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- A (re)organização do espaço da escrita na sala de atividades: o despertar do interesse pela linguagem escrita num grupo de 2 e 3 anosPublication . Tavares, Érica Cristina Simão; Horta, Maria Helena Martins da CruzO presente relatório de investigação intitula-se «A (re)organização do espaço da escrita na sala de atividades: o despertar do interesse pela linguagem escrita num grupo de 2 e 3 anos» e foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), no ano letivo de 2016/2017. A investigação realizou-se num jardim de infância privado, em Faro, onde perante um grupo de 15 crianças, entre os 2 e os 3 anos de idade, compreendeu-se que a maioria das crianças não estava desperta, no início do ano lectivo, para qualquer atividade relacionada com o desenho (de forma espontânea) e, consequentemente, não revelavam predisposição para atitudes de escrita. Durante a investigação, foi (re)organizado o espaço da escrita na sala de atividades com alguns materiais à disposição das crianças, em acordo com as suas ideias e interesses, com o objetivo de despertar as mesmas para a linguagem escrita, através do seu usufruto, de forma espontânea e autónoma, contribuindo assim para o envolvimento no seu próprio processo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, tendo sempre o aspeto lúdico como referencial. Trata-se de um estudo de curta duração que integra duas vertentes de análise: a de natureza quantitativa, que procura analisar a frequência de utilização dos espaços na sala de atividades, e outra de natureza qualitativa, que procura analisar como as crianças reagiram após a (re)organização do espaço da área da escrita na sala de atividades. A análise aos dados recolhidos revela um aumento significativo da frequência e da utilização do espaço da escrita pelas crianças. Os materiais introduzidos no espaço da escrita demonstraram ser do seu interesse e entusiasmo.
- Género Lavandula L.: usos, tradições e estudos de espécies portuguesasPublication . Vairinhos, Jéssica Alexandra Santos; Miguel, Maria Graça; Silva, Olga Maria DuarteDesde os primórdios da história da humanidade que as plantas têm sido utilizadas como uma fonte crucial de matéria médica. Na verdade, o desenvolvimento da indústria farmacêutica e o domínio dos fármacos sintéticos não foram fatores impeditivos da coexistência até ao presente de fármacos de origem vegetal. A partir do estudo do uso tradicional das plantas foi possível descobrir uma série de novos fármacos, que se tornaram de grande sucesso e que continuam a ser mundialmente utilizados. Dos inúmeros casos de sucesso, importa salientar a descoberta da quinina, morfina, salicina, vincristina e vimblastina, etoposido e teniposido. Torna-se, portanto, evidente a continua importância das plantas como fonte de novos fármacos, o que impulsiona o desenvolvimento de uma área científica – a etnofarmacologia – que se define como a exploração científica interdisciplinar dos agentes ativos, tradicionalmente utilizados ou observados pelo Homem e cujo objetivo engloba a validação do uso concreto de plantas no tratamento de diferentes patologias. Nas últimas duas décadas, o número de estudos etnofarmacológicos tem aumentado, nomeadamente em Portugal, como por exemplo os estudos que têm sido desenvolvidos sobre as espécies portuguesas de Lavandula L.. Este género de plantas integra três espécies conhecidas localmente como “rosmaninho” - Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav., Lavandula stoechas subsp. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira e Lavandula viridis L'Hér.. Existem diversos relatos da utilização destas espécies na medicina tradicional para as mais variadas patologias, o que tem incentivado vários estudos, nomeadamente em Portugal, com o intuito de encontrar dados científicos relativos à validação do uso concreto do rosmaninho, nomeadamente investigação da atividade biológica de extratos e óleos essenciais. Esta dissertação tem, então, como principal objetivo inferir acerca da existência de estudos científicos que consigam validar o uso concreto do rosmaninho no tratamento das diversas patologias para que é tradicionalmente utilizado e concluir se, no futuro, é promissor apostar nesta área de estudo.
- Jogos infantis e desenvolvimento da coordenação interpessoalPublication . Silva, Sofia Beatriz Sentieiro da; Pereira, Elsa Cristina SacramentoNo presente estudo pretendemos investigar como é que as crianças em idade pré-escolar interagem num jogo cooperativo que implica a perceção da sua capacidade de ação e da capacidade de ação de outras crianças, mais concretamente a perceção da affordance de alcançabilidade horizontal. Participaram no estudo 70 crianças dos 3 aos 6 anos. A tarefa experimental consistiu num jogo realizado a pares no qual uma das crianças tinha como objetivo percorrer um caminho de 6 metros colocando apenas um pé em marcas que iam sendo colocadas no chão pelo colega. Esta tarefa foi instruída aos participantes utilizando uma linguagem e imaginário adequados a estas faixas etárias (i.e., tinham como objetivo “atravessar um rio repleto de crocodilos utilizando apenas as alpondras que surgiam no caminho”). Os dados antropométricos e funcionais que permitiram caracterizar os participantes foram recolhidos através de medições realizadas previamente à realização da tarefa experimental. Os dados relativos à tarefa experimental propriamente dita foram recolhidos com recurso a meios audiovisuais (gravação em vídeo) sendo posteriormente analisados. Com a análise das diferentes variáveis consideradas (i.e., idade, dados antropométricos, amplitude do passo máximo, tempo total da realização da tarefa, tempo do passo, frequência absoluta da passada, frequência relativa da passada, amplitude média da passada, frequência absoluta da passada, frequência absoluta de falhas, índice de escalonamento à ação), verificámos que as crianças apresentam diferentes dinâmicas de coordenação interpessoal no desempenho da tarefa em função da faixa etária. Estes resultados sugerem que as crianças de faixas etárias mais elevadas têm um juízo percetivo mais ajustado das capacidades de ação (affordances) do parceiro. O facto das crianças mais velhas se terem revelado mais suscetíveis a distrações poderá estar relacionado com o nível de desafio da tarefa, constituindo a tarefa em termos de motivação uma affordance diferenciada em função da idade. Consideramos que a prática destes jogos em meio pré-escolar poderá beneficiar a coordenação interpessoal das crianças promovendo uma oportunidade para explorarem a sua alcançabilidade horizontal e em simultâneo desenvolverem a capacidade de cooperarem com o outro e de ajustarem a sua ação às possibilidades de ação (affordances) deste.
- Alterações cognitivas no AVC isquémico na fase aguda, segundo a classificação da Oxfordshire Community Stroke ProjectPublication . Manuel, Márcia Filipa Duarte; Silva, DinaO Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) representa uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade a nível mundial, tendo grande repercussão na qualidade de vida dos doentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o funcionamento cognitivo em indivíduos com AVC isquémico de acordo o OCSP, composto por quatro categorias. Foram recolhidos 174 sujeitos de ambos os géneros, sendo maioritariamente do sexo masculino. Por terem um N insuficiente (N<30), os grupos POCI e TACI foram excluídos do estudo, restando os grupos PACI (60,9%, N=106) e LACI (24,1%, N=42). Neste sentido a amostra foi avaliada através das escalas Orientation-Log e Cognition-Log, que avaliam a orientação e o funcionamento cognitivo, respetivamente. Para além da avaliação cognitiva, foi-nos dado acesso à informação clínica acerca dos fatores de risco de cada indivíduo o que permitiu uma caracterização mais completa. De acordo com o estudo, a amostra é tendencialmente mais velha e com um baixo nível de escolaridade. Os resultados mostram que os indivíduos que não sofrem de hipertensão ou fibrilhação auricular têm resultados mais elevados nas provas avaliativas, contudo os sujeitos fumadores têm um melhor desempenho face aos não-fumadores. Relativamente aos grupos PACI e LACI, o grupo LACI obteve um melhor desempenho nas duas escalas. Os resultados sugerem que o perfil cognitivo dos doentes varia de acordo com a categoria no OCSP, assim sendo, é importante o surgimento de estudos mais completos e que utilizem este sistema de categorização do AVC.
- Fatty acids as dietary tracers in integrated production of fish/oysters/macroalgae in earthen pondsPublication . Brito, Gonçalo Cardoso de Menezes Villa de; Cunha, Maria Emília; Nahon, Sarah; Silva, JoãoSemi-intensive fish culture developed in earthen ponds is the main type of production system used nowadays in Portugal. One way to decrease its environmental footprint, by reducing waste effluents, is to integrate the production of organic and inorganic extractive species such as bivalves and seaweeds directly in the ponds, under the principles of IMTA. Furthermore, the total biomass of product at one site is increased and diversification of products is accomplished, promoting higher profitability. There are needs for integrated knowledge concerning the efficiency of nutrient use, such as fatty acids. The present study refers to a pond where the only input was the feed, for the culture of three fish species (Argyrosomus regius, Diplodus sargus, Mugil cephalus) along with oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and sea lettuce (Ulva flexuosa). Additionally, natural occurring organisms in the ponds were sampled, such as phytoplankton, suspended particulate organic matter, zooplankton, polychaetas and other two macroalgal species, Ulva intestinalis and Rhizoclonium riparium. The main objective of the work was to identify food sources used by heterotrophic species present in the ponds using fatty acids as trophic markers. Three configurations (treatments) were tested, one comprised only the culture of fish and oysters, another comprised only fish and algae, while the last comprised all species cultured together. Profiles from each heterotrophic species across treatments were compared, and their differences evaluated to identify possible variations in feeding sources across treatments. Polychaetes showed dietary tracers of the commercial feed, macroalgae, sediment and additionally is suggested the ability to biosynthesize C20:2ω6 from Linoleic Acid. In zooplankton, the dietary tracers found reflect a consumption of phytoplankton, suspended matter and bacteria, while the higher levels of DHA and EPA could be linked with a higher accumulation of PUFA with decreasing temperatures. Oysters reflected trophic markers of phytoplankton, suspended matter, zooplankton and bacteria, while higher levels of ARA, DHA and EPA than those found in their food sources confirm that these fatty acids accumulate in oyster tissues. In addition, ARA and EPA could be a product of biosynthesis form shorter PUFA ω6 and PUFA ω3, respectively. All three fish species reflected the feed dietary tracers to a great extent. While meagre and white seabream consumed the commercial feed predominantly, the higher dispersion of mullet samples might suggest the consumption of additional dietary items (such as phytoplankton, suspended matter, zooplankton, sediment and polychaetas. Additionally, all species reflected higher percentages of ARA and EPA, but especially DHA, than those found in the feed, indicating their ability to accumulate these fatty acids in their tissue. In mullet, might also exist an ability to synthesize PUFA from shorter fatty acids. Overall, this study permitted a characterization of trophic interconnections of nutrients, such as fatty acids, from the feed and lower trophic level organisms to all potential consumers present in the culture ponds.
- Effects of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and Shewanella putrefaciens probiotic enriched diet on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.)Publication . Ruiz, María Cámara; Abad, Maria Angeles EstebanThe intensification of aquaculture has resulted in a series of detrimental effects to both the environment and human health. A major setback of the intensification of aquaculture systems has been the economic losses caused by the high mortality rates due fish diseases. In order to prevent and/or treat fish diseases, large amounts of veterinary drugs have been administered over the last few decades in fish farms. However, the excessive administration of antibiotics and other chemicals has been shown to cause adverse effects. One of the most promising methods of controlling fish diseases is by enhancing their natural defence mechanisms with the administration of immunostimulants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate to potential effects of dietary supplementation of a medicinal plant (Portulaca oleracea L.) alone or in combination with a probiotic (Shewanella putrefaciens, SpPdp11) on growth performance and the immune status (at both systemic and mucosal level) of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.). Fish were fed a control (CD) or one of the supplemented diets (PD and MIXD) for 30 days. After 15 and 30 days of the feeding trial, growth performance, and cellular and humoral parameters were determined in head-kidney leucocytes, serum, skin mucus and intestine homogenates. Concomitantly, gene expression of several immune-related genes (ef1a, il-1b, igm, hep, bd, tcrb, csfr1, alp) were also evaluated in head kidney, skin and intestine. Our results demonstrated that the dietary administration of purslane (P. oleracea) for 30 days increased phagocytic capacity in head kidney leucocytes, total immunoglobulin Mlevels in skin mucus and the activity of certain enzymes in serum (protease) and intestine homogenates (protease and antiprotease). Moreover, interestingly igm expression was up-regulated in head kidney after 15 days of diet administration. These results suggest that the dietary administration of purslane has the ability to modulate several immune parameters of the systemic and mucosal immunity of gilthead seabream.
- Aquaculture of corals: the effects of temperature and modifications in photoperiod in performance and growth of Stylophora pistillataPublication . Meireles, João Pedro GomesNowadays, corals have a large economic potential and the increasing demand places an enormous pressure on wild reefs. This issue brings new challenges for coral production in terms of increasing production and efficiency. Besides this, climate change and warmer oceans are threatening the future of corals, with several bleaching events occurring worldwide. Many factors that influence the growth and health of the corals have already been extensively studied, however, some factors, such as low temperatures and photoperiod require further research. Temperature and light also play a critical role in the phenomena of coral bleaching, which means that our knowledge about the interaction of these two factors is essential. The main objectives of this research were to find more information to improve the production protocols and better understand the physiology of stony corals under abnormal light and thermal conditions. In this study different combinations of temperatures (20º, 23º, 26º and 29ºC) and photoperiods (8L16D, 12L12D, 16L8D) were tested for a period of one month. Growth and metabolism measurements, zooxanthellae counts and pigments’ analysis were conducted to evaluate the condition, calcification and photosynthetic activity of Stylophora pistillata. No increase in growth was achieved with the extension of the photoperiod, however, a shorter photoperiod revealed to be detrimental to growth after a significant reduction of 25% compared to control treatment. Colonies maintained at 20º and 29ºC suffered reductions on their growth rates independently of the photoperiod regime. Photosynthetic efficiency and concentration of pigments suffered a decrease under the 16h light regime while corals maintained at 8h regime kept their photosynthetic efficiency and increased their pigmentation. Zooxanthellar populations were strongly reduced by low temperatures. The interaction between photoperiod and temperature was observed in photosynthetic efficiency and pigments concentration. These results lead to conclude that the effects of photoperiod are similar to those of light intensity, cold stress presents analogous effects to heat stress, as, the combined effects of photoperiod and temperature are similar to light intensity and temperature.
- Competências parentais e perceção das dificuldades e capacidades dos filhos. Um estudo com pais e mães algarviosPublication . Oliveira, Ângela Sofia Tavares; Nunes, CristinaAs competências parentais percebidas são um constructo cognitivo e emocional que se refere aos julgamentos que os pais fazem sobre suas competências para desempenhar tarefas relacionadas com a parentalidade. São um determinante importante do comportamento parental e estão estreitamente relacionadas com o ajustamento e bem-estar infantil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as diferenças entre pais e mães nas competências parentais e na perceção das capacidades e dificuldades dos filhos. Participaram 164 pais (85 mães e 79 pais) com uma idade média de 39,15 anos aos quais foram aplicados, através de uma entrevista individual, os seguintes instrumentos: A Escala de Sentimento de Competência Parental, o Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades e um questionário de dados sociodemográficos. Não se observaram diferenças significativas entre as competências parentais percebidas de pais e mães nem na sua perceção acerca das dificuldades dos filhos. No entanto, na perceção das capacidades, os pais pontuaram mais baixo os filhos no comportamento pró-social do que as mães. Não se observaram diferenças nas competências parentais em função da idade e sexo dos filhos, nem ao nível do rendimento familiar. No entanto, as mães com mais idade consideraram-se menos eficazes no exercício parental. Quanto à perceção das capacidades e dificuldades dos filhos, os pais percecionaram os rapazes como sendo mais hiperativos e as raparigas como tendo mais comportamentos pró-sociais. Podemos concluir que quanto mais os pais se percecionam eficazes e satisfeitos no seu exercício parental menos problemas de comportamento e hiperatividade relatam nos filhos. A eficácia e satisfação parental são duas dimensões relevantes na parentalidade e deverão ser tidas em conta nos programas de promoção da parentalidade positiva.
- Metal concentrations in Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) seabird in Strofades island complex, Greece; Strofades islandPublication . Voulgaris, Marios-Dimitrios; Bebianno, Maria JoãoSeabirds are very useful and trustful indicators of environmental pollution and allow researchers to study the dynamics of contaminants in marine ecosystems. More specifically, marine birds can be suitable bioindicators to assess the environmental conditions which characterize areas of interest. Their ecological features correspond immediately and intensely to environmental changes and food supplies, two parameters that are fundamental to assign them as bioindicators. Seabird species can be used also as indicators of fishery supplies since diet composition reflects prey availability and abundance fluctuation of prey appearance, which may also alter seabirds foraging strategy and their distribution pattern. Additionally, potential fluctuations of fish stocks may cause significant population decline to seabirds, specifically to those which constitute generalist or specialist piscivorous species . As a consequence, seabirds is a taxonomically varied group which constitutes the most sensitive indicator between avifauna for monitoring environmental changes caused by natural forces and/or human activities . Information regarding fish stock changes and piscatorial activities such as fisheries overexploitation and supply of discarded unsaleable bycatch can also be obtained by studying seabird behavior, but requires detailed knowledge of marine birds biology and their correspondence to food supply changes. However it is important to highlight that data related to the quantities and the composition of items discarded and potentially used as an additional food source for scavenging seabirds, are very limited in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, seabirds constitute top marine predators, depended exclusively on aquatic environments where they face toxic risk by external contact, by inhalation, and particularly by ingestion of food and water. Thus, long-lived seabirds may act as a bio-indicator for chemical pollution of different origin since they accumulate a wide range of chemical components and other forms of marine pollutants Consequently, these species offer opportunities to detect and assess in a long term basis, toxicological effects of pollutants in marine ecosystems. For example, one of their ecological features that could be affected by chemical pollution, is their population size that varies slightly between years. Juvenile growth rates, hatching success, breeding success, and any behavior change during the incubation period, can be affected by toxic pollutant contamination in the marine foraging areas used during breeding season. Many seabird species accumulate high concentrations of contaminants in their organism. Taking into consideration that are in the highest place of trophic chain, seabirds are suitable “screens” of pollutants that are being amplified via the trophic chain. Also, it has been already proved that they are bioindicators of metal pollutants and used for the determination of origin of mercury in marine trophic levels. Concentrations of metals are often reported for adult birds, but less often for chicks or fledglings. However, juveniles have been proposed as particularly useful indicators for pollution, as they concentrate metals during a specific period of time and from local and definable foraging areas around colony. The target species, namely Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) is a pelagic, long lived, migratory seabird, with particularly high degree of site tenacity and mate fidelity. It is characterized as a highly vagrant species according to its pelagic and wide-ranging distribution. More specifically, the breeding sites of this species are located in the Mediterranean basin whereas its wintering grounds are located in the pelagic and coastal equatorial areas of the eastern Atlantic. Its diet mainly includes pelagic and mesopelagic fishes, squids, crustaceans and occasionally zooplankton. These marine organisms can be found in shallow waters and near reefs, and constitute the most common prey caught in shallow waters or near the sea surface. Greece hosts a significant number of Scopoli’s Shearwater colonies on uninhabited islets, spread mainly in central and southern Aegean Sea, southern and northern Ionian Sea and around Crete. Our study area, the Strofades Island complex (37° 15’ N, 21° 00’ E) is a remote group of two small low islets and several rocks, located in the southern Ionian Sea, 32 nm south of Zakynthos Island and 26 nm west of the Peloponnese. The two main islets (Stamfani and Arpyia) host the largest greek colony of the species (about 5,550 breeding pairs), cover an area of 4 km2 and constitute part of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. Data for metal contamination in seabirds originated from the Strofades Islands are barely exist. One of the aims of this study will be to provide baseline data for metal concentration levels in Scopoli’s Shearwater collected in one of the biggest colonies in Greece for comparative analyses of inter-specific and geographical differences in bioaccumulation.In the present study levels of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were investigated as potential chemical stressors in the blood of juveniles and adults Scopoli’s Shearwaters in Strofades Island complex colony, in Greece. Blood samples were collected from both juveniles and adult Scopoli’s Shearwaters individuals, during 7 different breeding seasons between 2007 and 2014. The samples were collected in three sub-colonies from the western, southern and eastern part of the Stamfani Island, where fledglings and breeders were captured by hand. An amount of 0.2-0.5 ml per blood sample was collected using a heparinsed syringe and kept in eppendorf vials with ethyl alcohol as preservative. A total number of 238 samples were collected, from which 182 were from juveniles. The process of metal analysis of blood samples involved sample preparation, digestion and metal quantification. The digestion was performed using hot plate and the quantification of metal content was performed by Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. The accuracy of the method was verified by analyzing duplicates of the same amount of certified reference material of blood serum. Blanks were also prepared with and acidified Milli-Q water solution with 0.2% HNO3 and treated in the same way to check for any contamination. Statistical differences of metal concentrations were investigated along with relationships with age, gender and nesting site. From toxic metals, cadmium (Cd) ranged between 0.01-0.02 μg/g and lead (Pb) between 0.07-0.53 μg/g, which were close to the respective European standards. Concentrations of essential metals were generally closed to basal levels, compared with other studies. Statistical analysis in juveniles and adults revealed that in relation to body mass there is no significant relationship between the weight of individuals and metals. All metals showed a significant difference with the years. Statistical results indicate significant sexual differences for Cd, Co, Mn, Pb and Zn for both juveniles and adults. Testing for correlation with nesting sites show significant differences for most of the tested metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used to detect the relationships between metal concentrations (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), year, sex and site of for juvenile and adult birds from Strofades Island colony. Results of PCA showed that they represent 34.82% of variance with PC1 representing (18.76%) and PC2 (16.05%). Metal levels tested do not seem to have adverse effects on studied population, but diet analysis of the species will be helpful towards the better understanding of metal uptake.
- Coastal risk assessment associated with cliff evolution and management proposals between Galé and AlbufeiraPublication . Ferreira, Mónica Patrícia Pereira Raposo; Ferreira, Óscar; Loureiro, CarlosCoastal areas are densely occupied and inhabited, being susceptible to suffer consequences of extreme events (storms, sea level rising, etc.). The combination of hazard (event) and exposure (occupancy) creates a significant, relevant and, in some cases, threatening potential risk. These events can cause serious implications at all levels (social, economic and environmental). The Algarve region, in Portugal, is often considered as one of the most appealing regions for tourism in the country, contributing to increase the pressure on coastal areas and, consequently, increasing the coastal risk. This dissertation presents an assessment of coastal risk associated with the evolution and development of rocky cliffs, as well as the analysis and definition of management procedures and proposals for the coastal sector between Galé and Albufeira. Throughout the dissertation, different risk factors were assessed, which may endanger the existing population and buildings in a particular area of the coast – cliff top section - in respect to a specific hazard – slope mass movements in cliffs. To accomplish this, the methods presented here combined two complementary analyzes: (i) Coastal Index calculation, based on the detailed mapping of the cliff top line, the areas associated to different hazard degrees according to mass movements return periods and existing variability in occupancy; (ii) analysis of coastal risk management procedures along with definition of mitigation proposals, based on the analysis of the hotspots present on the study area. In order to complement the analysis, an assessment of the existing management measures was carried out, evaluating its agreement with the present risk and new measures to reduced it were proposed. The results obtained indicate that very low and low risk were dominant along the study area. The hazard index, for a return period of 100 years, until extends to 67 m landward of the cliff top, but the exposure index along the area is generally low, notably for the transport and infrastructure components. In the areas where the risk was medium and high, eighteen different properties/structures were highlighted and considered as hotspots and further subjected to detailed analysis and proposal of management measures. These measures should be adjusted according with the relevance of each structure, and include relocation of hotels, residences and the restaurants (under a high risk) to areas outside the protection area defined by Planos de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira, designed by POOC (the recent Planos da Orla Costeira – POC). The other restaurants, parking areas, roads and small gardens should be relocated to the area between the 48 and 67 m landward of the cliff top. Since relocation measures face difficult social acceptance, relocation and removal of properties from the protection area should be phased, as licenses are due to come to an end, not allowing residences and other properties to be resold. It is also essential the creation of a policy to promote a devaluation of property within the risk zone and incentive the removal out of protection area. Additionally, in order to improve the information to the public about the coastal risk, the number of signs that warn to the rockfall hazard should be increased alongside the adjustment of the existing information posters on the beach entrance to highlight the hazard zoning on the cliff top upper area. In future research, in order to improve the proposed methodology for risk assessment, other components can be included on the coastal index calculation, such as the incorporation of the economic value and vulnerability associated to structures and residents on the coastal index, as well as the wave exposure and cliff lithology on the hazard index.