immune response. This study evaluated the effects of Phaeodactylum tricornutum incorporation in feed by two different processes, either as freeze-dried biomass or broken cell wall biomass, on fish health status and performance. Triplicate groups of gilthead seabream juveniles (13.3 +/- 0.3 g) were either fed a control diet (CTRL) with an extreme (i.e., 0% fishmeal), nutritionally balanced, formulation, or two experimental diets formulated as the CTRL with 1% inclusion of the microalga P. tricornutum at the expense of wheat meal: BC diet contains P. tricornutum broken cells and WC diet microalgae whole cells. After 2 and 12 weeks of feeding, blood was collected for hematological procedures, whereas plasma and mucus were sampled for immune parameters. Head-kidney, liver, and white skeletal muscle were also collected for gene expression measurements. No major differences were observed in hematological nor plasma humoral parameters after 12 weeks irrespective of dietary treatment. Arrays of 29-31 genes were analyzed in the different tissues, revealing an early dietary effect (2 weeks) in a tissue-specific pattern. In the liver, the major effect was found in the GH/IGF axis and in muscle there was a late downregulation of myostatin (mstn) gene, mainly due to WC diet, even though all fish had similar growth performance. Regarding the head-kidney, BC diet led to alpha-2-macroglobulin (a2m) gene upregulation. Also, the same treatment showed increased mucus alternative complement pathway and bactericidal activity at 2 and 12 weeks, respectively. Hence, it seems that BC diet has a potential stimulatory effect that might be relevant as a prophylactic measure before a predictable stressful event.
Setting performance indicators for coastal marine protected areas: an expert-based methodology
Publication . Cardoso-Andrade, Mariana; Queiroga, Henrique; Rangel, Mafalda; Sousa, Inês; Belackova, Adela; Bentes, Luis; Oliveira, Frederico; Monteiro, Pedro; Sales Henriques, Nuno; Afonso, Carlos; Silva, Ana F.; Quintella, Bernardo R.; Costa, José L.; Pais, Miguel P.; Henriques, Sofia; Batista, Marisa I.; Franco, Gustavo; Gonçalves, Emanuel J.; Henriques, Miguel; Leonardo, Teresa; Coelho, Paula; Comas-González, Robert; Fernández, Laura P.; Quiles-Pons, Carla; Costa, André; Espírito-Santo, Cristina; Castro, João J.; Arenas, Francisco; Ramos, Sandra; Ferreira, Vasco; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos; Horta E Costa, Barbara
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) require effective indicators to assess their performance, in compliance with the goals of relevant national and international commitments. Achieving and prioritizing shortlists of multidisciplinary indicators demands a significant effort from specialists to depict the multiple conservation and socioeconomic interests, and the large complexity of natural systems. The present paper describes a structured expert-based methodology (process and outputs) to co-define a list of multidisciplinary MPA performance indicators. This work was promoted by the management authority of coastal MPAs in mainland Portugal to gather a consensual and feasible list of indicators that would guide the design of a future national monitoring program. Hence, Portuguese coastal MPAs served as a case study to develop such a process between 2019 and 2020. In the end, participants (1) agreed on a shortlist of prioritized indicators (i.e., environmental, governance, and socioeconomic indicators) and (2) defined minimum monitoring frequencies for the indicators in this list, compatible with the potential replicability of the associated survey methods. The present approach recommends that management plans incorporate monitoring procedures and survey methods, with a validated list of indicators and associated monitoring periodicity, agreed among researchers, MPA managers and governance experts. The proposed methodology, and the lessons learned from it, can support future processes aiming to define and prioritize MPA performance indicators.
Dataset of the complete mitogenome of the deep-sea sailfin roughshark, Oxynotus paradoxus Frade, 1929
Publication . Matos, Ana; Gomes-dos-Santos, André; Graça Aranha, Sofia; Dias, Ester; Veríssimo, Ana; Teodosio, Maria; Figueiredo, Ivone; Castro, L. Filipe C.; Froufe, Elsa
Chondrichthyans comprise a diverse group of vertebrate species with extraordinary ecological relevance. Yet, multiple members of this evolutionary lineage are associated with sig-nificant extinction risk. The sailfin roughshark Oxynotus para-doxus is a deep-water benthic shark currently listed as vul-nerable due to population declines in parts of its range. Here we provide the first complete mitochondrial genome of O. paradoxus, comprising also the first record for the genus and family Oxynotidae. These data can facilitate future monitor-ing of the genetic diversity in this and related species. Ge-nomic DNA was extracted from O. paradoxus collected in the eastern North Atlantic off western Portugal (37.59 degrees N, 9.51 degrees W) and sent for Illumina Paired-End (2 x 150 bp) library con-struction and whole genome sequencing on a Novaseq60 0 0 platform. Trimmomatic (version 0.38) was used to remove adapters and MitoZ (version 3.4) to assemble and anno-tate the mitogenome. This mitogenome with 17 100 bp has a total of 38 genes, 13 of which are protein-coding genes, 23 transfer RNA genes, and 2 ribosomal RNA genes. Eight transfer RNAs and 1 protein-coding gene (NADH de-hydrogenase subunit 6, NAD6) are in the complementary strand. In the provided phylogenetic inference, with all avail-able and verified Squalomorphii mitogenomes, the four or-ders are well separated, and as expected, O. paradoxus is placed in the Squaliformes order. This data reinforces the need for more genomic resources for the Oxynotidae family.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ )
New physical and biological evidence of lateral transport affecting dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the benthic nepheloid layer along a land-sea transect off Figueira da Foz (Atlantic Iberian margin)
Publication . García-Moreiras, Iria; Hatherly, Melissa; Zonneveld, Karin; Dubert, Jesus; Nolasco, Rita; Santos, Ana Isabel; Oliveira, Anabela; Moita, Teresa; Oliveira, Paulo B.; Magalhães, Jorge M.; Amorim, Ana
ntroduction The production of resting cysts is a key dispersal and survival strategy of many dinoflagellate species. However, little is known about the role of suspended cysts in the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) in the initiation and decline of planktonic populations.Methods In September 2019, sampling of the dinoflagellate cyst community at different water depths in the water column and in the bottom sediments, and studies of spatio-temporal changes in physical properties (temperature, salinity, density and suspended sediment concentration), were carried out along a land-sea transect off Figueira da Foz (NW Portugal) to investigate the dinoflagellate cyst distribution and the factors (physical and biological) affecting it. A clustering analysis was used to compare the BNL and sediment cyst records with the cyst rain recorded by a sediment trap at a fixed station. Furthermore, Lagrangian particle experiments enabled simulating cyst trajectories in the BNL 5 and 10 days before sampling and assessing cross-shore, vertical and alongshore transport within the studied region.Results A well-developed BNL was present during the survey, which covered a change from active (14th of September) to relaxed (19th of September) upwelling conditions. Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts were dominant in all samples, although calcareous dinoflagellate cysts consistently occurred (at low abundances). High proportions of full cysts were observed in the BNL, of which a significant portion was viable as shown by excystment experiments. Moreover, BNL cyst records collected on the 19th of September along the land-sea transect were similar to the sediment trap cyst record but greatly differed from sediment cyst records. The heterotrophic small spiny brown cysts (SBC) and cysts of the autotrophic yessotoxin-producer Protoceratium reticulatum notably increased during the survey, in the BNL and in the water column above.Discussion The comparison of the BNL, surface sediment and sediment trap cyst records supported that the main origin of cysts in the BNL was the recent production in the water column. The spatial coincidences in the distribution of cysts and vegetative cells of Protoceratium reticulatum also supported that full cysts in the water column were being produced in surface waters. New data evidenced the presence of a significant reservoir of viable cysts in the BNL that have the potential to seed new planktonic blooms. Furthermore, back-track particle modelling evidenced that alongshore advection was the main physical mechanism controlling cyst dynamics in the BNL during most part of the survey period, being particularly intense in coastal stations (<100 m depth). Consequently, the sediment cyst signal is a mixture of locally and regionally produced cysts. We provide multi-disciplinary data evidencing that cysts recently formed in the photic zone can be laterally advected within the studied region through the BNL, contributing to a better understanding of the role of the BNL in cyst dynamics and tracing the seed sources of the new blooms.
Trophic ecology of common bottlenose dolphins in a pelagic insular environment inferred by stable isotopes
Publication . Dias, Ester; Dromby, Morgane; Ferreira, Rita; Gil, Ágatha; Tejerina, Raquel; Castro, L. Filipe C.; Rosso, Massimiliano; Sousa-Pinto, Isabel; Hoffman, Joel C.; Teodosio, Maria; Dinis, Ana; Alves, Filipe
The common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is a top marine predator widely dispersed in coastal and pelagic habitats and with a generalist feeding behavior. Yet, information on the trophic ecology of animals inhabiting pelagic environments is still scarce. Using carbon (& delta;C-13: C-13/C-12) and nitrogen (& delta;N-15: N-15/N-14) stable isotope ratios, we identified and quantified the main groups of prey assimilated by bottlenose dolphins inhabiting an oceanic habitat (Madeira Island, East Atlantic). Bottlenose dolphins assimilated pelagic, schooling fish (such as blue jack mackerel, Trachurus picturatus) and mesopelagic and demersal squids, which reinforces the pelagic dietary composition of insular/oceanic dolphins. Also, intra-seasonal differences were found in their stable isotope ratios, which suggest intraspecific variability in the feeding behavior among individuals living in the same area. Sex was not the main factor contributing to these differences, suggesting the lack of trophic niche segregation between adult males and females in this offshore environment. Nonetheless, further studies including different life stages and information on the ecophysiological requirements are necessary to disclose the factors responsible for the observed variability. This study showed that insular dolphins fed primarily on economically important pelagic prey, highlighting the need of developing management strategies that integrate conservation in fisheries plans.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number