Research Project
Habitats of the Guadiana River estuary
Publication . Gomes, Ana; Camacho, Sarita
The Guadiana River estuary is the most important estuarine system in southern Portugal. The estuary’s variety of habitats supports a great diversity of species. Some of these species have only recently been discovered and are found nowhere else on Earth. This chapter details the current state of knowledge of the estuary’s habitats, with a particular focus on the unseen microscopic flora and fauna that support the
entire food chain – and many economic activities – in the estuary.
Monte do Carrascal 2 (southern Portugal): insights into lithic technology and intra-site spatial analysis of a Late Mesolithic hunting camp
Publication . Reis, Helena; Gonçalves, Célia; Santos, Helena; Valera, António Carlos
In this article, the results of the archaeological excavations at the Late Mesolithic site of Monte do Carrascal 2 are presented. The site, located inland, southeast from the contemporary Sado shell middens, comprised two hearths with faunal remains and a set of lithic materials that were analysed techno-typologically, as well as in terms of their spatial distribution through GIS tools (K Ripley Function, Kernel Density Estimation and Nearest Neighbour analysis). The study points to a different functionality of this site when compared to most all other Mesolithic sites known in the region, with its uncommon inland location, suggesting that it was possibly a hunting camp.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number