Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2015-07"
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- Projeto InLUT – Integração dos usos do solo e transportes em cidades de média dimensão. Relatório FinalPublication . Alves, Rui; Bento, Ricardo; Vale, David; Pires Rosa, Manuela; Ramos, Luís; Bispo, Sérgio; Gameiro, Celeste; Madeira, Sara; Rodrigues, J. I.O presente documento corresponde ao relatório resultante da atividade científica desenvolvida no quadro do projeto de investigação PTDC/AUR-URB/111013/2009, intitulado Integração de usos do solo e transportes em cidades de média dimensão. O projeto teve como entidade proponente a Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) e como entidades participantes a Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (FAUTL) e a Universidade do Algarve (UAlg), e teve o apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) através do programa COMPETE. Nele foram integrados 4 casos de estudo de cidades médias portuguesas, Vila Real, Castelo Branco, Santarém e Faro, sobre as quais foi aplicada uma metodologia comum.
- Study of biomass particle combustion model to use in multi-particle simulation codesPublication . Sousa, Nelson; Azevedo, João L.T.This paper presents an analyses of the modelling specifications required in the simulation of the conversion of a single biomass particle to be used in multi-particles computer simulation codes. It considers the transport and reaction of gases, the heterogeneous combustion and heat transfer within the biomass. The biomass conversion is described by a competitive reaction mechanism specifying the composition of the volatile species and tar properties. This approach can represent the influence of the heating conditions on biomass conversion and produce acceptable compositions for the final products. Tar decomposition is considered within the particle as well as combustion reactions for all combustibles: volatile, tar and char. The study of several approaches show the level of numerical approach required to simulate the thermal conversion of the biomass particle and further reactions such as tar decomposition and oxidation of the combustibles gases within the particle. The validation of the numerical code is accomplished with the conversion of a 50 mm trunk in a hot gas stream by measuring the mass loss and temperature along the combustion process. Parametric tests are carried out to investigate the conversion of tars and oxidation of gases within the particle and it is concluded that these can be neglected for particle diameters smaller than 20 mm with an error less than 1%. For combustible particles such as wood chips and pellets with 6 mm diameter, all intern gradients may be neglected.
- Genes left behind: Climate change threatens cryptic genetic diversity in the canopy-forming seaweed bifurcaria bifurcataPublication . Neiva, J.; Assis, J.; Coelho, Nelson; Fernandes, Francisco; Pearson, Gareth; Serrao, Ester A.The global redistribution of biodiversity will intensify in the coming decades of climate change, making projections of species range shifts and of associated genetic losses important components of conservation planning. Highly-structured marine species, notably brown seaweeds, often harbor unique genetic variation at warmer low-latitude rear edges and thus are of particular concern. Here, a combination of Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) and molecular data is used to forecast the potential near-future impacts of climate change for a warm-temperate, canopy forming seaweed, Bifurcaria bifurcata. ENMs for B. bifurcata were developed using marine and terrestrial climatic variables, and its range projected for 2040-50 and 2090-2100 under two greenhouse emission scenarios. Geographical patterns of genetic diversity were assessed by screening 18 populations spawning the entire distribution for two organelle genes and 6 microsatellite markers. The southern limit of B. bifurcata was predicted to shift northwards to central Morocco by the mid-century. By 2090-2100, depending on the emission scenario, it could either retreat further north to western Iberia or be relocated back to Western Sahara. At the opposing margin, B. bifurcata was predicted to expand its range to Scotland or even Norway. Microsatellite diversity and endemism were highest in Morocco, where a unique and very restricted lineage was also identified. Our results imply that B. bifurcata will maintain a relatively broad latitudinal distribution. Although its persistence is not threatened, the predicted extirpation of a unique southern lineage or even the entire Moroccan diversity hotspot will erase a rich evolutionary legacy and shrink global diversity to current (low) European levels. NW Africa and similarly understudied southern regions should receive added attention if expected range changes and diversity loss of warm-temperate species is not to occur unnoticed.
- Unravelling the evolution of the Allatostatin-Type A, KISS and Galanin Peptide-Receptor gene families in Bilaterians: insights from Anopheles MosquitoesPublication . Felix, Rute C.; Trindade, Marlene; Pires, Isa R. P.; Vera G Fonseca; Martins, Rute S.; Silveira, Henrique; Power, Deborah M.; Cardoso, João CRAllatostatin type A receptors (AST-ARs) are a group of G-protein coupled receptors activated by members of the FGL-amide (AST-A) peptide family that inhibit food intake and development in arthropods. Despite their physiological importance the evolution of the AST-A system is poorly described and relatively few receptors have been isolated and functionally characterised in insects. The present study provides a comprehensive analysis of the origin and comparative evolution of the AST-A system. To determine how evolution and feeding modified the function of AST-AR the duplicate receptors in Anopheles mosquitoes, were characterised. Phylogeny and gene synteny suggested that invertebrate AST-A receptors and peptide genes shared a common evolutionary origin with KISS/GAL receptors and ligands. AST-ARs and KISSR emerged from a common gene ancestor after the divergence of GALRs in the bilaterian genome. In arthropods, the AST-A system evolved through lineage-specific events and the maintenance of two receptors in the flies and mosquitoes (Diptera) was the result of a gene duplication event. Speciation of Anophelesmosquitoes affected receptor gene organisation and characterisation of AST-AR duplicates (GPRALS1 and 2) revealed that in common with other insects, the mosquito receptors were activated by insect AST-A peptides and the iCa(2+)-signalling pathway was stimulated. GPRALS1 and 2 were expressed mainly in mosquito midgut and ovaries and transcript abundance of both receptors was modified by feeding. A blood meal strongly up-regulated expression of both GPRALS in the midgut (p < 0.05) compared to glucose fed females. Based on the results we hypothesise that the AST-A system in insects shared a common origin with the vertebrate KISS system and may also share a common function as an integrator of metabolism and reproduction. Highlights: AST-A and KISS/GAL receptors and ligands shared common ancestry prior to the protostome-deuterostome divergence. Phylogeny and gene synteny revealed that AST-AR and KISSR emerged after GALR gene divergence. AST-AR genes were present in the hemichordates but were lost from the chordates. In protostomes, AST-ARs persisted and evolved through lineage-specific events and duplicated in the arthropod radiation. Diptera acquired and maintained functionally divergent duplicate AST-AR genes.
- An improvement of photocatalytic activity of TiO2 Degussa P25 powderPublication . Bessergenev, V.; Mateus, M. C.; Botelho do Rego, A. M.; Hantusch, M.; Burkel, E.The photocatalytic activities of Degussa P25 powders annealed at various temperatures in vacuum and air were studied together with investigations of their compositions by XPS, of their crystal structures by XRD and of their specific surface areas by BET. It is shown that the photocatalytic activity of P25 powders was remarkably enhanced after vacuum annealing; the kinetic coefficient can be raised by 75% during annealing at 400 degrees C. It is obvious that this enhancement is not related to the adhesion ability of the P25 powders. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Dimensões da dieta mediterrânica: património cultural imaterial da humanidadePublication . Freitas, Ana de; Bernardes, João Pedro; Mateus, Maria Palma; Braz, NídiaO livro “Dimensões da Dieta Mediterrânica” desenvolve a reflexão em torno do conceito Dieta Mediterrânica – Património Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade, que aconteceu por iniciativa da Universidade do Algarve, no 1º Ciclo de Seminários da dieta mediterrânica em 2013. Começando por definir a multiplicidade deste conceito, os autores seguem explorando a realidade deste modo de vida (entre o céu e a Terra), que resulta de um processo de formação milenar, integra um hábito de bem comer numa prática de vida saudável e constitui um veículo de sustentabilidade para o futuro. As imagens que acompanham os textos retratam essa identidade bem mediterrânea, a partir de realidades algarvias atuais.
- Dimensions of Mediterranean Diet: world cultural heritagePublication . Freitas, Ana de; Bernardes, João Pedro; Mateus, Maria Palma; Braz, NídiaThe book "Dimensions of Mediterranean diet" develops the reflection around the Mediterranean Diet concept - Intangible Cultural Heritage, which took place by initiative of the University of Algarve, during the first cycle of Seminars on Mediterranean Diet, in 2013. Starting with the multiplicity of this concept, the authors follow exploring the reality of this way of life (between the sky and the earth), which is the result of an age-old training process, integrates a habit of eating well in a healthy life practice and is a vehicle for future sustainability. The images accompanying the text portray this Mediterranean identity, straight from Algarve current realities.
- Cooperation and the emergence of maritime clusters in the Atlantic: analysis and implications of innovation and human capital for blue growthPublication . Pinto, Hugo; Cruz, Ana Rita; Combe, ColinThe so-called 'blue economy' is gaining emphasis in European policy making due to the expansion of its relevance beyond traditional economic sectors but also to new and developing ones that exhibit rapid growth. Much of the discourse has focused on the emergence and consolidation of maritime clusters. However, there has been less attention on the regional development aspect and this article provides a timely contribution to filling the gap in knowledge by presenting the findings and analysis of a survey applied to blue economy organisations in Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Scotland. Specifically, issues of innovation, human capital and social capital provide the basis of inquiry around the creation and consolidation of maritime clusters. The article uses the survey data to understand the determinants of the variety of cooperation dynamics. A key finding reveals that participation in innovation activities and absorptive capacity are critical factors in increasing cooperation. From the analysis it is clear that there are significant discrepancies in participation between sectors, such as tourism where participation rates are below average. The article concludes by defining the core activities that should feature in a maritime cluster. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Hologenome theory supported by cooccurrence networks of species-specific bacterial communities in siphonous algae (Caulerpa)Publication . Aires, Tânia; Moalic, Yann; Serrao, Ester A.; ARNAUD-HAOND, SophieThe siphonous algae of the Caulerpa genus harbor internal microbial communities hypothesized to play important roles in development, defense and metabolic activities of the host. Here, we characterize the endophytic bacterial community of four Caulerpa taxa in the Mediterranean Sea, through 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Results reveal a striking alpha diversity of the bacterial communities, similar to levels found in sponges and coral holobionts. These comprise (1) a very small core community shared across all hosts (< 1% of the total community), (2) a variable portion (ca. 25%) shared by some Caulerpa taxa but not by all, which might represent environmentally acquired bacteria and (3) a large (> 70%) species-specific fraction of the community, forming very specific clusters revealed by modularity in networks of cooccurrence, even in areas where distinct Caulerpa taxa occurred in sympatry. Indirect inferences based on sequence homology suggest that these communities may play an important role in the metabolism of their host, in particular on their ability to grow on anoxic sediment. These findings support the hologenome theory and the need for a holistic framework in ecological and evolutionary studies of these holobionts that frequently become invasive.
- StemChecker: a web-based tool to discover and explore stemness signatures in gene setsPublication . Pinto, Jose P.; Kalathur, Ravi Kiran Reddy; Oliveira, Daniel V.; Barata, Tania; Machado, Rui; Machado, Susana; Pacheco-Leyva, Ivette; Duarte, Isabel; Futschik, Matthias E.Stem cells present unique regenerative abilities, offering great potential for treatment of prevalent pathologies such as diabetes, neurodegenerative and heart diseases. Various research groups dedicated significant effort to identify sets of genes-so-called stemness signatures-considered essential to define stem cells. However, their usage has been hindered by the lack of comprehensive resources and easy-to-use tools. For this we developed StemChecker, a novel stemness analysis tool, based on the curation of nearly fifty published stemness signatures defined by gene expression, RNAi screens, Transcription Factor (TF) binding sites, literature reviews and computational approaches. StemChecker allows researchers to explore the presence of stemness signatures in user-defined gene sets, without carrying-out lengthy literature curation or data processing. To assist in exploring underlying regulatory mechanisms, we collected over 80 target gene sets of TFs associated with pluri- or multipotency. StemChecker presents an intuitive graphical display, as well as detailed statistical results in table format, which helps revealing transcriptionally regulatory programs, indicating the putative involvement of stemness-associated processes in diseases like cancer. Overall, StemChecker substantially expands the available repertoire of online tools, designed to assist the stem cell biology, developmental biology, regenerative medicine and human disease research community. StemChecker is freely accessible at