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  • Shoreline change rates and land to sea sediment and soil organic carbon transfer in eastern Parry Peninsula from 1965 to 2020 (Amundsen Gulf, Canada)
    Publication . Tanguy, Rodrigue; Whalen, Dustin; Prates, Gonçalo; Vieira, Gonçalo
    As the Arctic is warming, permafrost coasts are eroding faster, threatening coastal communities, habitats, and altering sediment and nutrient budgets. The western Canadian Arctic is eroding at a rapid pace; however, little is known on changes occurring in the Amundsen Gulf area. This study was conducted in the eastern coast of Parry Peninsula, a neglected rock dominated coastal area. We used orthorectified aerial photos of 1965 and 1993 and very high-resolution satellite imagery of 2020 to manually delineate the shoreline according to backshore and foreshore centered approaches. Shoreline change rates were calculated and sediment and organic carbon transfer from land to sea estimated using digital elevation model, the Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database, and ground ice content. The results show a mean erosion rate of 0.12 m/yr for the backshore zone and 0.16 m/yr for the foreshore zone, with increasing erosion in the Paulatuk Peninsula in recent decades. The average sediment transfer from land to sea was 20 m3/m/yr and the soil organic carbon (SOC) flux was 7 kg C/m/yr. We highlight the importance of using the cliff-top as shoreline reference to accurately estimate sediment and SOC transfers, an approach neglected in automatic shoreline delineation techniques based on remote sensing imagery using the waterline.
  • Deception Island 1967–1970 volcano eruptions from historical aerial frames and satellite imagery (Antarctic Peninsula)
    Publication . Prates, Gonçalo; Torrecillas, Cristina; Berrocoso, Manuel; Goyanes, Gabriel; Vieira, Gonçalo
    Aerial frames and satellite imagery are widely recognized data sources from which to produce maps. For volcanoes, maps enable the quantification of erupted ash and the destruction caused. The last eruptive sequence on Deception Island was endured from 1967 to 1970. Analogue maps were produced via classical photogrammetric methods with a high degree of human intervention mainly to analyse the volcanic-centres areas only. However, historical aerial frames cover the whole of Deception Island. Structure from motion photogrammetry, a near-automated compilation of digital image processing strategies, minimizes the degree of human intervention to produce orthographic mosaics and digital elevation models from digital aerial frames. Orthographic mosaics were produced from historical aerial frames of 1956 and 1968, and a Kompsat-3 image of 2020. Their shared rootmean-square deviation was 1.8 m and 1.7 m in easting and northing, respectively, at ground control points measured with phase-differential global navigation satellite systems. The digital elevation models were processed with a root-mean-square deviation of 2.3 m and 3.6 m from 1956 and 1968 aerial frames, respectively. As the first application, erupted ashfall and the subsequent destruction, mainly at the former Chilean and British bases, were identified, and the volume of erupted ash was assessed to be over 0.16 km3 within the area mapped by these new digital cartographic products.
  • Surface displacement of Hurd Rock glacier from 1956 to 2019 from historical aerial frames and satellite imagery (Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula)
    Publication . Prates, Gonçalo; Vieira, Gonçalo
    In the second half of the 20th century, the western Antarctic Peninsula recorded the highest mean annual air temperature rise in the Antarctic. The South Shetland Islands are located about 100 km northwest of the Antarctic Peninsula. The mean annual air temperature at sea level in this Maritime Antarctic region is close to −2 °C and, therefore, very sensitive to permafrost degradation following atmospheric warming. Among geomorphological indicators of permafrost are rock glaciers found below steep slopes as a consequence of permafrost creep, but with surficial movement also generated by solifluction and shallow landslides of rock debris and finer sediments. Rock glacier surface velocity is a new essential climate variable parameter by the Global Climate Observing System, and its historical analysis allows insight into past permafrost behavior. Recovery of 1950s aerial image stereo-pairs and structure-from-motion processing, together with the analysis of QuickBird 2007 and Pleiades 2019 high-resolution satellite imagery, allowed inferring displacements of the Hurd rock glacier using compression ridge-and-furrow morphology analysis over 60 years. Displacements measured on the rock glacier surface from 1956 until 2019 were from 7.5 m to 22.5 m and surface velocity of 12 cm/year to 36 cm/year, measured on orthographic images, with combined deviation root-mean-square of 2.5 m and 2.4 m in easting and northing. The inferred surface velocity also provides a baseline reference to assess today’s displacements. The results show patterns of the Hurd rock glacier displacement velocity, which are analogous to those reported within the last decade, without being possible to assess any displacement acceleration.