Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022-07-27"
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- Carrís Hoteles Porto Ribeira: organização das operações num hotel de 4 estrelasPublication . Trindade, João Pedro Gomes Ferreira; Henriques, CláudiaNo âmbito do Mestrado em Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, ramo optativo I “hotelaria e função comercial”, lecionado na Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo da Universidade do Algarve, foi elaborado o presente relatório, referente a um estágio curricular, nos termos do regulamento do ciclo de estudos conducente à obtenção do grau de mestre. O mesmo decorreu entre 27 de maio de 2021 e 8 de fevereiro de 2022 e concentrou-se nos departamentos de Alojamento (Receção, Housekeeping e Reservas), Food & Beverage (Bar, Economato e Restaurante) e Direção / Administrativos, de forma a experenciar as necessidades operacionais e de gestão de uma unidade hoteleira. É apresentada uma revisão de literatura, sobre os departamentos onde decorreu o estágio, com um enfoque sobre a Engenharia de Menus. É apresentada também a caraterização do Carrís Hoteles Porto Ribeira e descritas as funções desempenhadas, bem como os projetos desenvolvidos. Da realização do estágio resultou o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de estudo de análise de menus baseado na Engenharia de menus de Kasavana & Smith, em que visou aferir a rentabilidade e popularidade do menu, relativamente aos consumos efetuados no Bar e room service. Da realização do estágio resultou também, a criação de um programa de marcação de férias por pontos, que visou criar um programa de marcação de férias por pontos, que é assente numa lógica de justiça na marcação de férias do staff. Em suma, o estágio contribuiu para ganhar competências operacionais e de gestão de uma unidade hoteleira, assim como aprofundar conhecimentos, permitindo a operacionalização dos conceitos e aplicação prática de ferramentas de gestão no apoio às decisões no exercício de funções em Direção Hoteleira.
- What lies on macroalgal surface: diversity of polysaccharide degraders in culturable epiphytic bacteriaPublication . Barbato, Marta; Vacchini, Violetta; Engelen, Aschwin; Patania, Giovanni; Mapelli, Francesca; Borin, Sara; Crotti, ElenaMacroalgal surface constitutes a peculiar ecological niche and an advantageous substratum for microorganisms able to degrade the wide diversity of algal glycans. The degrading enzymatic activities of macroalgal epiphytes are of paramount interest for the industrial by-product sector and biomass resource applications. We characterized the polysaccharide hydrolytic profle of bacterial isolates obtained from three macroalgal species: the red macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis and Sphaerococcus coronopifolius (Rhodophyceae) and the brown Halopteris scoparia (Phaeophyceae), sampled in South Portugal. Bacterial enrichment cultures supplemented with chlorinated aliphatic compounds, typically released by marine algae, were established using as inoculum the decaying biomass of the three macroalgae, obtaining a collection of 634 bacterial strains. Although collected from the same site and exposed to the same seawater seeding microbiota, macroalgal cultivable bacterial communities in terms of functional and phylogenetic diversity showed host specifcity. Isolates were tested for the hydrolysis of starch, pectin, alginate and agar, exhibiting a diferent hydrolytic potential according to their host: A. taxiformis showed the highest percentage of active isolates (91%), followed by S. coronopifolius (54%) and H. scoparia (46%). Only 30% of the isolates were able to degrade starch, while the other polymers were degraded by 55–58% of the isolates. Interestingly, several isolates showed promiscuous capacities to hydrolyze more than one polysaccharide. The isolate functional fngerprint was statistically correlated to bacterial phylogeny, host species and enrichment medium. In conclusion, this work depicts macroalgae as holobionts with an associated microbiota of interest for blue biotechnologies, suggesting isolation strategies and bacterial targets for polysaccharidases’ discovery
- Evaluation of health-related quality of life in a physically active senior populationPublication . Fontes, Ana Paula; Joaquim, Natércia; Pereira, TâniaBackground: Physical activity (PA) is a strong determinant of health and one of the most important predictors of healthy aging and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The aim of the study was to understand the HRQoL of a senior population practicing PA and its association with some socio-demographic characteristics, the levels of PA, and functional independence. Methods: This is a correlational study with a sample of 376 individuals of both sexes. The data collection instruments were a socio-demographic and health questionnaire, the international PA questionnaire (IPAQ)-short version, the Katz index, the Lawton and Brody index, and the WHOQOL-OLD and WHOQOL-BREF questionnaires. Results: The sample revealed a good perception of HRQoL, especially in the “psychological” and “social relations” domains. Sex showed a greater association with quality of life (QoL) than age. Multiple linear regression revealed that the variables with the most significant influence on the individuals’ QoL were related to health (“Presence of chronic disease” and “habitual use of medication”). The QoL related to "social relationships" is the domain with more predictors, with a markedly socio-demographic focus. Conclusions: Practicing PA proved to be a HRQoL predictor, where “sensory function” and HRQoL related to “social relations” are included. Despite PA practice and socio-demographic characteristics being able to predict some HRQoL domains, health-related variables showed a more robust presence in this prediction.