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Neto Espírito-Santo, Margarida de Fátima

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  • Avaliação do potencial das Tiazolidinedionas como estratégia terapêutica no Melanoma
    Publication . Espírito Santo, Margarida; De Sousa-Coelho, Ana Luísa; Ana Patrícia, Pinto
    O melanoma é uma doença mundial que representa a forma mais agressiva de cancro da pele com incidência e mortalidade em contínuo aumento. Apesar de existirem terapêuticas direcionadas às mutações específicas no melanoma, a resistência adquirida pelos doentes ao tratamento constitui uma barreira ao sucesso da terapêutica, suscitando assim a necessidade de identificação de novos fármacos e novas opções terapêuticas. Nos últimos anos tem surgido grande interesse na potencial utilização de antidiabéticos orais, como a metformina (biguanida) no tratamento do melanoma. As tiazolidinedionas (TZDs), agonistas do receptor PPARγ, são também uma classe de fármacos utilizados no tratamento da diabetes tipo 2.
  • Health literacy assessment: Translation and cultural adaptation to the Portuguese population
    Publication . Espírito Santo, Margarida; Nascimento, Tânia; Pinto, Ezequiel; De Sousa-Coelho, Ana Luísa; Newman, Jeff
    Health literacy (HL) has been widely referenced as a determinant of health outcomes, making the assessment of low HL a fundamental step to plan educational interventions. This study aimed to translate and adapt the Short Assessment of Health Literacy-Spanish and English (SAHL-S&E) questionnaire into European Portuguese.
  • Adequação terapêutica da utilização de inibidores da bomba de protões: estudo exploratório
    Publication . Espírito Santo, Margarida; De Sousa-Coelho, Ana Luísa; Duarte, Denise; Nascimento, Tânia
    O aumento acentuado do consumo de fármacos inibidores da bomba de protões (IBPs) que se tem verificado nos últimos cinco anos fez surgir a necessidade de analisar a sua utilização na prática clínica atual e avaliar as possíveis consequências associadas ao seu consumo. Pretendeu-se com este estudo analisar a adequação terapêutica da utilização de IBPs na prática clínica de uma farmácia comunitária.
  • Laxative use by community pharmacy users in southern Portugal
    Publication . Lourenço, Laura; De Sousa-Coelho, Ana Luísa; Nascimento, Tânia; Assunção, Lucília; Espírito Santo, Margarida
    The aim of this study was the characterization of laxative use by Pharmacy users, including the prevalence of use, types of laxatives used, and places for acquiring and obtaining advice on laxatives. METHODS: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried, using a structured questionnaire, in a Community Pharmacy located in Faro, Portugal. During a period of 3 weeks, all Pharmacy users (≥18 years) who agreed to voluntarily participate in this study, were enrolled. Our study sample included 50 users, mainly women (74%), aged from 22 to 94 years (median of 59 years). RESULTS: Most of the participants (88%) reported to be suffering or to have previously suffered from constipation, whereas 62% indicated to be suffering with symptoms for more than 3 years. From those, 64% had presented symptoms of constipation more than once a week in the previous year. Whenever users felt constipated, more than half (58%) indicated to use a laxative. Contact laxatives were the more often used (63%), while 18% and 8% of the participants indicated to have used bulk-forming and osmotic laxatives, respectively, during the previous year. Over half of the participants (54%) indicated to use laxatives at least on a weekly basis, with 38% presenting a daily consumption. Elderly users, ≥60 years, were who used laxatives more often (65% daily; p<0.001). Whereas Pharmacies were the preferred place to purchase laxatives (85%), only about 40% of the users indicated to ask for health professional advise at the time of acquisition. CONCLUSIONS: A high rate and frequency of laxative use was identified in the study sample, particularly contact laxatives. It is imperative, therefore, to provide users with more information on non-pharmacological measures to avoid and approach constipation and its symptoms, as well as further information such as overuse complications, allowing the appropriate selection of the laxative. Pharmacy professionals have a key role on this area, and related education campaigns should be implemented.
  • The impact of pharmaceutical services availability on travellers
    Publication . De Sousa-Coelho, Ana Luísa; Pereira, J.; Espírito-Santo, Margarida
    Vacationing and travelling overall may be considered a healthy lifestyle, which might help fighting current epidemics such as depression or heart disease. In some cases, travellers ight need to use Pharmaceutical Services (PhaS) provided by Community Pharmacies, which might impact their health and wellbeing during their stay.