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ISE3-Livros (ou partes, com ou sem arbitragem científica)

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Livro científico ou capítulo de livro científico ou obra que resulte de investigação

a) livro científico, com arbitragem científica, ou exposição com carácter individual e com comissariado ou direcção de trabalho performativo, com relatório avaliado
b) capítulo de livro científico, com arbitragem científica, ou exposição em evento colectivo com comissariado ou participação em trabalho performativo, com relatório avaliado
c) livro científico, sem arbitragem científica, ou exposição com carácter individual e com comissariado ou direcção de trabalho performativo, sem relatório avaliado
d) capítulo de livro científico, sem arbitragem científica, ou exposição em evento colectivo com comissariado ou participação em trabalho performativo, sem relatório avaliado


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 188
  • Comparing noise vessel azimuth tracking with a planar hydrophone array and a single vector sensor
    Publication . SOARES, CRISTIANO; Zabel, Friedrich; Jorge Maia dos Santos, Paulo; Silva, António
    Vector sensors are appealing for monitoring underwater noise due to its inherent directivity. While acoustic pressure sensors are ambiguous in all directions, vector sensors permit the aquisition of directional information through the measurement of particle velocity, which enables the possibility of azimuth tracking of underwater noise sources. The MARREAL marine observatory is a marine observatory equipped with a number of sensors and subsystems, including an acoustic acquisition system made of four hydrophones and a vector sensor. The observatory was deployed in September 2022 in Sagres, Portugal, near the Baleeira Port which is accessed by fisher boats and recreational boats. This paper shows preliminary results on azimuth estimation of boats passing in the deployment area, obtained independently with a 4- hydrophone planar array and a vector sensor. The results indicate that a single vector sensor can provide fair results on azimuth tracking of boats passing in the area. At high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) the vector sensor is able to yield results similar to those obtained with the planar array. When the SNR is low the planar array outperforms the vector sensor with actual processing methods used.
  • CGAS – Gas Test Chamber
    Publication . Pereira, Gonçalo; Jorge Maia dos Santos, Paulo
    The tests of gas detectors, mainly toxic gas detectors, are important when a company, whose develop this type of product, wants to insure the functionality and quality of their equipment. In this sense, it is fundamental to have a system capable of performing the test autonomously, ensuring the quality and repeatability of the results. Depending on the type of gas and on the characteristics of gas detection, there are some solutions in the market but most of them are customized solutions that make the product development more expensive. The option of constructing a chamber for the testing of gas detectors is related with the fact that, on one hand test chambers with the necessary characteristics are not cost-effective and on other hand by lack of rigor and safety in the simplest chambers. So, it is intended to develop an automated standard solution that could be adapted for different type of gas detection, changing only the type of inputs – the sensors. The objective of this work is to present the development of an airtight chamber capable of performing the necessary tests to attest the correct functioning of a gas detector used in Addressable Fire Detection Systems. The test chamber prototype will be described in terms of hardware and software, as well as the tests performed for two types of gas detection, Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). The chamber is controlled by a computer through a graphical user interface generated by LABView Software. The experimental results show that this chamber is certainly an important equipment in the preparation of gas detectors for approval in an accredited laboratory.
  • Livro de Atas, 9.º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, 6 e 7 de julho de 2023
    Publication . Esteves, Eduardo; Estêvão, Maria Dulce da Mota Antunes de Oliveira ; Monteiro, Jânio; Correia, Marisol
    Já com a próxima edição do CNaPPES no horizonte, temos uma enorme satisfação de vos apresentar o Livro de Atas do 9.º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, CNaPPES.23, onde poderão encontrar todos os artigos completos que os autores entenderam partilhar connosco, também sujeitos a revisão antes desta sua publicação. O CNaPPES nasceu para permitir e promover a partilha pedagógica no Ensino Superior e esta é a melhor forma de refletirmos juntos sobre o que funcionou (e não funcionou) em contexto real de prática pedagógica, nas diversas áreas do Ensino Universitário e o Ensino Politécnico. Neste livro poderão reencontrar os contactos dos diversos autores, o que poderá permitir uma maior proximidade entre elementos da comunidade académica que têm interesses comuns.
  • Book of Abstracts Poster Sessions 3rd International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century INCREaSE 2023
    Publication . Prates, Gonçalo; Semião, Jorge; Sousa, Nelson; Cruz, Rui
    This book presents the abstracts of the posters’ presentations of the 3rd International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century, INCREaSE 2023. This book includes 31 abstracts from authors from different countries in several transversal areas, such as Climate Change, Food Safety and Quality Engineering, Sustainability in Water Management, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Sustainability, and Sustainable Building Technologies. INCREaSE 2023 was organized by the Institute of Engineering and hosted by the University of Algarve during July 5-7, 2023, in Faro, Portugal. The members of the organizing committee, reviewers, and authors contributed with their dedicated work and efforts for the success of the congress.
  • 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference: next-generation of food research, education and industry. Book of abstracts
    Publication . Vieira, Margarida; Dubois-Brissonnet, Florence; Moussa, Marwen; Venskutonis, Rimantas; Costa, Rui; Chrysanthopoulou, Foteini
    As part of its mission, ISEKI-Food Association establishes and maintains a network among universities, research institutions, and companies in the food chain in addition to working to ensure that food studies are of high quality. However, we must also begin planning how to gear science, education, and the food industry to meet the needs of future generations as well as how to contribute to the sustainability of our planet by these food actors. In light of this, the 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, which had as main theme “NEXT-GENERATION OF FOOD RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND INDUSTRY”, focused on future challenges in education on food science and technology, in research activities related to processing, quality and safety, packaging of foods and in societal engagements in the field divided in three main sections: EDUCATION: CHALLENGES OF EDUCATION IN A CHANGING WORLD; RESEARCH: NEXT GENERATION OF FOODS; and SOCIETY ENGAGEMENT: SOCIETY AND FOOD INDUSTRY. The conference was dedicated to all food actors, creating bridges among them. The delegates had the opportunity to exchange new ideas and experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations, and find global partners for future collaborations.
  • XII CIBIA Iberoamerican congress of food engineering: challenging food engineering as a driver towards sustainable food processing - Book of abstracts
    Publication . Vieira, Margarida; Cruz, Rui; Quintas, Célia; Fraqueza, Gil
    The XII edition of CIBIA, Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering will take place, for the first time, in Portugal next July 1 to 4, having as theme “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver Towards Sustainable Food Processing“. The host institution is the University of Algarve, Faro, in the Algarve region. The importance of the Food Engineering field was enhanced by the number of Iberoamerican researchers who participated in this XIIth edition of CIBIA. We received 530 abstracts submitted by researchers from the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain), and from all the South and Central American Continent: Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador, among others. About 350 participants will be present with around 100 accepted abstracts for oral presentations and more than 300 poster presentations. These numbers reveal that Food Engineering is very alive and strong in the Iberoamerican world as many young researchers are pursuing their graduate studies in various disciplines of this field and senior researchers keep facing and studying new challenges such as the main Congress Theme “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver towards Sustainable Food Processing”.
  • Caracterização energética e ambiental de recuperadores de calor para lareiras: manual de operações, resultados
    Publication . Nunes, Manuel; Sousa, Nelson; Lamarão, António Hugo; Santos, Carlos Miguel Andrade; Broad, David; Stadler, Rudolf
  • Caracterização energética e ambiental de recuperadores de calor para lareiras
    Publication . Nunes, Manuel; Sousa, Nelson; Santos, Carlos Miguel Andrade; Lamarão, António Hugo; Major, Virgílio
    O presente projecto nasceu da colaboração entre a Área Departamental de Engenharia Mecânica (ADEM) da Escola Superior de Tecnologia/Universidade do Algarve (EST/UAlg) e a empresa Vale Montanha, Serviços de Engenharia Lda, com o objectivo de caracterizar recuperadores de calor para lareiras e respectivos combustíveis.
  • Improvement on fuel characteristics of biomass and refused derived fuel with torrefaction
    Publication . Azpilicueta, Ander; Paudel, Pramod; Sousa, Nelson
    The search for sustainable energy alternatives has been increasingly important, not only because the depletion of fossil fuels, but also due to the necessary reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. The use of renewable energy has contributed to the mitigation of this problem, but this doesn’t always adapt to the requirements of energy demand. The energy of biomass, in particular by the combustion of vegetal biomass, is a form already in use and with broad application, from domestic heating equipment to thermoelectric power plants. An alternative energy source is the refuse derived fuels, RDF, which offer a double benefit, given they provide an energy resource and avoid the occupation of landfill space. However, the use of biomass or RDF has limitations, due to the fuel quality. As received, it presents low heating value, low adiabatic flame temperature and low density. The improvement of the properties of these fuels may be obtained by torrefaction. This is a low-temperature pyrolysis process, where the heating gradient, top temperature and process duration must be controlled. In this study, an experimental prototype was developed for torrefaction trials. During the torrefaction experiments the heating rate and maximum temperature were controlled, and were measured sample temperatures, mass decay and also the composition of the gases released. Later, the higher heating value, density and hydrophilicity of biomass and RDF samples, as received and with various stages of torrefaction, were measured, confirming the advantage of applying this thermal process in the improvement of the biomass and RDF fuel properties.
  • Drystone Walls: Interface between geological and cultural heritage?
    Publication . Rosendahl, Stefan; Marçal Gonçalves, Marta; Gonzalo Lozano; Javier Luengo; Ana Cabrera; Juana Vegas
    The aim of this work is to show the existence of interfaces between various types of heritage and the benfits of these heritage's crossing. Qualitative non-interventionist methodologies were used, and bibliographic, cartographic, and field visits were carried out. Visits guided by the authors and discussions with specialists and non-specialists were a priceless support of the realization of the study. The interaction with the local population was an important part of the methodology to understand the territories in question. The deductive method was also used.