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New observations on the bluefin tuna trap fishery off southern Portugal (NE Atlantic) between 1998-2014: trends on potential catches, catch-at-size and sex ratios

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28_Santos_2016_New_Obs_BFT_Trap_Portugal_ICCAT.pdf912.27 KBAdobe PDF Download



This paper updates information previously presented on the bluefin tuna catches from a tuna trap fishery operating off the southern coast of Portugal (Algarve). Trends of intra- and interannual catches were analysed and relationships between the potential catches and ICCAT management regulations for the Mediterranean Sea explored. The catch rates of bluefin tuna in the tuna trap off the Algarve remained relatively low between 1998 and 2008, but were followed by increasingly high catches thereafter, with an observed peak during the 2011 season. Significant negative correlations were observed between the catches and the number of allowable fishing months for purse-seines, longlines and bait boats in the Mediterranean Sea, meaning that the catch increased as the number of allowable fishing months for those fishing gears decreased. On the other hand, a positive relationship was observed between the catches and the minimum landing size (MLS), meaning that the catch rates in the tuna trap increased as the MLS for bluefin tuna also increased. These results seem to corroborate other fisheries indicators regarding the recovery of the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea stock.




Santos, M.N., Rosa, D., Coelho, R., Lino, P.G. 2016. New observations on the bluefin tuna trap fishery off southern Portugal (NE Atlantic) between 1998-2014: trends on potential catches, catch-at-size and sex ratios. Bluefin tuna data preparatory meeting, 2-6 March 2015, Madrid, Spain. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 72 (5): 1350-1364.

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