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  • The structure of incipient coastal counter currents in South Portugal as indicator of their forcing agents
    Publication . De Oliveira Júnior, Luciano; Garel, Erwan; Relvas, Paulo
    The alongshore subtidal water circulation along the South Portugal inner shelf is characterized by the temporal alternation of equatorward (i.e., broadly eastward) flows related to coastal upwelling processes and poleward (i.e., broadly westward) Coastal Counter Currents (CCCs). The objective of this study is to get insights about the main drivers of CCCs based on kinematic parameters describing the structure of the flow at the moment it changes direction. The parameters are derived from an extensive bottom-mounted ADCP dataset (16 deployments; 34,121 hourly records) collected at a single mooring (23 m water depth). Results show that the so-called incipient flows present contrasted general patterns whether they turn from equatorward to poleward or the opposite. Complementary observations at a nearby station indicate that these characteristics are spatially consistent along the studied area. Although 70% of CCCs are generated under favourable wind conditions (Levanter), these flows generally develop through the bed layer, in particular in summer. Hence, the Levanter wind - expected to promote flow setup through the surface layer - is not the main driver of CCCs in most cases. The general structure of incipient CCCs strongly suggests that the dominant force competing with the wind stress is an alongshore pressure gradient (APG). Furthermore, the maximum equatorward flow magnitude before CCCs setup is significantly correlated with the following (poleward) acceleration of incipient CCCs near the bed. Such relation is consistent with the development of CCCs due to the unbalance of an APG (produced during active upwelling) when wind relaxes. This process is further supported by an analysis of the depth-averaged momentum equation which suggests that the coastal circulation is mainly driven by linear dynamics in the region.
  • Upwelling processes variability and water circulation along the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz
    Publication . de Oliveira Júnior, Luciano; Relvas, Paulo; Garel, Erwan
    The present study investigates the contributions of upwelling mechanisms (coastal upwelling from boundary divergence and Ekman pumping from spatially variable wind) at the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz (NMGoC) based on high-resolution wind. The effects of the spatiotemporal upwelling mechanisms variability are then explored using current observations along with sea surface temperature and sea level anomaly. Upwelling favourable conditions occur throughout the year along the NMGoC, with the strongest intensity near Cape Sao ˜ Vicente due to a persistent positive wind stress curl. In winter, the surface water divergence is restricted to the coastal boundary due to strong coastal upwelling events that result in a cross-shore sea-level gradient close to the coast. Towards the summer, the gradient increases and extends further offshore (over the slope) at the western region due to the intensification of the Ekman pumping. Therefore, the seasonal and spatial variability of coastal upwelling and Ekman pumping contributes significantly to the offshore position of the geostrophic Gulf of Cadiz Current over the western shelf slope. Furthermore, a permanent sea level depression corresponds to the location of the strongest Ekman pumping, near Cape Sao ˜ Vicente. The dynamic adjustment of this feature may drive the cyclonic cell and alongshore poleward currents often observed in the area.