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- Sardine validation temperatures - data supporting results published in "Effect of temperature on the daily increment deposition in the Otoliths of European Sardine Sardina Pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) Larvae". OceansPublication . Soares, Claúdia; Ferreira, Susana; Ré, Pedro; Teodosio, Maria Alexandra; Santos, A. M. P.; Batista, Hugo; Baylina, Nuria; Garrido, SusanaSardine Validation Temperatures - dataset supporting results published in Effect of Temperature on the Daily Increment Deposition in the Otoliths of European Sardine Sardina Pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) Larvae. Oceans. Samples where collected at the Oceanário de Lisboa, in 2010 and analysed in the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera.
- Lithic bipolar methods as an adaptive strategy through space and timePublication . Cascalheira, JoãoThe use of bipolar (on anvil) methods for resource exploitation has been identified in the archaeological record from the late Pliocene through to the Holocene. During all phases of human evolution, bipolar knapping and wedging were applied by different hominin species in a wide range of ecological settings. Studies on lithic bipolar methods have mainly focused on understanding the functional aspects of this technology. This paper explores the variability of the application of these methods during the Paleolithic on a macro scale. Through the meta-analysis of published data from 167 sites, it is posited that the use of bipolar methods may have had a significant impact on hominin expansion, adaptation, and survival strategies. Furthermore, the recurrent use of bipolar methods is not only an indicator of its success as an adaptive strategy, but also of how hominins were able to evaluate different types of efficiency through time.
- Comunicação terapêutica: skills e estratégiasPublication . José, HelenaExiste cada vez mais certeza de que uma abordagem humanizada e competências comunicacionais efetivas promovem a satisfação e o bem-estar da pessoa em situação de doença aguda e sua família. Ajudar a gerir a incerteza, desenvolver habilidades comunicacionais, mantendo atitudes e comportamentos que promovam uma relação terapêutica, seja qual for o contexto e a situação vivida pelos clientes e família são desideratos inquestionáveis em enfermagem.
- The unidentified skeletal collection of Capuchos cemetery (Santarém) housed at the University of CoimbraPublication . José, Andreia; Tomé, Laura; Coelho, Catarina; Cunha, Eugénia; Umbelino, Cláudia; Ferreira, Maria TeresaThe aim of this article is to present to the scientific and academic community a new osteological collection housed at the Department of Life Sciences from the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the Unidentified Skeletal Collection of the Capuchos Cemetery. The skeletons were collected from the same cemetery as those of the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection, however their identity is unknown. The collection is comprised of 73 individuals, of which 68 are adults of both sexes (34 females, 33 males, and one individual of unknown sex) and five are non-adult individuals. It is estimated that the majority of adult individuals have a European ancestry.
- A Fortaleza de Cranganor (Kodungallor) sob domínio Português (1507?-1662)Publication . Rodrigues, Vítor Luís GasparA barra e o estuário do Periyâr, localizados a cerca de cinco léguas a norte de Cochim, foram palco, desde muito cedo, em virtude de se tratar de um local estratégico tanto do ponto de vista militar como económico, de sucessivos confrontos navais e terrestres entre as forças do Samorim, suportadas pelos seus aliados muçulmanos, e as armadas portuguesas. Local de confluência de vários rios que desciam dos Gates e que serviam de meio de transporte para a pimenta ali produzida, era também um ponto obrigatório de passagem das tropas de Calecut por altura dos raides militares lançados sobre o vizinho estado de Cochim. Não tardou, por isso, que as forças da coroa portuguesa ali tivessem estabelecido um sistema fortificado constituído por uma torre artilhada, edificada em Palipuram à entrada da barra, e, mais tarde, de uma pequena fortaleza construída em Cranganor (Kodungallor) com o objetivo de dominar o porto. No artigo que agora se publica abordaremos não só a problemática em torno da data da construção dessas estruturas fortificadas, inserindo-as no processo mais vasto de fixação dos portugueses no Malabar com o objetivo de controlar os fluxos da pimenta em direção às rotas do Levante, elemento fundamental para a viabilização económica da “Carreira da Índia”, mas analisaremos também o seu desenvolvimento posterior, marcado sobretudo pelos conflitos político-militares mantidos com o reino de Calecut, até à conquista da praça pelos holandeses em 1662.
- Stakeholders’ perceptions of appropriate nature-based solutions in the urban contextPublication . Ferreira, Vera; Barreira, Ana; Loures, Luís; Antunes, Dulce; Panagopoulos, ThomasThe concept of nature-based solutions (NBSs) has become increasingly popular among urban policymakers and planners to help them tackle the urban challenges arising from urban expansion and climate change. Stakeholders' involvement is a fundamental step, and stakeholders' perceptions and preferences can affect the development of NBS projects. This study aims to identify stakeholders' perceptions of the most critical urban challenges, the priority interventions, the preferred NBSs and the benefits of the NBSs, and to identify the determinants of these perceptions. A survey was administered to assess stakeholders' perceptions and views on implementing NBSs in two Portuguese cities with distinct urban, geographical, and socio-economic contexts. A binary logistic regression model was used to understand the determinants of the likelihood of the stakeholders' answers. According to the stakeholders, climate change is one of the main concerns in the urban context. It is usually associated with the incidence of heatwaves and water scarcity. Additionally, stakeholders are concerned about the low quantity and poor management of green spaces (GSs). They believe that it will be necessary to increase the GS, to recover some degraded areas, and to increase mobility. The preferred NBSs were planting more urban trees, making green shaded areas, and rehabilitating riverbanks. The main expected benefits were benefits for leisure and relaxation, reductions in air temperature, purer air, and improvements in public health. The results showed mostly coherent connections between the main concerns/priorities of the stakeholders and the perceived NBS benefits; however, some stakeholders did not present coherent connections, indicating low awareness of the current policy for implementing NBSs to overcome existing and future urban challenges.
- Correlates of rejection by the peer group: a study comparing students with and without SENPublication . Gamboa, Patrícia; Freire, Sofia; Anica, Aurízia; João Mogarro, Maria; Fátima Moreira, Maria; Vaz da Silva, FranciscoOne argument for the inclusion of children with special education needs (SEN) is that they will benefit from the interactions and relationships with their typically developing peers. However, students with SEN tend to be more rejected than their non-SEN peers. Considering the negative consequences of peer rejection on socioemotional development and school adjustment, the current study aims to understand the behavioural correlates and specific characteristics of the students with SEN associated with peer rejection. Participants were 227 students (107 with SEN); 53.7% male; mean age 10.79 (SD = 2.16); attending the 3rd (33.9%), 5th (35.3%) and 7th grades (30.8%). Students filled in a Sociometric task and 47 regular school teachers and 31 special education teachers provided information regarding sociodemographic and educational data, behavioural characteristics and student-teacher relationship. SEN status was the most important predictor of rejection followed by social skills. In the case of students with SEN, less familiarity with peers and a less close student-teacher relationship were also associated with rejection. Thus, the findings emphasise the need of professional development programs to assist teachers in the promotion of positive relationships with their students and a positive peer culture within the class.
- Achegas para a atividade artística do padre António Soares da Silva (1716-1770) no âmbito do rococó minhotoPublication . Lopes, Raúl C. SampaioO rococó minhoto foi um fenómeno em que, sob a tutela de dois arcebispos de sangue real, D. José de Bragança e D. Gaspar de Bragança, num momento notável de prosperidade da região, com as múltiplas confrarias e ordens religiosas a rivalizar na decoração dos seus espaços, se desenvolveu uma arte singular com sua mais característica inspiração nas gravuras ornamentais e livros de arquitetura que vinham em grande quantidade sobretudo de Augsburgo e de Paris. Para só falar dos mais profícuos autores, os estudos impulsionadores mais importantes deste fenómeno foram desenvolvidos nas décadas de 1950-1970 por Germain Bazin, Flávio Gonçalves, John Bury, Marie-Thérèse Mandroux-França e Robert C. Smith, com as suas famosas publicações sobre Frei José Vilaça (1731-1809) e André Soares (1720-1769), e foram depois revistos, corrigidos e expandidos até à atualidade por, entre outros, Aurélio de Oliveira, Manuel Joaquim Moreira da Rocha e Eduardo Pires de Oliveira, cuja tese de doutoramento sobre André Soares data de 20111. Em 2014, acrescentei eu próprio algo a esta já larga bibliografia, tentando dar uma imagem global do fenómeno e alguma importância a outros artistas menos estudados neste contexto, como o padre António Soares da Silva (1716-1770), o entalhador António da Cunha Correia Vale (ativo 1745-1791), o jovem Carlos Amarante (1748-1815) ou um misterioso e hipotético “mestre de Labruja”2. Neste artigo, é sobre a personalidade artística do primeiro, o irmão mais velho de André Soares, que me quero deter, retomando e desenvolvendo o estudo feito anteriormente.
- The search for an autoimmune origin of psychotic disorders: prevalence of autoantibodies against hippocampus antigens, glutamic acid decarboxylase and nuclear antigensPublication . Hoffmann, Carolin Correia; Zong, Shenghua; Mané-Damas, Marina; Stevens, Jo; Malyavantham, Kishore; Küçükali, Cem İsmail; Tüzün, Erdem; De Hert, Marc; van Beveren, Nico J.M.; González-Vioque, Emiliano; Arango, Celso; Damoiseaux, Jan G.M.C.; Rutten, Bart P.; Molenaar, Peter C.; Losen, Mario; Martinez-Martinez, PilarThe etiology of psychotic disorders is still unknown, but in a subgroup of patients symptoms might be caused by an autoimmune reaction. In this study, we tested patterns of autoimmune reactivity against potentially novel hippocampal antigens. Serum of a cohort of 621 individuals with psychotic disorders and 257 controls were first tested for reactivity on neuropil of rat brain sections. Brain reactive sera (67 diseased, 27 healthy) were further tested for antibody binding to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) isotype 65 and 67 by cell-based assay (CBA). A sub-cohort of 199 individuals with psychotic disorders and 152 controls was tested for the prevalence of anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) on HEp2-substrate as well as for reactivity to double-stranded DNA, ribosomal P (RPP), and cardiolipin (CL). Incubation of rat brain with serum resulted in unidentified hippocampal binding patterns in both diseased and control groups. Upon screening with GAD CBA, one of these patterns was identified as GAD65 in one individual with schizophrenia and also in one healthy individual. Two diseased and two healthy individuals had low antibody levels targeting GAD67 by CBA. Antibody reactivity on HEp-2-substrate was increased in patients with schizoaffective disorder, but only in 3 patients did antibody testing hint at a possible diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Although reactivity of serum to intracellular antigens might be increased in patients with psychotic disorder, no specific targets could be identified. GAD antibodies are very rare and do not seem increased in serum of patients with psychotic disorders.
- La creatividad en Bohn y el teatro del oprimido como herramienta pedagógica de transformación social.Publication . Baião, Ana; Luísa, Cláudia; Albuquerque, Marta Mendel deEl capítulo “La creatividad en Bohm y el teatro del Oprimido como herramienta pedagógica de la transformación social” pretende reflejar las sinergias que pueden darse entre educadores y agentes sociales, los cuales intervienen en una sociedad en continuo cambio y por ello necesita de técnicas innovadoras de transformación social. Las cuestiones abordadas en esta investigación han sido dos. La primera de ellas nos remite a la forma en cómo la creatividad tiene una influencia en la percepción, observación e interpretación de la realidad, tanto a nivel científico como artístico. En cambio, la segunda busca contestar a la contribución que realiza...