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  • The social shaping of innovation: networks and expectations as connecting dynamics in regional innovation systems
    Publication . Pinto, Hugo; Nogueira, Carla; Cruz, Ana Rita; Uyarra, Elvira
    The study of innovation dynamics has expanded widely in recent decades. However, it has failed to include research focusing on the social process and demonstrating the mechanisms of a given system's innovative capacity, thus resulting in the fragmentation of theoretical approaches rather than the construction of a cohesive framework. Based on the assumption that innovation depends not only on the structural conditions of the context in which a system is inserted but also on the relationships established between the key actors in a given system, this article analyses the innovation system in Pernambuco (Brazil) as a strategic research material which highlights agency and the structural aspects of innovation dynamics. It presents a mixed-method approach to understanding the innovation structure, based on social network analysis and the expectations of innovation actors regarding systemic failures and desired change. The results show the interconnections between the two methods and emphasise the need to overcome conceptual and methodological agency-structure dilemmas to ensure that public policy is better informed.
  • European knowledge and entrepreneurial ecosystems: Networks within climate change and adaptation research
    Publication . Carrozza, Chiara; Cruz, Ana Rita; Nogueira, Carla; Pinto, Hugo; Uyarra, Elvira
    Research on a topic as intricate as climate change and adaptation can be seen as a complex ecosystem combining thousands of projects by a large set of actors. This article studies the EU Seventh Framework Program funded projects to understand how research has been funded and managed in Europe to develop a specific knowledge ecosystem around climate change and adaptation. The theoretical background offers an overview of the topics of climate change and knowledge ecosystems. The research projects database was used to construct and make sense of a complex ecosystem. A synthetic description of the technical work conducted and the results obtained are presented. The data is analyzed using social network analysis to provide evidence of structural characteristics of the networks, the relevance of different sub-domains in climate change and adaptation research, and the emergence of entrepreneurial ecosystems through knowledge.