Research Project
Relationship between wave energy and coastal morphology in the central Algarve rocky coast (Galé to Olhos de Água)
Publication . Bezerra, Maria Margarida Tarrio Agreiro; Moura, Delminda; Ferreira, Óscar; Taborda, Rui
The coastal zones’ geomorphological evolution is the result of subaereal weathering and
marine abrasion. To quantify the role of the waves’ action as a geomorphic process particularly
on shore platforms sculpture is the main goal of the current work. For that purpose, a numerical
modeling for wave propagation (STWAVE) was used to determine differences on breaking
wave characteristics along the study area. This program was used inside an operational toolbox
(SMS 9.2) that allows data pre-processing from a GIS software (ArcGIS 9.2). The MATLAB
R2007a software was used to obtain significant wave heights and wave energy at the breaking
position along the study area, for each tested condition. The different coastal morphologies and
mass movements were identified on the field and compared with the described evolution in
literature (Marques, 1997). Since the study area presents strong longshore variation in
exposition to the waves and different wave energies, several sections were defined. It was then
possible to analyze the frequency of occurrence of a given coastal morphology and the
frequency of mass movements for each section and compare with longshore variations on wave
energy for both average and storm conditions.
Role of shore platforms on coastal cliffs protection in Algarve (South Portugal): first approach
Publication . Gabriel, Selma; Moura, Delminda; Ferreira, Óscar; Pacheco, André; Matias, Ana; Veiga-Pires, C.
The complex interaction between morphogenetic processes acting on rocky coasts and substrate characteristics
difficult the assessment of its evolution at different time scales. In opposition to other coastal environments such
as beaches, where variations on substrate’s attributes are constrained to a few possibilities, rocky coasts expose
substrates having large amount of variables, among them, lithology, mechanical and chemical strength, density
and orientation of faults and joints and, rocks’ texture and structure (e.g., Trenhaile, 2003).
O futuro das costas rochosas no Algarve: influência da herança geomorfológica
Publication . Gabriel, Selma; Moura, Delminda; Viegas, José; Veiga-Pires, C.
As costas rochosas evoluem sob a acção conjugada de processos marinhos e aéreos, sendo a sua magnitude e rapidez, dependente de factores intrínsecos às propriedades de massa das rochas. Na costa rochosa meridional do Algarve, a herança morfológica do Último Máximo Interglacial(UMI), a variabilidade litológica e a intensidade da fracturação, a par com a subida do nível médio do mar (NMM), são os principais factores que determinam o presente comportamento das arribas litorais e a sua evolução futura a curto prazo. A taxa de erosão foi no passado superior à presente,
sendo expectável que venha a aumentar rapidamente num futuro próximo, devido a um processo de auto-regulação.
Coastal morphology along the Central Algarve rocky coast: driver mechanisms
Publication . Moura, Delminda; Gabriel, Selma; Jacob, J.
The boundary between the mainland and the sea – the littoral fringe - crosses several sub-environments, among them, the rocky coasts whose evolution depends on marine and sub-aerial processes as well as on the
rocks’ mass properties. The study area - in central Algarve (South Portugal) - is framed in a rocky coast exposing carbonate rocks. This work identifies the main drivers to the coastal morphology in that region. Several
morphological features such as beaches, cliffs, and shore platforms were surveyed, mapped, and correlated with the most common wave conditions in the area. Shore platforms show a strong correlation with the most vigorous wave climate conditions. In opposition, zeta bays occur in the more sheltered sector to the dominant waves and in a relatively straight coastline. Symmetrical small bays are mainly related with the sedimentary influx from rivers reaching the coast. The cliff heights and profiles are lithologically and structurally controlled.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number