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Na sequência de outras investigações sobre a aplicação do método de resolução criativa de problemas ao ensino, apresenta-se aqui uma experiência ocorrida no âmbito do ensino pré-escolar, cujos resultados surpreenderam todos os envolvidos, pela sua qualidade, unidade e respeito pelo planeado. O presente artigo enquadra-se na pedagogia construtivista de ensino por projetos. Para que se possa falar de projeto pedagógico, os aspetos metodológicos são essenciais para entender o compromisso e a apropriação do projeto pelo aluno. Relata um estudo de caso desenvolvido no Norte de Portugal com meia centena de crianças, dos ensinos básico e pré-escolar. Desenvolveram-se as fases da construção de projetos, subordinadas ao objetivo do Projeto-Escola, numa adaptação do método de resolução criativa de problemas ao trabalho com grupos grandes. Da implementação resultaram a concretização e a apresentação de seis projetos. Os resultados evidenciam que os participantes aliaram a imaginação ao planeamento e à distribuição de tarefas, sendo demonstrativos da efetiva implementação de resolução criativa de problemas.
Following further research on the application of the creative problem solving method to teaching, we present here an experience that has occurred in pre-school education, the results of which have surprised everyone involved because of their quality, unity and respect for what is planned. This article is part of the constructivist pedagogy of teaching by projects. In order to talk about pedagogical project, the methodological aspects are essential to understand the commitment and appropriation of the project by the student. It reports a case study developed in Northern Portugal with half a hundred children, from basic and pre-school education. The phases of the construction of projects were developed, subordinated to the objective of the School Project, in an adaptation of the method of creative problem solving to the work with large groups. The implementation resulted in the implementation and presentation of six projects. The results show that the participants aligned the imagination with the planning and distribution of tasks, demonstrating the effective implementation of creative problem solving.
Following further research on the application of the creative problem solving method to teaching, we present here an experience that has occurred in pre-school education, the results of which have surprised everyone involved because of their quality, unity and respect for what is planned. This article is part of the constructivist pedagogy of teaching by projects. In order to talk about pedagogical project, the methodological aspects are essential to understand the commitment and appropriation of the project by the student. It reports a case study developed in Northern Portugal with half a hundred children, from basic and pre-school education. The phases of the construction of projects were developed, subordinated to the objective of the School Project, in an adaptation of the method of creative problem solving to the work with large groups. The implementation resulted in the implementation and presentation of six projects. The results show that the participants aligned the imagination with the planning and distribution of tasks, demonstrating the effective implementation of creative problem solving.
Estudo de caso Criatividade Projeto de educação Inovação educacional Metodologia
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones