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Applying ecohydrology to promote a nature-based solution
Publication . Teodosio, Maria; Faria, Silvana; Baptista, Vânia; Wolanski, Eric
This chapter aims to develop an ecohydrological modelling approach to propose an environmental engineering solution based on historical nature-based information to alleviate the severe water degradation problem within Luanda Bay, Angola. This solution would improve local communities' ecosystem health and quality of life. The model suggests a simple and practical solution to solving the pollution problem by opening a cut from the bay's shallows to the sea. This will essentially reproduce an old bay opening to the sea, which was filled early in the last century. The residence time of water in the shallows of Luanda Bay would be reduced to about one week by excavating the channel over the land is straightforward. This should return the system to a more natural state and improve the water quality for recreational activities, increase the quality of marine food resources, reduce toxic algae blooms, and improve the quality of life of people in the area. Nevertheless, preventing pollutants from reaching Luanda Bay is the only long-term solution to restore a healthy environment in Luanda Bay
Construction and validation of the proposal for safety and emergency material and equipment in mountain sports
Publication . Mata, Carlos Daniel Gomes; Pereira, Catarina; Carvalhinho, Luís
Introduction: This study aimed to build and validate a proposal for safety and emergency material and equipment adjusted to the practice of mountain sports in Portugal. The proposal was developed through documentary analysis, literature review, and expert consultation. Methods: The validation of the contents of the proposal was carried out using the Delphi technique, with the participation of 30 experts, male (N = 18) and female (N = 12), aged between 32 and 61 years (M = 42.50; SD = 7.29), with a mean of 16.63 ± 5.60 years of experience, divided into 4 groups: (i) pre-hospital trainers; (ii) pre-hospital nurses; (iii) pre-hospital physicians; (iv) higher education teachers in the field of mountain sports. The 1st version of the proposal was structured in 7 areas and included 29 items (material and/or equipment). The final version of the proposal was structured in 8 areas (general material, measuring equipment, burns, trauma, respiratory, medication, communications, and survival kit) and included 44 items (material and equipment). Results: The proposal showed Content Validity Index (CVI) values of 100%. Concerning the reliability and validity of the proposal, intraclass correlation coefficient values of 0.986 (excellent) were found for technical importance and 0.983 (excellent) for contextual fit. All values show a high level of inter-expert agreement. Conclusion: The validated proposal will be an appropriate tool for mountain sports technicians to use in order to promote safety, reduce accidents and their consequent morbidity, and reduce the activation of rescue teams.
A bioeconomic model for a multispecies small-scale fishery system
Publication . Azevedo, Eric; Pintassilgo, Pedro; Dantas, David; Daura-Jorge, Fábio Gonçalves
A fishery encompasses various interconnected systems, including ecological, socioeconomic, and governing systems. Managing fisheries requires the simultaneous consideration of all these systems, making it a challenging endeavor. To address these challenges, fisheries bioeconomic models have emerged as a crucial tool. They are particularly valuable in the context of small-scale fisheries, which are often complex, overlooked and poorly understood. Thus, this paper presents a dynamic multispecies and multigear bioeconomic model that can illuminate the ecological, economic, and social dimensions of small-scale fisheries under different management scenarios. The model was applied to a small-scale fisheries system in Southern Brazil that has as a notable feature a cooperative fishing behavior between dolphins and fishers. Three scenarios were explored: the base scenario (status quo), the optimal management scenario, and the constrained optimal management scenario. The model outputs demonstrated a clear tradeoff between labour effort, species conservation, and economic rent. Shifting from the base to an optimal management scenario would result in a labour employment reduction within the system but concurrently yield higher stock levels, economic rent, and wages. These results illustrate how our model can explore critical management scenarios across the multiple dimensions of fisheries systems. In essence, this research offers a novel contribution in the form of a bioeconomic model tailored for small-scale fisheries involving multiple species.
Ritratti del III secolo d. C. dalla Beozia1 Testimonianze archeologiche ed epigrafiche
Publication . Aravantinos, Margherita Bonanno
In questo studio sono esaminati i ritratti datati al III secolo d. C. rinvenuti in Beozia. Si tratta di cinque ritratti, attribuibili alla produzione attica. Quattro, tre maschili e uno femminile, sono conservati nei Musei Archeologici di Tebe e di Cheronea. Un ritratto maschile, recentemente individuato nei magazzini del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Atene come proveniente da Tebe, è stato identificato con Pupieno ed è l’unico ritratto dell’imperatore finora rinvenuto in Grecia. L’esame delle epigrafi incise sulle basi prova che le città della Beozia innalzarono molte altre statue ritratto a imperatori, a membri della famiglia imperiale, a magistrati e a personaggi eminenti della società locale, sacerdotesse e filosofi. Sia i ritratti, sia le basi iscritte sono privi del contesto di provenienza, ma offrono informazioni per la storia e la società della Beozia nel III secolo d. C.
Capitalis monumentalis e escultura: da Coluna de Trajano à tipografia do Times New Roman. Exemplos da sua utilização em pedestais de esculturas em Portugal
Publication . Reis, jorge dos; Gonçalves, Luís Jorge
Nos pedestais das esculturas romanas, encontradas em Portugal, predomina letra a capitalis monumentalis. Neste artigo analisa-se esta tipologia de letra, exemplificando com pedestais de esculturas localizados em Portugal, e de como se tornou a base da fonte mais popular no nosso tempo, a Times New Roman.