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  • Confirmatory analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) short form in a portuguese sample
    Publication . Martins, Cátia; Ayala Nunes, Lara; Nunes, Cristina; Pechorro, Pedro; Costa, Emília; Matos, Filomena
    An important research field in family studies relates to the role parenting practices can have on several domains of children's development. Regarding to parenting styles, it was Baumrind's conceptualization that was responsible for a relevant research boost in this area. She proposed a model contemplating three different styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The aim of our study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). The participants were 424 parents (mainly mothers, 81.2%) from Algarve (South of Portugal), that answered to PSDQ and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The instrument comprises 32 items: 12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and 5 questions regarding the permissive style. Several competing models (i.e., one and three-factorial, and another where latent variables were organized in a 1st and 2nd order factors) were tested in regards to PSDQ factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis. A fourth model, contemplating inter-correlations between item 7 and 8 was also proposed, which showed adequate fit and internal consistency. These findings support the PSDQ original structure. Implications concerning the use and contributes to social and emotional child' adjustment are discussed.
  • Parents' perceived social support and children's psychological adjustment
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Martins, Cátia; Nunes, Lara; Adelaide de Matos, Filomena; Costa, Emília Isabel; Gonçalves, Andrea
    Perceived social support has often been investigated due to its direct and indirect effects in reducing the impact of several risk factors on physical and psychological well-being. Moreover, many studies have revealed a link between social support and positive parenting, which in turn has an impact on children's well-being. In Portugal, there is a significant lack of studies in this area. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between parents' perceived social support and children's psychological adjustment. The sample consisted of 409 parents (83.13% mothers) living in the region of Algarve (South of Portugal). The Duke-UNC Functional Social Support and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires were used. Findings The results showed that, on average, families had a social support network of nine people, with a balanced presence of family (M = 4.25, SD = 3.54) and friends (M = 4.36, SD = 3.17). Parents reported medium-high levels of confidant and affective support, but instrumental support was lower. However, single-parent families, immigrant families, and divorced parents were found to be more socially isolated and received less support than they needed. Affective social support showed predictive value for child psychological adjustment. Applications These findings suggest that developing universal and selective parental education and support programs that focus on strengthening informal social support networks is needed, especially for vulnerable families. Implications for social workers who intervene with families are discussed.
  • Psychometric properties of the negative stereotypes towards aging questionnaire (CENVE) among a sample of portuguese adults
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Menendez, Susana; Martins, Cátia; Martins, Maria Helena
    Stereotyped beliefs about old age and the aging process have proven to strongly promote negative behaviors toward the elderly, with unfavorable influences on their mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important to assess negative aging attitudes with brief but reliable and validated measurement instruments. The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Negative Stereotypes Towards Aging Questionnaire (15 items self-reported) are explored and described in a sample of 302 participants (213 females and 89 males) between the ages of 18 and 59 years old. Confirmatory Factor Analysis shows a one-factor structure, similar to the Spanish version. The internal reliability and mean inter-item correlation showed satisfactory psychometric proprieties. Factorial ANOVA reveals that differences in agism beliefs are mainly related to educational level, with lower negative stereotypes in more educated adults. No differences were found concerning gender. This instrument may be a useful tool to assess negative stereotypes toward old age and the aging process.
  • Psychometric properties of the Negative Stereotypes Towards Aging Questionnaire (CENVE) among a sample of Portuguese adults
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Menéndez, Susana; Martins, Cátia; Martins, Helena
    Stereotyped beliefs about old age and the aging process have proven to strongly promote negative behaviors toward the elderly, with unfavorable influences on their mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important to assess negative aging attitudes with brief but reliable and validated measurement instruments. The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Negative Stereotypes Towards Aging Questionnaire (15 items self-reported) are explored and described in a sample of 302 participants (213 females and 89 males) between the ages of 18 and 59 years old. Confirmatory Factor Analysis shows a one-factor structure, similar to the Spanish version. The internal reliability and mean inter-item correlation showed satisfactory psychometric proprieties. Factorial ANOVA reveals that differences in agism beliefs are mainly related to educational level, with lower negative stereotypes in more educated adults. No differences were found concerning gender. This instrument may be a useful tool to assess negative stereotypes toward old age and the aging process.
  • The enrich marital satisfaction scale: adaptation and psychometric properties among at-risk and community Portuguese parents
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Ferreira, Laura Inês; Martins, Cátia; Pechorro, Pedro; Ayala-Nunes, Lara
    Marital satisfaction is a multidimensional construct that encompasses the satisfaction with marital interactions and with the emotional and the practical aspects of marriage. Marital satisfaction has a great impact on personal well-being and affects the family as a whole; low marital satisfaction has been associated with unhappiness and with higher divorce rates. Furthermore, marital satisfaction is related with family functioning and is an indicator of the quality of the parenting relationship. The Enrich Marital Satisfaction (EMS) scale is a two-factor and 15-items self-report measure that assesses satisfaction with the marital relationship. This study analysed the psychometric properties of the EMS among two samples: at-risk (N = 273, M = 37.05 years, 82.05% women) and community (N = 205, M = 38.38 years, 52.2% women) Portuguese parents. Participants completed the EMS and measures of parenting sense of competence, parenting stress, and parenting alliance. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the revised two-factor model obtained the best fit, after removing a few items. Measurement invariance across the two samples was demonstrated. The EMS showed good psychometric properties, namely internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity. The EMS is a time-efficient tool for both researchers and practitioners who need to assess marital satisfaction, a relevant dimension for family functioning and parenting.
  • Parental involvement and stress in children’s quality of life: A longitudinal study with portuguese parents during the COVID-19 Pandemic period
    Publication . Mocho, Helena; Martins, Cátia; dos Santos, Rita Alexandra Mendes; Nunes, Cristina
    Parental involvement (PI) has particular relevance on children’s academic adjustment and on children’s general quality of life (QoL). QoL can be influenced by parental stress, specifically the stress suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the differences during the pandemic period (before, after and with no lockdown), comparing these constructs with parental educational level to provide predictors of their children’s quality of life. Data collection was performed with a non-probability convenience sampling procedure. It was composed of 129 parents, mainly women (71.8%), with children aged between 6 and 12 years. The family’s sociodemographic characteristics were assessed, as well as the PI, parental stress, and children’s QoL. The comparison between the three times revealed an increase in the children’s QoL, but no differences were found in PI. Based on the parental educational level, as defined by academic qualifications and split into superior and non-superior levels, it is possible conclude that engagement in school activities and parents’ meetings increased in the parents with superior education levels and decreased in the parents with lower education levels. This study concluded that despite this difficult and uncertain pandemic period, these parents were able to maintain important aspects of their children’s lives.
  • Impact of an online parenting support programme on children’s quality of life
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Martins, Cátia; Brás, Marta; Carmo, Claudia; Gonçalves, Andrea; Pina, António
    The study aims to describe the parental use of an online parenting support programme, the ‘Open Window to Family’ (JAF) and to evaluate its impact on perceived children’s quality of life (QoL). This programme makes online resources available to support positive parenting. The study included 363 parents (nintervention group = 142) who completed measures to evaluate their children’s QoL. The results suggest that using the programme for a longer time and accessing more information/services are positively related to the perception of utility but not to the frequency of use. The programme proved to be more useful for specific difficulties and to search for specific information. We found high levels of parental perception of children’s well-being, both physical and psychological, and lower values in social support and relationships with peers. No differences were observed between the total QoL of children in the intervention group and control group. The differences in the dimensions of QoL are due to interaction with the level of education of the mother: mothers with higher education reported higher physical well-being, social support, relationships with peers, and school context. Guidelines are suggested to enhance the accessibility of this type of programme as well as enhance its impact on parents and children.
  • Parenting Alliance Inventory: psychometric properties and invariance among a community and at-risk sample of Portuguese parents
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Ayala-Nunes, Lara; Martins, Cátia; Pechorro, Pedro; Ferreira, Laura Inês
    The existing alliance between the two caregivers is a key dimension for understanding the family context, as it affects parental behavior and children's development. The assessment of this construct becomes even more pressing in at-risk families, where the children's well-being may be compromised and where the parental alliance may serve as a protective factor. The Parental Alliance Inventory (PAI) is a self-report measure that assesses the parental alliance and the relationship of support and trust that exists between both parents. In this study, we intended to explore the psychometric properties of PAI in the Portuguese population, including normative and at-risk families. Participants were community parents (n = 205, M = 38.38 years; 52.2% women) and parents of Child Welfare Services (CWS) referred children (n = 273, M = 37.05 years, 82.05% women). Both samples completed the PAI and measures of parenting sense of competence, parenting stress, and marital satisfaction. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the proposed original unidimensional structure of the PAI. The instrument showed good psychometric properties, presenting levels of internal consistency and a quite satisfactory reliability. Findings also showed that PAI was measurement invariant across the two subsamples. Our findings provide evidence for psychometric soundness of the PAI and support its usefulness for the European Portuguese context.
  • Características psicométricas e estrutura fatorial da FACES III numa amostra de famílias em risco psicossocial
    Publication . Nunes, Cristina; Ayala-Nunes, Lara; Ferreira, Laura Inês; Martins, Cátia
    Este estudo visou a adaptação e exploração das características psicométricas da Escala de Avaliação da Coesão e Adaptabilidade Familiar (FACES III) com uma população de famílias portuguesas em risco psicossocial. Esta medida é a mais utilizada para a avaliação do funcionamento familiar de acordo com as dimensões do Modelo Circumplexo dos Sistemas Familiares. Participaram 388 pais de crianças com medidas de apoio e proteção, residentes no Algarve. A FACES III foi aplicada em conjunto com medidas de stresse parental, aliança parental e sentimento de competência parental para testar a validade de constructo. A análise fatorial exploratória confirmou a solução original de dois fatores. A Coesão demonstrou alta consciência interna e boa validade de constructo, podendo ser considerada uma medida fiável desta dimensão. A Adaptabilidade apresentou resultados insatisfatórios em todos os indicadores psicométricos, pelo que se aconselha a revisão desta subescala. Os resultados são discutidos considerando as diversas versões do instrumento.
  • Vulnerability to suicide ideation: Comparative study between adolescents with and without psychosocial risk
    Publication . Brás, Marta; Elias, Patrícia; Ferreira Cunha, Francisca; Martins, Cátia; Nunes, Cristina; Carmo, Cláudia
    Adolescents are characterized as a risk group for suicide, being the fourth leading cause of death in young people. The main aim was to compare vulnerability to suicidal ideation in a sample of young people with and without psychosocial risk. The total sample consisted of 137 adolescents, aged between 10 and 19 years (M = 14.76; SD = 1.40), and it was composed of two groups—the psychosocial risk group (n = 60) and general population group (n = 77). In both groups, suicidal ideation correlated positively with negative events and negatively with self-esteem and social support satisfaction. When comparing the two groups, the psychosocial risk group presented significantly higher mean values of negative life events (mainly separations/losses and physical and sexual abuse) and significantly lower mean values of satisfaction with social support (particularly with family and social activities). It was also found that, in the psychosocial risk group, negative life events were the only significant predictors of suicidal ideation. This study allowed identifying the role of risk and protective factors in suicidal ideation, according to the psychosocial risk of adolescents. The practical implications of the findings on adolescents’ mental health and the promotion of their well-being are discussed.