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  • Comparative analysis between condom use clusters and risk behaviours among portuguese university students
    Publication . Gomes, Alexandra; Nunes, Cristina
    The research on condom use has been focused on high-risk individuals, paying less attention to those who have moderate risk or safe sexual conducts. In order to design accurate interventions, potential differences among the condom use behavior groups must be considered. The goal was to assess possible differences in individuals presenting different types of risk behavior. 140 heterosexual university students answered a self-reported questionnaire about their sexual history, condom use habits, sexual self-esteem, sexual satisfaction, sexual control, attitudes towards condoms, self-efficacy to condom use, and emotions and feelings during sexual intercourse. A cluster analysis was conducted using the results about condom use and risk behaviors. Three groups with different risk levels emerged, presenting differences over sexual self-efficacy, attitudes towards condoms, socio-demographic variables, and sexual history. The results suggest the condom use inconsistency is highly associated with other risk behaviors but the contrary does not necessarily happens. Condom use consistent users also presented risk behaviors as smoking and drinking. The group differences suggest the risks were more affected by the combination of lack of skills with a negative attitude toward condoms than by contextual or personal variables. These differences sustain the need of an intervention adjusted to the individual's risk levels, since they differ on skills and beliefs that may hinder or promote the adoption of health behaviors.
  • Representação social do sexo nas revistas e jornais portugueses
    Publication . Gomes, Alexandra; Nunes, Cristina
    Foi objectivo deste estudo caracterizar a representação social do sexo estabelecendo uma possível relação entre esta e o uso do preservativo. Foram recolhidas notícias com o vocábulo “sexo”, tendo sido realizada a análise hierárquica descendente do seu conteúdo. A análise, através do programa ALCESTE 4.9, evidenciou discursos que não abordam aspectos da saúde individual ou social, referentes à sexualidade, observando-se uma representação social do sexo que poderá estar a fomentar os níveis transversais de inconsistência no uso do preservativo. Sugere-se a necessidade de sensibilização dos meios de comunicação para introduzirem informação sobre o preservativo, de forma a integrá-lo na representação do sexo, podendo estimular a sua utilização e promover comportamentos seguros.
  • Social representation of sex in portuguese young adults
    Publication . Gomes, Alexandra; Nunes, Cristina
    The objective of this study was to measure the social representation of sex through free evocations of 1,138 young Portuguese adults, aged between 18 and 25 years, with the goal of exploring an explicative approach of a possible influence of this social representation in risky sexual behaviors observed in this age group. Evocations were collected through an online questionnaire made available by Portuguese universities and professional schools. Data were analyzed according to Verges' prototypical analysis for social representations. The results suggest a romanticized social representation of sex, based on love and pleasure ideas, in which risky aspects such as use of condoms or sexually transmitted infections belong to the peripheral system. These aspects are integrated in order to preserve the central nucleus without interfering in the way participants live their sexual experiences. In addition, the association between love and condom use seems to be associated to the concept of "who loves, protects" which reduces condom use, instead of increasing it. Therefore, social representation of sex, focused on love and pleasure, might include cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects present in the well-known socio-cognitive models used for explaining and predicting condom use behavior.