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Europa do Sul é conhecida por seu clima mediterrânico com Invernos quentes e
húmidos e verões secos e quentes. Isso faz da região um destino turístico atraente para
os europeus do norte e o site de muitas residências secundárias. No sul da Europa,
existem zonas costeiras inteiramente dedicadas á actividade socio-económica do
turismo, como a costa do Algarve (Portugal), Costa del Sol (Espanha), Côte d'Azur
(França) e na Costa Amalfitana (Itália). O pico da época turística, em Julho-Agosto-
Setembro também coincide com o período mais seco do ano. Portanto, execesivas
extrações da água foram criados para satisfazer o consumo de água de turistas nas
atividades de higiene pessoal, alimentação e recreação. Um estudo piloto sobre a
utilização e consumo da água pelos turistas foi conduzido na área costeira do Algarve,
Portugal. O estudo constatou que os turistas internacionais têm um consumo médio de
água em relação à higiene pessoal e têm uma alta demanda de água pelo tipo de dieta
que têm e pelas atividades de recreação (ou seja, a utilização de piscinas e campos de
golfe). O uso eficiente da água no sector do turismo irá reduzir as extraçãoes de água e
as pressões ambientais sobre os destinos turísticos costeiros. Uma estratégia de gestão
adequada para tratar o consumo dá água é a instalação de tecnologia eficiente ea
promoção da mudança do comportamento, através de campanhas educativas dirigidas
directamente a turistas. A falta de informações sobre os usos da água dificulta a gestão
eficiente da água no destinos turísticos costeiros. Pesquisas futuras devem estimar o
consumo de água pelos turistas em relação à sua dieta e as atividades recreativas. É
necessário também quantificar o consumo de água pelos turistas.
Southern Europe is known for its Mediterranean climate with warm wet winters and hot dry summers. This makes the region an attractive tourist destination for North Europeans and also the site of many second homes. Whole coastal stretches are devoted to the socioeconomic activity of tourism, such as the Algarve (Portugal), the Costa del Sol (Spain), the Côte d'Azur (France) and the Amalfi coast (Italy). The peak tourist season July-August-September also coincides with the driest season of the year. Excessive water extractions are in place to support water consumption by tourists, in activities like personal hygiene, washing, eating, drinking and recreation. A pilot study of the uses of water by tourists and their water consumption was made in the coastal area of the Algarve, Portugal. The study revealed that international tourists have medium water consumption in uses related to personal hygiene and washing. They also have high water demands due to their diet and the recreational activities they practice (i.e. swimming pools and golf). Water savings in the tourism sector can reduce water abstractions and the environmental pressures in coastal tourist destinations. A suitable management strategy to address water consumption is the installation of water efficient technology and the promotion of changes in behavior through educational campaigns addressed directly at tourists. The lack of information about the uses of water in coastal tourism destinations constrains water management. Future research should estimate the water consumption by tourists in relation to their diet and recreational activities. It is also necessary to quantify the water consumption by tourists.
Southern Europe is known for its Mediterranean climate with warm wet winters and hot dry summers. This makes the region an attractive tourist destination for North Europeans and also the site of many second homes. Whole coastal stretches are devoted to the socioeconomic activity of tourism, such as the Algarve (Portugal), the Costa del Sol (Spain), the Côte d'Azur (France) and the Amalfi coast (Italy). The peak tourist season July-August-September also coincides with the driest season of the year. Excessive water extractions are in place to support water consumption by tourists, in activities like personal hygiene, washing, eating, drinking and recreation. A pilot study of the uses of water by tourists and their water consumption was made in the coastal area of the Algarve, Portugal. The study revealed that international tourists have medium water consumption in uses related to personal hygiene and washing. They also have high water demands due to their diet and the recreational activities they practice (i.e. swimming pools and golf). Water savings in the tourism sector can reduce water abstractions and the environmental pressures in coastal tourist destinations. A suitable management strategy to address water consumption is the installation of water efficient technology and the promotion of changes in behavior through educational campaigns addressed directly at tourists. The lack of information about the uses of water in coastal tourism destinations constrains water management. Future research should estimate the water consumption by tourists in relation to their diet and recreational activities. It is also necessary to quantify the water consumption by tourists.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Gestão da água Turismo Consumo de água