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A divisão celular é um processo essencial à manutenção da vida e à reprodução dos organismos, sendo, por consequência, um processo altamente regulado. No laboratório Cell Cycle and Cancer Biology Group pretende-se compreender este processo, recorrendo-se à Drosophila melanogaster e a células humanas como modelos.
A proteína Mob4 é altamente conservada na natureza, constituindo uma das principais proteínas que formam o complexo STRIPAK, no entanto escasso é o conhecimento acerca das suas funções biológicas. Resultados anteriores do laboratório apontam para um papel essencial da proteína Mob4 na regulação e execução da mitose, nomeadamente na formação do fuso mitótico e no correto alinhamentos dos cromossomas mitóticos.
Com este estudo, pretende-se elucidar qual a função biológica e molecular da Mob4, incluindo no processo de divisão celular, recorrendo, para tal, à criação de linhas celulares Mob4 nulas, em células humanas tumorais (HeLa) e não tumorais (hTERT RPE-1). Estas linhas permitem, simultaneamente, a avaliação da localização subcelular da Mob4 e o seu possível papel noutros processos celulares.
Os resultados obtidos neste estudo segurem que a proteína Mob4 se pode associar ao organelo membranar Golgi, atuando na sua manutenção estrutural e no transporte vesicular. A Mob4 interage também com filamentos do citoesqueleto, ao que tudo indica filamentos de actina, podendo desta forma contribuir para a regulação do citoesqueleto celular, nomeadamente a nível estrutural e na mobilidade celular. Por fim, em mitose, os resultados apresentados neste estudo confirmam os resultados previamente obtidos no laboratório, indicando que a Mob4 poderá estar associada aos centrossomas e aos cinetocoros, contribuindo para a estabilidade da ligação microtúbulos-cinetocoros e sendo necessária para a progressão da mitose.
Concluindo, a Mob4 é uma proteína que aparenta estar envolvida em diversos processos biológicos essenciais, nomeadamente, na mitose, podendo ser uma das proteínas que regula este processo.
Cell division is an essential process for the maintenance of life and the reproduction of organisms, being, therefore, a highly regulated process. In the Cell Cycle and Cancer Biology Group, we intend to understand this process, using Drosophila melanogaster and human cells as models. Mob4 protein is a highly conserved protein in nature, constituting one of the main proteins forming the STRIPAK complex, however there is little knowledge about its biological functions. Previous results from the laboratory point to an essential role of the Mob4 protein in the regulation and execution of mitosis, namely in the formation of the mitotic spindle and in the correct alignment of mitotic chromosomes. With this study, we intend to elucidate the biological and molecular function of Mob4, including in the cell division process, using, for this purpose, Mob4 null cell lines, in human tumor cells (HeLa) and human non-tumor cells (hTERT RPE-1). These cell lines allow, simultaneously, the evaluation of the subcellular localization of Mob4 and its possible role in other cellular processes. The results obtained in this study show that Mob4 protein can associate with the Golgi apparatus, acting in its structural maintenance and in vesicular transport. Mob4 also interacts with cytoskeleton filaments, apparently actin filaments, and can thus contribute to the regulation of cell cytoskeleton, namely at the structural level and in cell mobility. Finally, in mitosis, the results presented in this study confirm the results previously obtained in the laboratory, indicating that Mob4 may be associated with centrosomes and kinetochores, contributing to the stability of the microtubule-kinetochore attachment and that it may be necessary for the progression of mitosis. In conclusion, Mob4 is a protein that appears to be involved in several essential biological processes, including mitosis, and may be one of the proteins that regulate this process.
Cell division is an essential process for the maintenance of life and the reproduction of organisms, being, therefore, a highly regulated process. In the Cell Cycle and Cancer Biology Group, we intend to understand this process, using Drosophila melanogaster and human cells as models. Mob4 protein is a highly conserved protein in nature, constituting one of the main proteins forming the STRIPAK complex, however there is little knowledge about its biological functions. Previous results from the laboratory point to an essential role of the Mob4 protein in the regulation and execution of mitosis, namely in the formation of the mitotic spindle and in the correct alignment of mitotic chromosomes. With this study, we intend to elucidate the biological and molecular function of Mob4, including in the cell division process, using, for this purpose, Mob4 null cell lines, in human tumor cells (HeLa) and human non-tumor cells (hTERT RPE-1). These cell lines allow, simultaneously, the evaluation of the subcellular localization of Mob4 and its possible role in other cellular processes. The results obtained in this study show that Mob4 protein can associate with the Golgi apparatus, acting in its structural maintenance and in vesicular transport. Mob4 also interacts with cytoskeleton filaments, apparently actin filaments, and can thus contribute to the regulation of cell cytoskeleton, namely at the structural level and in cell mobility. Finally, in mitosis, the results presented in this study confirm the results previously obtained in the laboratory, indicating that Mob4 may be associated with centrosomes and kinetochores, contributing to the stability of the microtubule-kinetochore attachment and that it may be necessary for the progression of mitosis. In conclusion, Mob4 is a protein that appears to be involved in several essential biological processes, including mitosis, and may be one of the proteins that regulate this process.
Mitose Proteína Mob4 Complexo STRIPAK Via Hippo Golgi iRNA