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Costa Vicente, Bianca Isabel

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  • The paradigm shift in medical imaging education and training in Europe
    Publication . Almeida, Rui; Silva, Carlos Alberto da; Vicente, Bianca; Abrantes, António; Azevedo, Kevin
    The main goal of this literature review is to discuss the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in the field of medical imaging education in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic scenario that forced the remodeling of the teaching and learning process. A bibliographic search was carried out in the main databases and from resources available in scientific and professional associations in Europe. Exclusion criteria included articles without contributions on distance learning or active learning. Education and training in medical imaging field had to readapt and the usual opportunities for medical imaging and radiotherapy (MIR) students to learn in person in the classroom, lab and clinical settings, had to be quickly transformed into distance learning opportunities. Thus, online education became a pedagogical shift from traditional method to the modern approach of teaching and learning from classroom to Zoom, from personal to virtual and from seminars to webinars, leading to the emergence of innovative teaching models. Moreover, student-centered strategies such as flipped classroom and game-based learning have been recently applied in health professions education with positive and very promising results. In conclusion, due to the pandemic crisis, MIR educators and students find themselves in the situation where they felt compelled to embrace the digital academic experience, allowing the progressive innovation of e-learning. In this context, game-based learning appears to be effective for improving knowledge, skills, attitudes and satisfaction and should be considered as a potential systematic tool in the field of medical imaging education. Therefore, preparedness of radiographers depends on the application of effective training and education methodologies that allows excellent clinical performance and maintaining high quality and safety standards, both through undergraduate course and continuous professional development.
  • Autonomia profissional das novas profissões da saúde em Portugal - Os técnicos superiores de radiologia
    Publication . Abrantes, António; Almeida, Rui; Ribeiro, Luís Pedro; Vicente, Bianca; Azevedo, Kevin; Silva, Carlos Alberto da; Miranda, Dulce
    O presente documento aborda os principais resultados e conclusões de um estudo sobre a autonomia dos técnicos superiores de radiologia, em Portugal. O estudo teve como objetivo principal, compreender e verificar o nível de autonomia dos técnicos superiores de radiologia, em Portugal, considerando o clima organizacional no qual, habitualmente, desempenham as suas funções. Para a concretização deste objetivo, foi realizado um estudo descritivo, através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos técnicos superiores de radiologia de cinco unidades hospitalares públicas portuguesas. Para a análise e a interpretação dos resultados foram enquadrados reconhecidos contributos da sociologia das profissões, nomeadamente dos trabalhos de Larson, Maurice, Parson, Hughes, entre outros. Os principais resultados deste estudo verbalizam a ideia de um certo esvaziamento da autonomia funcional dos técnicos superiores de radiologia, verificando-se a inexistência de uma relação entre a sua autonomia e a satisfação profissional. Ressaltam igualmente nas conclusões que a autonomia dos técnicos superiores de radiologia pode ser conquistada no consagrado espaço profissional, maximizando as disputas entre as responsabilidades clínicas e as técnicas. Contudo, se a autonomia deste grupo profissional for entendida como a capacidade de realizar perfeitamente as funções a si já pertencentes, sem qualquer tipo de supervisão, aplicando o melhor do conhecimento teórico à prática mais correta, então os técnicos superiores de radiologia podem conquistar autonomia, e por sua vez mais poder profissional, explorando mais as suas tarefas que não se restringem às delegações médicas.
  • Rethinking the continuous education and training of healthcare professionals in the context of digital technologies
    Publication . da Silva, Carlos Alberto; Almeida, Rui; Abrantes, António; Azevedo, Kevin; Vicente, Bianca; Carvalheira, Francisca; Ribeiro Flores, Eurico José; Mestre, Tatiana
    The healthcare industry is rapidly evolving with new technologies and treatments being developed all the time. This trend means that healthcare professionals must continuously educate themselves to stay current in their field and provide the best possible care to their patients. However, the traditional models of continuing education and training are not always well suited to the fast-paced nature of the healthcare industry. Digital technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way that healthcare professionals are educated and trained. Online courses, virtual simulations, and other interactive learning tools offer a flexible way for professionals to stay current in their field. Therefore, considering that digital instructional technologies could provide a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, this chapter intends to explore the potential of using an educational tool (Moodle), providing the concrete experience of our educational group in the design and implementation of curricular units for teaching health professionals through e-learning methods.