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Remote data acquisition system of environmental data

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This paper presents the implementation of an environmental data acquisition system in a school building. The chosen building is a secondary school, located in Estoi, Portugal. The purpose of this data acquisition system is to collect environmental information from inside and outside. In the implementation of this system were employed the network infrastructure of the building and radio frequency communications. Using Internet facilities the data stored in a local computer is transferred to the main server located in the University of Algarve. Developed web tools in the main server allow access to data and administration features.




Crispim, E. M.; Martins, P. M.; Ruano, A. E. Remote Data Acquisition System of Environmental Data, Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Intelligent Buildings: Rational use of energy in school buildings in Algarve, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Buildings: Rational use of energy in school buildings in Algarve, Faro, 2004.

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