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This study provides the first measurements of the standard respiration rate (RS) and growth dynamics of European sardine Sardina pilchardus larvae reared in the laboratory. At 15° C, the relationship between RS (µl O2 individual−1 h−1) and larval dry mass (MD, µg) was equal to: RS = 0·0057(±0·0007, ± s.e.)·MD0·8835(±0·0268), (8–11% MD day−1). Interindividual differences in RS were not related to interindividual differences in growth rate or somatic (Fulton's condition factor) or biochemical-based condition (RNA:DNA).
Clupeidae Nucleic acids Nutritional condition Respiration Small pelagic
Moyano, M.; Garrido, S.; Teodósio, M. A.; Peck, M. A. Standard metabolism and growth dynamics of laboratory-reared larvae of Sardina pilchardus , Journal of Fish Biology, 84, 4, 1247-1255, 2014.