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O peixe utilizado no presente trabalho, a dourada (Spcnvs aura,a L), é uma espécie importante para a aquacultura ao longo de toda a costa mediterrânea. A hormona de crescimento (GH) e a prolactina (PRL) libertadas pela glandula pituitária deste teleósteo, regulam dum modo fundamental alguns processos fisiológicos
particularmente o crescimento.
The fish used in tlie present study, the sea bream {Sparus aura,a L.), is an important aquaculture species along the Mediterranean coast. The growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL), released by the pituitary gland of this telcost fish, play a central role in controlling several aspects of its physiology, particularly growth. In this study, we examined the effect of several peptides on the activity ol somatotrophs and prolactin cells in cultured pituitary glands
The fish used in tlie present study, the sea bream {Sparus aura,a L.), is an important aquaculture species along the Mediterranean coast. The growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL), released by the pituitary gland of this telcost fish, play a central role in controlling several aspects of its physiology, particularly growth. In this study, we examined the effect of several peptides on the activity ol somatotrophs and prolactin cells in cultured pituitary glands
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Unidade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 1994
Sparus aurata Aquacultura Crescimento