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Recent Submissions
- Clustered patterns of household water consumption in Portuguese municipalities: do regional location and population trajectory matter?Publication . Jacinto, Gonçalo; Barreira, Ana PaulaPortugal faces water scarcity challenges, yet studies on per-household water consumption are limited. This study aims to address this gap by employing cluster analyses to assess how population trajectories, a previously overlooked aspect, and the regional location influence per-household monthly water consumption across 122 municipalities. Findings highlight higher consumption in the South despite lower prices. Municipalities experiencing population growth and those with long-term population declines show higher per-household water consumption but lower prices. Interestingly, while higher prices correlate with lower consumption, southern municipalities show increased prices without reduced consumption. Clustering reveals slight changes in consumption patterns from 2011 to 2020.
- Certification, maintenance and decertification of standardised innovation management systems: Motivations, barriers and benefitsPublication . MENDES DE SABOYA, LIANA; Candido, Carlos Joaquim Farias; Cesário, MarisaThe role of standardised innovation management systems (SIMS) in fostering organisational innovation has been largely overlooked in the literature. This study addresses this gap by investigating the certification, maintenance, and decertification of SIMS. Using a descriptive and inductive methodology, the research analyses primary data from 94 Portuguese organisations with certified SIMS. The findings reveal a strong prevalence of internal motivations for certification, low implementation obstacles, and significant benefits, suggesting that these firms have successfully internalised the SIMS standard into their innovation management processes. Maintenance motivations are also strong, particularly internal ones, which align well with the critical success factors for sustaining certification. The benefits of maintaining SIMS are substantial, particularly internal benefits, as initial external motivations for certification often evolve into internal maintenance motivations. Decertification motivations and propensity are weak among the sample firms. Expectations of negative performance impacts following potential decertification are also low, likely because these organisations have effectively internalised the SIMS standard. This study is the first to explore the maintenance and decertification of SIMS, providing evidence that SIMS can deliver substantial benefits, be efficiently maintained, and continuously enhance innovation and competitiveness. As a result, most organisations exhibit little interest in decertification. The findings offer significant contributions to research and provide actionable insights for practitioners, suggesting that innovation management systems can indeed be standardised with considerable benefits.
- Perceptions and behaviors concerning tourism degrowth and sustainable tourism: latent dimensions and types of touristsPublication . Pinto, Hugo; Barboza, Miriam; Nogueira, CarlaThe current economic model centered on perpetual growth is unsustainable. Without a shift away from this growth-centric approach and rampant consumerism, the environmental and social crises will persist. This article explores tourists' relationship with degrowth and sustainability. Through an empirical investigation, the study explores the relatively uncharted territory of how tourists engage with degrowth. Employing an online survey with a sample of 261 respondents obtained through convenience sampling via online distribution, the research seeks to unearth key facets of tourist behavior and categorize tourists based on their attitudes toward sustainability and degrowth. The findings indicate that degrowth remains a largely unfamiliar concept among tourists. Interestingly, those exhibiting more sustainable travel practices also display a greater alignment with degrowth principles. Conversely, younger tourists appear less inclined towards sustainable behaviors and more resistant to embracing degrowth ideologies. These findings underscore the potential of degrowth in addressing sustainability challenges within the tourism industry while emphasizing the need of including tourists and local communities in fostering a shift toward more sustainable tourism practices.
- Repercussions of restaurant corporate social responsibility on positive emotions, memorable experiences and eWOMPublication . Souki, Gustavo; Oliveira, Alessandro Silva de; Matos, Celso Augusto deThis study endeavours to (1) evaluate the impacts of consumers’ perceptions regarding the corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of casual dining restaurants on their memorable experiences (ME); (2) assess the impacts of consumers’ perceptions regarding the CSR practices of casual dining restaurants on their positive emotions; (3) explore the mediating effect of consumers’ positive emotions in the relationship between CSR and ME; (4) examine the impacts of ME on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and (5) investigate whether consumer behavioural engagement on social networking sites (CBE-SNS) moderates the relationship between ME and eWOM. Design/methodology/approach This survey included 394 casual dining restaurant consumers in Portugal. The hypothetical model, grounded in the stimulus-organism-response theory (S-O-R) proposed by Mehrabian and Russell (1974), was evaluated employing partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Findings The results demonstrated that restaurants’ CSR (stimulus) directly and positively impacts consumers’ ME and positive emotions (organism). Positive emotions mediate the relationship between restaurants’ CSR and consumers’ ME. Memorable consumer experiences directly and positively impact eWOM (response). Finally, CBE-SNS moderates the relationship between ME and eWOM. Originality/value This study uniquely elucidates the relationships among CSR, positive emotions, ME, CBE-SNS and eWOM within casual dining restaurants. Restaurants can use CSR as a stimulus to affect consumers’ positive emotions and ME (organism), generating repercussions on eWOM. Moreover, ME positively influences eWOM. However, CBE-SNS is crucial to establish strategies for distinct consumer profiles, which would increase the impact on eWOM. This study contributes to the S-O-R and provides practical implications for restaurant owners, managers, marketing professionals and policymakers in the food service sector.
- Smart specialization, public authorities, and innovation intermediaries in developing regionsPublication . Pinto, Hugo; Laranja, Manuel; Uyarra, ElviraDespite a growing body of literature on smart specialization, the role of public authorities and innovation intermediaries, particularly in developing regions, remains understudied. This research examines one of the first attempts to apply the smart specialization framework to the development of an innovation strategy outside Europe, specifically in the Pernambuco State, Brazil. We focus on two priority areas (clothing and high-tech automotive components) identified by the state government as key targets for pilot policy experimentation and use different methods, such as social network analysis and content analysis, to interview strategic innovation actors for studying the promotion of innovation and regional development in Pernambuco. Findings highlight how regional governance, collaboration, and trust are shaped by public authorities and innovation intermediaries. The study identifies three key challenges in implementing smart specialization strategy in developing regions: i.e., achieving effective decentralization, cultivating an innovation culture, and establishing participatory governance mechanisms. The public sector actors act as crucial knowledge brokers and policy intermediaries, facilitating the linkages and partnerships necessary to overcome these challenges.
- Lessons from the impact of global and domestic economic crises on tourists’ behaviourPublication . Cesário, Marisa; Barreira, Ana PaulaEconomic crises have been demonstrated to have profound consequences on the tourism industry. Insights from previous global economic and financial crises can provide valuable perspectives on the economic crisis accompanying the war in Eastern Europe. Through a survey conducted during the off-peak seasons of 2008, 2009/2010, and 2010/2011, we compared satisfaction with the attributes of the Algarve—a region globally recognized by the 3S’s— before global and domestic crises and after the global crisis. Our findings reveal that the international and domestic crises have not affected the image of the Algarve. However, this observation conceals shifts in how tourists perceive the destination's attributes. The valuation of accommodations and beaches declined between the pre and post-global crises. At the same time, the friendliness of locals and safety were more negatively impacted when comparing tourists’ assessments before the domestic crisis and after the global crisis. Results indicate that price reduction strategies adversely affect tourists’ assessments of the "value for money." This impact is more pronounced for tourists with higher education levels, who employ fewer "slicing" strategies. Furthermore, non-sovereign debt tourists appear to be more dissatisfied with a price reduction policy, possibly due to changes in the composition and quality of the offered packages.
- A survey of corporate finance practices in micro-enterprises: an exploratory analysis conditional on firm and manager characteristicsPublication . Morais Francisco, PauloThis study outlines the findings from a survey of 208 micro-enterprises (MEs) in Portugal, focusing on their corporate finance practices, including working capital management (WCM), financing and investment decisions, the adoption of accounting information systems (AIS) and the use of financial data. Both an unconditional exploratory study and a study conditional on the characteristics of the ME and its manager are conducted. The unconditional results reveal direct CEO involvement in cash management and accounts receivable in MEs. While these companies use AIS for financial reporting, the use of financial ratios is uncommon. Additionally, these MEs do not frequently calculate the cost of capital and primarily rely on the payback rule as an investment decision criterion. With respect to the conditional analysis, the results indicate that factors such as size and managers' education, especially in finance, significantly influence the sophistication of corporate finance functions. Moreover, management diversity emerges as a key driver across various financial functions, and family businesses demonstrate heightened concern for these financial aspects. The study concludes by recommending the promotion of financial education for ME managers to enhance their financial management practices. Particularly, it advocates for targeted financial literacy policies and training and the adoption of advanced financial tools to support the growth and sustainability of MEs.
- Emotional, cognitive and behavioural repercussions of hotel guests' experiencesPublication . Souki, Gustavo; Oliveira, Alessandro Silva de; Barcelos, Marco Túlio Correa; da Costa Mendes, Júlio; Martins Guerreiro, Maria Manuela; Moura, Luiz Rodrigo CunhaPurpose - Hotels offer high-quality guest experiences to positively impact their emotions, satisfaction, perceived value, word-of-mouth (WOM) and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). This study aims to investigate the impacts of the quality perceived by hotel guests on their positive emotions, negative emotions, perceived value and satisfaction; verify the impacts of the price on perceived value and satisfaction; examine the impacts of satisfaction on WOM and eWOM; and test the moderating effect of hotel guests' behavioural engagement on social networking sites (HGBE-SNS) on the relationship between satisfaction and eWOM. Design/methodology/approach - This survey included 371 guests who assessed their experiences at three Brazilian hotels. Structural equation modelling tested the hypothetical model supported by the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974). Findings - The quality perceived by hotel guests (stimulus) positively impacts perceived value, positive emotions and satisfaction and negatively affects negative emotions (organism). Price (stimulus) negatively impacts perceived value but does not affect satisfaction. Perceived value positively impacts satisfaction. Satisfaction positively impacts WOM and eWOM (responses). The HGBE-SNS moderates the relationship between satisfaction and eWOM. Originality/value - To the best of the authors' knowledge, this study is the first that simultaneously demonstrates the relationships between perceived quality, price, perceived value, positive and negative emotions, satisfaction, WOM, eWOM and HGBE-SNS. Hotels must offer their guests high-quality services to positively impact' perceived value, positive emotions, satisfaction and WOM. Low prices boost the perceived value but do not directly increase guest satisfaction. Satisfied hotel guests share their experiences via WOM, but high HGBE-SNS is crucial to boost eWOM.
- From mass marketing to personalized digital marketing in tourism: a 2050 horizon paperPublication . Kozak, Metin; Correia, AntóniaPurpose - The academic background of tourism marketing dates back to the 1960s. There had been a slight increase in its capacity until the early 1990s. However, since then, it has boomed, reaching thousands of scientific journal articles and tens of scientific books published only in English each year. Therefore, this study aims to present how tourism marketing has progressed academically within the past 60 years over four waves and how this progress may move forward as the next wave. Design/methodology/approach - A bibliometric analysis grounds this study, which characterizes the past and present of tourism marketing research and anticipates the future. Content analysis, such as word clouds and social network analysis, was adopted to identify topic clusters and their connections. A total of 9,239 articles published between 1969 and 2024 were extracted from Scopus. Software packages such as VOSviewer were used to determine connections within topics. Findings - The authors have assessed the findings broadly. Four waves were from the late 1960s to the first quarter of 2000. In spite of the limited size of papers at the early stage, the last wave saw a boom and a diversified number and category of subjects studied. In each wave, new subjects were added to broaden the picture. Research limitations/implications - The discussion of findings is based only on those scientific papers published in English since 1969 but excludes the whole list of textbooks. Subsequent research should also consider all papers and textbooks released in different languages to have the broadest picture assessment worldwide. Practical implications - The study conveys various suggestions for industry practitioners and policymakers to focus on carefully assessing trends in marketing tourism services and how these may be shaped shortly. This may help practitioners and policymakers redesign their services and marketing strategies in light of future developments. Originality/value - This study continues a recent study published by Kozak (2023) that has been elaborated, particularly from the industry perspective. The current study examines the academic profile of all subjects investigated in the case of tourism marketing, but mainly in an academic sense. Accordingly, this paper outlines the facts and trends researchers may follow throughout the research frame published in the past six decades.
- Health hazards implication for household solid waste collectors of north city corporation in Dhaka: a post-COVID studyPublication . Ahmed, F.; Ratna, T. S.; Sharmin, N.; Chowdhury, A.; Rana, S.; Hasasn, S.; Tumon, S. H.; Islam, S.; Hossain, Mohammed MotaherSolid waste management has been one of the challenging tasks for the waste collectors at Dhaka North City corporations, especially during the post-COVID-19 period, since this task exposes several acute and chronic illnesses. The perilous implications of waste collection on the health condition of the waste collectors at the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) have often been ignored, and they have to work without adequate protective measures. Though different research has already been done regarding the occupational health hazards of waste collectors, the novelty of this study is that it considers the post-COVID period and focuses on the solid waste picker of DNCC. This study aimed to evaluate the current health hazards faced by DNCC household waste collectors and suggest remedial actions. A questionnaire-based survey (n = 415) assessed work environment, socio-economic status, and post-COVID-19 health hazard awareness through convenience sampling. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's chi-square tests, and binary logistic regression were adopted to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics portray that 81.8% of waste pickers are not satisfied with their work environment. Additionally, 66% of solid waste collectors face health issues, and 58% of waste collectors are unaware of the risk of COVID-19. Pearson's chi-square tests reveal that the health hazards of waste pickers are significantly associated with job type, working hours, Awareness of solid waste effect on health and severe suffering history. Additionally, the binary logistic regression model exposed job type, Awareness of solid waste effect on health, frequently suffered diseases, and severe suffering history has significant (p-value < 0.05) impact on the health hazard of a waste picker of DNCC. Regarding the policy implication, Dhaka North City Corporation must take immediate action that will significantly reduce the hazardous impacts of solid waste collection on the health of the waste collectors by supplying them with adequate protective measures.