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Do fisher associations really represent their members’ needs and opinions? The case study of the octopus fishery in the Algarve (south Portugal)
Publication . Rangel, Mafalda; Pita, Cristina; de Oliveira, Manuela Maria; Guimarães, Maria Helena; Rainha, Rita; Sonderblohm, Carlos; Monteiro, Pedro; Oliveira, Frederico; Ballesteros, Marta; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos; Pierce, Graham J.; Erzini, Karim
Fishers’ participation in the fishery management decision-making process is generally low, particularly in small-scale fisheries (SSF). Within the overarching goal of improving fisheries governance, fishers’ participation is crucial. Yet, how can fishers participate in the decision-making processes which affect their actions, and to what extent do fisher associations represent their interests? These questions were tackled by means of an empirical case study in the “Tertúlia do Polvo” project, focusing on the octopus SSF in the Algarve region (south Portugal), where the octopus fishery is managed top-down with sporadic participation of fishers. During the study (2014 and 2015), seven participatory workshops (tertúlias) were held, involving fisher associations, management authorities and researchers, to propose and discuss management measures for the fishery. Also, a face-to-face questionnaire survey (121 valid replies) was undertaken with local fishers to gauge their opinions about the management measures proposed during the workshops. Results show a strong agreement between the outcomes achieved during the workshops and the main concerns and possible solutions identified by fishers. Taking into consideration the difficulty in structuring and assuring a transparent and effective participation of fishers in the management of their activity, the results obtained are promising. In this study, the use of a participatory process (restricted to a small group of stakeholders) combined with consultation (targeting a sample of the fisher population) allowed the validation of the overall results obtained. Such a methodological approach can be tried in other fishing communities to implement efficient and effective collaborative management, contributing to improved fisheries governance.
Olive mild mosaic virus coat protein and p6 are suppressors of RNA silencing and their silencing confers resistance against OMMV
Publication . Varanda, Carla M. R.; Materatski, Patrick; Campos, Maria Doroteia; Clara, Maria Ivone E.; Nolasco, Gustavo; Felix, Maria do Rosario
RNA silencing is an important defense mechanism in plants, yet several plant viruses encode proteins that suppress this mechanism. In this study, the genome of the Olive mild mosaic virus (OMMV) was screened for silencing suppressors. The full OMMV cDNA and 5 OMMV open reading frames (ORFs) were cloned into the Gateway binary vector pK7WG2, transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and agroinfiltrated into N. benthamiana 16C plants. CP and p6 showed suppressor activity, with CP showing significantly higher activity than p6, yet activity that was lower than the full OMMV, suggesting a complementary action of CP and p6. These viral suppressors were then used to induce OMMV resistance in plants based on RNA silencing. Two hairpin constructs targeting each suppressor were agroinfiltrated in N. benthamiana plants, which were then inoculated with OMMV RNA. When silencing of both suppressors was achieved, a significant reduction in viral accumulation and symptom attenuation was observed as compared to those of the controls, as well as to when each construct was used alone, proving them to be effective against OMMV infection. This is the first time that a silencing suppressor was found in a necrovirus, and that two independent proteins act as silencing suppressors in a virus member of the Tombusviridae family.

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Funding agency

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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