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- Apresentação de um Modelo Distribuído de Precipitação/Escoamento SuperficialPublication . Lança, Rui; Carmona Rodrigues, AntónioO modelo de simulação do escoamento superficial assenta sobre um modelo digital de terreno constituído por uma malha regular de células.
- Simetrías e iteraciones verbales con función de marco en romances viejosPublication . Stefano, Giuseppe DiA interacção verbal é um dos recursos mais usados para dar ênfase ao tom e ao sentido de qualquer comunicação linguística. Na poesia popular, é costume adoptar com frequência este recurso para a estrutura do texto, reforçando a eficácia emotiva e estética do discurso. Parente próximo da interacção é a simetria verbal, que estabelece uma forte relação de sentido entre dois termos, por identidade ou por oposição (este último caso não é de modo nenhum raro nos finais, para apresentar a moral do texto). No presente artigo, estuda-se a simetria verbal num corpus de romances velhos espanhóis.
- Os temas em galego do romanceiro tradicional da GalizaPublication . Forneiro Pérez, José LuísO silêncio das letras galegas desde a Idade Média até ao Ressurdimento oitocencista fez com que os historiadores da literatura na Galiza se perguntassem na segunda metade do séc. XIX e durante o séc. XX que se deve entender por literatura galega; em 1963 Ricardo Carvalho Calero na sua clássica Historia da literatura galega contemporánea definiu-a como a literatura composta em galego. Deste modo, prescindia-se das obras em língua castelhana de autores nascidos na Galiza como Emilia Pardo Bazán, Ramón María del Valle Inclán, Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, Camilo José Cela ou Gonzalo Torrente Ballester; em troca, incluíam-se composições em galego de escritores de fora como os andaluzes Federico García Lorca ou Juan Pérez Creus ou o catalão Carles Riba.
- Charting service quality gapsPublication . Cândido, Carlos; Morris, D. S.Some of the most influential models in the service management literature (Parasuraman et al., 1985; Grönroos, 1990) focus on the concept of service quality gap (SQG). Parasuraman et al. (1985) define a pioneering model with five SQGs, the concepts of which are amplified in Brogowicz et al.’s (1990) model. The latter has five types of encompassing gaps: information and feedback-related gaps; design-related gaps; implementation-related gaps; communication-related gaps; and customers’ perceptions and expectations related gaps. Additionally to this model amplification, other authors (e.g., Brown & Swartz, 1989) have pointed to relevant SQGs that have not been considered previously. This paper integrates current models and a group of SQGs dispersed through the literature in a new comprehensive model. It draws a link between the model and the stages of a strategy process, emphasising the SQGs’ impact on the process and raising relevant research questions.
- Direction biasing by brief apparent motion stimuliPublication . Pantle, A. J.; Gallogly, D. P.; Piehler, O. C.The perceived direction of a motion step (probe stimulus) can be influenced by an earlier motion step or a brief motion sweep containing a series of steps (biasing stimulus). Depending upon experimental conditions, the biasing of the direction of the probe step (a phase shift of 180 degrees +/- Phi) by a biasing stimulus which precedes it by approximately 250 ms can either increase (positive filter biasing) or decrease (negative filter biasing) the tendency to see the probe move: in the biasing direction as computed with a motion filter with a biphasic temporal impulse response. In a series of experiments it was found that biasing motions traversing 90 degrees of phase angle in fewer than six steps in less than 100 ms produced positive filter biasing. Also, biasing of the probe direction could be dissociated from the consciously reported direction of the biasing stimulus, and it did not occur when the probe preceded rather than followed the biasing stimulus. A biasing sweep containing more than six steps traversing 90 degrees or a sweep traversing 270 degrees produced negative filter biasing. Perceptual fusion of the steps of the sweep was not a necessary condition for obtaining negative filter biasing. In general, the negative filter biasing effects were found to be the: most pervasive for the conditions investigated, and they are suggestive of a direction-specific, adaptation-like (gain-control) process in first-order motion filters. The exception to the negative biasing rule was found only with biasing stimuli which were short in duration or distance spanned. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Análise comparativa da casualidade sísmica do AlgarvePublication . Estêvão, João M. C.; Oliveira, Carlos SousaIn this paper we compared the seismic hazard of Algarve obtained with two different models: a point-source model (proposed by McGuire) and a fault-rupture model (proposed by Der Kiureghian and Ang).
- A procura turística no AlgarvePublication . Correia, Antónia; Pimpão, Adriano; Mendes, José Manuel ZorroO turismo tem merecido uma maior atenção, por parte de vários investigadores, nas diferentes ciências, nos últimos 50 anos. O impacto do turismo é o tema mais comum em todos os estudos, variando apenas pelas diferentes ênfases consideradas: económicas, sociais, culturais e ambientais.
- O jogo do desejo: retórica e comunicação amorosas na obra de Claude CrébillonPublication . Carvalho, Ana Alexandra Mendonça Seabra da Silva Andrade de; Rodrigues, Urbano Tavares; Brilhante, Maria JoãoNo final deste trabalho, julgamos ter mostrado que Claude Crébillon reconquistou o respeito e a admiração que lhe eram devidos, tornando-se num dos nomes maiores da Literatura Francesa, ao lado de Marivaux. Prévost ou Laclos. Por um lado. através de uma análise lúcida, minuciosa e distanciada, o Autor desmascara os jogos estratégicos e tácticos da esgrima argumentativa e linguística do código retórico-comunicacional do discurso amoroso, nas suas diversas tonalidades, cambiantes e falsidades, vigente no microcosmo sociocultural aristocrático da Regência e do reinado de Luís XV. Por outro, a estrutura sintáctica, aparentemente tortuosa e labiríntica, da sua frase, tão criticada por alguns dos seus contemporâneos, sobretudo nos últimos romances, adequase. de forma exemplar, à análise psicológica, como o demonstrou Bemadette Fort (1978), seguindo os meandros da consciência e pondo a nu as complexidades, as hesitações, as contradições e as máscaras hipócritas do desejo de sedução em jogo nos conflitos entre "coeur", "esprit" e "sens". Esta análise psico-socio-Iinguística do jargão amoroso revela, de modo subtil e irónico, as máscaras da hipocrisia galante, as armas de sedução libertina, mas também as armadilhas que ameaçam a paixão quando esta confia em tal código.
- Accelerating multi-objective control system design using a neuro-genetic approachPublication . Duarte, N. M.; Ruano, Antonio; Fonseca, C. M.; Fleming, P. J.Designing control systems using multiobjective genetic algorithms can lead to a substantial computational load as a result of the repeated evaluation of the multiple objectives and the population-based nature of the search. Here, a neural network approach, based on radial basis functions, is introduced to alleviate this problem by providing computationally inexpensive estimates of objective values during the search. A straightforward example demonstrates the utility of the approach.
- Data acquisition and monitoring system (DAMS)Publication . Lopes, C.; Soares, C.In order to achieve specific requirements of their research programs under projects INTIMATE and INFANTE, a consortium formed by the Centro de Investigação ̧Tecnológica do Algarve (CINTAL), the Instituto Hidrográfico (IH) and the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) have purchased an acoustic tomography and underwater communication system to the company CO.L.Mar. This system is composed of two hydrophone arrays, one surface buoy, one RF link and other electronic and mechanical devices, that can be referred to as distinct categories: • the Wet-end system and • the Dry-end system depending on their position when deployed. The Data Acquisition & Monitoring System ( DAMS ) described in this report connects to the Dry-end of Colmar’s tomographic system (as shown in figure 1) and provides the following capabilities: i) to read and monitor the data being acquired, ii) to demultiplex and store the data on digital format and iii) to provide absolute time-marking of the data for future use.In order to achieve specific requirements of their research programs under projects INTIMATE and INFANTE, a consortium formed by the Centro de Investigação ̧Tecnológica do Algarve (CINTAL), the Instituto Hidrográfico (IH) and the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) have purchased an acoustic tomography and underwater communication system to the company CO.L.Mar. This system is composed of two hydrophone arrays, one surface buoy, one RF link and other electronic and mechanical devices, that can be referred to as distinct categories: • the Wet-end system and • the Dry-end system depending on their position when deployed. The Data Acquisition & Monitoring System ( DAMS ) described in this report connects to the Dry-end of Colmar’s tomographic system (as shown in figure 1) and provides the following capabilities: i) to read and monitor the data being acquired, ii) to demultiplex and store the data on digital format and iii) to provide absolute time-marking of the data for future use.