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Marques Câmara, Ester do Carmo

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  • Meaningful experiences in tourism: A systematic review of psychological constructs
    Publication . Câmara, Ester; Pocinho, Margarida; AGAPITO, DORA; Jesus, Saúl
    This study explored the components of meaningful tourist experiences together with their antecedents and outcomes according to a framework of positive psychology and tourism. The theoretical rationale of this systematic literature review was chosen to clarify the synergies between these constructs, wellbeing and mindfulness to understand how tourists derive meaning from their experiences. The scientific platforms Scopus and Web of Science were selected to conduct the search for journal articles. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final sample was comprised of 70 articles. The results evidence the holistic character of meaningful experiences in tourism in terms of personal, emotional, wellbeing, relational and behavioural dimensions that enable a better conceptualisation of the construct. These experiences were significantly assessed on life satisfaction, meaning and purpose, emotions, authenticity and mindfulness. This review highlights the potential of positive psychology to maximise tourists' wellbeing through their experiences. It represents an opportunity for the tourism and hospitality industry as well as other entities to enhance tourists' experiences, such as researchers, psychologists, resident communities and universities. Therefore, this study contributes to future research to better assess meaningful tourist experiences and to tourism companies so they can manage enhanced experiences considering the multidimensional nature of the construct from a positive psychology perspective.
  • Positive psychology, well-being, and mindfulness: a successful partnership towards the development of meaningful tourist experiences
    Publication . Câmara, Ester; Pocinho, Margarida; Agapito, Dora; Jesus, Saúl Neves de
    Tourism is going through a very challenging phase due to the current pandemic situation. In this context, psychology and tourism are a successful partnership to develop meaningful experiences considering tourists' needs, desires, and expectations. This interconnection is observed through the application of positive psychology in the context of meaningful tourist experiences. This approach comprises adequate indicators to explore the tourism field from the perspective of individuals' well-being. Positive psychology, positive tourism, well-being, and mindfulness constitute the theoretical foundations of this article, which intends to understand how they are intertwined to fulfil one goal: developing meaningful tourist experiences. This article offers a theoretical reflection on the connections between the referred theoretical foundations. In so doing, it proposes a preliminary diagram illustrating the theoretical links observed in literature, which acts as a first step towards the design of a systematic literature review on the antecedents and outcomes of meaningful tourist experiences.
  • Senior tourists' well-being, happiness, and satisfaction with life: a systematic literature review
    Publication . Marques Câmara, Ester do Carmo; Pocinho, Margarida; Neves de Jesus, Saúl; MIGUEL AGAPITO, DORA LÚCIA
    The perception of well-being through tourism improves the quality of life of tourists, and for senior tourists, this re-lationship is even more promising. While the association between tourism and mental health is clear, the processes involved are not always clarified. Thus, this systematic literature review aims to explore and systematise the benefits of senior tourism for well-being, happiness, and satisfaction with life. Following the PRISMA method, the search was undertaken on platforms SCOPUS and Web of Science, using the research terms “senior tourism”, “elderly tourism”, “well-being”, and “life satisfaction”. Articles were included, if published after 2018, peer-reviewed, in English, concern-ing an overview of senior well-being and tourism. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final sample comprised 16 articles. Senior tourists experience higher well-being, happiness, and satisfaction with life when their goals are of high valence, more likely to be achieved, coherent with the activities, and when they feel pleasure asso-ciated with achieving those goals. Still, senior tourists’ happiness, life satisfaction and well-being are associated with four central elements: interpersonal relationships; time and resource management; achievement of goals and objec-tives; and management of the personal meaning attributed to the experience. Theoretical and empirical implications are further discussed.