Research Project
Psychology Research Centre
The Dickman impulsivity inventory: Validation and measurement invariance among Portuguese young adults
Publication . Pechorro, Pedro; Revilla, Rebecca; Resende, Miguel; Abrunhosa Gonçalves, Rui; Nunes, Cristina; Cyders, Melissa A.
The Dickman Impulsivity Inventory (DII) measures impulsive personality related to both negative and positive behaviors and characteristics. The main aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the DII among a Southern-European sample of Portuguese young adults. Our convenience sample (N = 429, M = 22.11 years, SD = 3.35, range = 18–42), composed of women (n = 237, M = 22.08 years, SD = 3.35, age range = 18–42) and men (n = 192, M = 22.14 years, SD = 3.34, range = 18–35), was collected from a university context. The two-factor latent structure of the DII composed of functional and dysfunctional impulsivity was supported, although three items had to be removed due to low standardized loadings, and strong cross-gender measurement invariance was established. Our analyses of the DII also provided evidence of criterion-related validity, known-groups validity, and internal consistency/reliability. Our findings support the use of the DII among
Portuguese young adults.
Examination of the Weinberger Adjustment Inventory—short form among Portuguese young adults: psychometrics and measurement invariance
Publication . Pechorro, Pedro; DeLisi, Matt; Freitas, Andreia; Gonçalves, Rui Abrunhosa; Nunes, Cristina
The Weinberger Adjustment Inventory-Short Form (WAI-SF) is a multidimensional measure of behavioral adjustment frequently used with forensic, clinical, and community populations. However, no previous studies have examined the WAI-SF from a more modern psychometric perspective including second-order models, measurement invariance and a better estimation of reliability. The current sample is composed of female and male young adults (N = 610, M = 21.33 years, SD = 3.09, range = 18-37) from a university context in Portugal. Results indicated that both the four-factor intercorrelated and the four-factor second order models of the WAI-SF Distress and Restraint scales showed good fits. The WAI-SF Distress and Restraint scales were negatively and significantly correlated, and the intercorrelations between the subscales of each scale ranged from moderate to high. The WAI-SF scales and subscales mostly showed adequate to good reliability in terms of McDonald's Omega and the more traditional Cronbach's Alpha. Strong cross-gender measurement invariance was demonstrated, with females scoring significantly higher than males on the Anxiety subscale of the Distress scale, and on the Suppression of Aggression, Impulse Control, Consideration of Others, Responsibility subscales, and Restraint scale. The WAI-SF scales and subscales showed distinctive correlates with other measures (e.g., low self-control, psychopathy) and variables (e.g., delinquency seriousness, substance use). Considering our findings, the use of the WAI-SF is recommended among the Portuguese young adult population and its use in criminological research is encouraged.
Validation of a portuguese version of the multidimensional measure of employability
Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Carvalho, Catarina Luzia de; Soares, Jorge Manuel Santos; Rodrigues, Suzi; Taveira, Maria do Céu; Silva, Ana Daniela
This study describes the validity and reliability evidence of the multidimensional measure of employability (MME) based on the internal structure and relations to career self-efficacy and career success. Two hundred forty seven Portuguese persons (75.7% women) aged from 21-73 years old (M = 39.9, SD = 10.9) participated. Confirmatory factor analysis suggested adequate fit in the correlational and hierarchical models. Measurement reliability was good for total score and each factor. Correlations with the additional measures provided evidence of validity. MME provides a tool for research and career counseling, enabling comprehensive employability assessment and personalized interventions, while recognising the interplay between employability dimensions.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number