Research Project
Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being
Smart management of tourist coastal areas in a reborn tourism era: transitioning from safe to sustainable beaches within the spanish sun and sand model
Publication . Martínez del Vas, Ginesa; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Cádiz-Gómez, Maricruz; Diego, Asier Amilibia de
The aim of this work is the reconceptualisation of beaches as internal objects of smart tourist destinations and to offer a means to capitalize pandemic distintictives such as the Safe Tourism Certification (STC) on the physical pressure of the coastal tourist space to contribute to the natural recovery of these settings. The methodology of this work consisted of analyzing the spatial management of tourist coastal areas according to their congestion level before and after the implementation of the STC. The research technique used for data collection was an online survey with a sample of 64 certified Spanish beaches. One of the main findings of this work is that despite Spanish beaches holding several quality distinctives based on international standards, none of these distinctives guaranteed their decongestion with a minimum surface of 5 m2 per user in the sample, as literature suggests. Thus, the STC implementation and the efforts related to managing physical pressure on coastal resources show the main existing bottlenecks in the sun and sand destinations to transit from safe to physically and ecologically sustainable tourist coastal areas. Also, practical implications to Destination Management Organisations are shared regarding the transition from traditional to smart sun and sand destinations.
Psychometrics of emotional intelligence in hospitality: A cross-sectional study on human capital and quality of service
Publication . Sanz-García, Alberto; Ros-Martínez, Almudena; López-Navas, Ana; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel
Little research has been conducted specifically on emotional intelligence (EI) and perceived quality of service in the hospitality industry. The main goal of this research consists of providing empirical evidence related to EI regarding its importance in quality of hospitality service (QHS). To do so, a hypothetical and conceptual model was tested by Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques based on a sample of 408 employees in the hospitality sector in the region of Murcia (Spain). The findings of this work reveal the incidence that EI has on the QHS of human capital, despite a scenario that is characterized by a high rate of talent shortage worldwide and an increasing digitalization that could reduce human interaction. Also, implications are given so that EI could be more deeply analyzed for EI strategy-building within organizational behavior and human resource management areas from a practical approach, increasing engagement and preventing the so-called quality service sabotage.
Recreational trail development within different geographical contexts as a determinant of income multiplier and local economic impact
Publication . Lukoseviciute, Goda; Pereira, Luis; Panagopoulos, Thomas; Fedeli, Giancarlo; Ramsey, Elaine; Madden, Kyle; Condell, Joan
The development of recreational trails has gained popularity in recent years and therefore many scholars have studied various aspects of them. However, the recreational trail theoretical framework lacks an understanding of the relationship between the stage of trail development and income multiplier value. This research aims to examine this relationship and thus advance the traditional theory of recreational trail economic impact by providing an explanation of the relationship between the stage of trail development and the income multiplier. This study applied a combined approach of Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) to assess the stage of trail development and the Ad hoc model to estimate the income multiplier and economic impact. The results of this study reveal that there is a strong correlation between the stage of trail development and income multiplier and provide a novelty in traditional recreational trail management and economic impact theory thus enriching the topical literature.
Economic impact of rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) along the andalusian coastline: the case of Tarifa, Spain
Publication . Mogollón, Sandra L.; Zilio, Mariana I.; Buitrago, Eva M.; Caraballo, M. Ángeles; Yñiguez, Rocío
Invasive alien species are the second cause of biodiversity loss worldwide and imply huge economic costs related to their impact on ecosystems, production systems, and human health. Quantifying these losses is a complex task, but it becomes essential to evaluate the problem and support measures to prevent and control biological invasions. In the last 6 years, Rugulopteryx okamurae has invaded a large part of the rocky bottoms of the coasts of the Strait of Gibraltar. Moreover, it has meant significant losses for the economic activities that take place along the Andalusian coast. Using a mixed-method approach, this work estimated the costs associated with the presence of Rugulopteryx okamurae in the municipality of Tarifa, Spain, in a minimum annual loss of more than three million euros, concentrated mainly in the fishing sector and public administration. These results buttress the relevance of prevention, early detection, and prompt action measures to soften the economic impact of future biological invasion processes in the marine-coastal environment.
A global and comparative assessment of the level of economic circularity in the EU
Publication . Martínez Moreno, María Magdalena; Buitrago, Eva M.; Yñiguez, Rocío; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel
The European Union (EU) stands as one of the pioneering areas worldwide in the planning of the Circular Economy (CE), despite the fact that practical advances in this area are currently ahead of the related research. Significant gaps remain to be filled, particularly with regard to the measurement of circularity. This work is based on the need for global tools to measure the circular transition which, in turn, can be useful in evaluating the implementation of the action plans under development by the EU. A composite index of economic circularity (CECI) has been built for the EU and its Member States with which to approximate the progress after completion of the first Action Plan for the Circular Economy (APCE): 2014-2020. This index is based on recycling and downcycling, which is the main strategy developed by APCE. In contrast to previous indicators, CECI globally and rigorously summarises the transition towards the circular economy throughout the period of validity of the plan, by using a simple and easy-to-interpret calculation methodology known as Principal Component Analysis. Likewise, the results of the CECI make it possible to establish a ranking of the EU Member States based on their CE performances for each year under consideration. The results of the CECI show that the EU as a whole has advanced in economic circularity by 17.9%, which is almost 3% on average per year. The situation is very uneven across the various Member States and, although differences have narrowed during the APCE period, in recent years this rapprochement has deaccelerated. The countries that continue to lead the circular transition of the EU are the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany, while trailing behind are Romania, Malta, and Cyprus. In light of the results of the CECI and with the aim of achieving greater convergence in the transition to economic circularity in the EU, it would be advisable to intensify actions in those Member States whose starting situation is comparatively worse.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number