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The effect of geotextile reinforcement and prefabricated vertical drains on the stability and settlement of embankments

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12977 - Da Silva et al. 2017_inpress.pdf3.8 MBAdobe PDF Download



The construction of four dikes on deep strata of very soft clay has required the application of several measures to improve the performance of the foundation, such as very wide berms, basal geotextile reinforcement and prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs). In order to control the rate of construction, the foundation and the dikes have been monitored with settlement plates, topographic stakes, inclinometers and piezometers. The use of back-analysis has allowed finding the adequate material model, the smearing of drains and the coefficient of secondary compression necessary to attain a good agreement between the measurements supplied by the instrumentation and the calculated values obtained with an elastic-viscoplastic (EVP) finite element (FE) program. Both the geotextile reinforcement and the PVDs produce an important increase in the safety factor (SF). The PVDs produce a significant acceleration in settlements, but the influence of the geotextile in the settlements is negligible. The combined use of the geosynthetic reinforcement and PVDs enhances embankment performance substantially more than the use of either method of soil improvement alone. The importance of flow in the results has been established.



Viscoplastic consolidation analysis Long term performance Soft clay layers Marine clay Soil disturbance Wide embankment Improvement Model Installation Prediction Geosynthetics Reinforcement PVD Smearing Numerical modeling Creep


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