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  • Cultural heritage visits supported on visitors' preferences and mobile devices
    Publication . Cardoso, Pedro; Rodrigues, Joao; Pereira, Joao; Nogin, Sergey; Lessa, Joana; Ramos, Celia; Bajireanu, Roman; Gomes, Miguel; Bica, Paulo
    Monuments, museums and cities are great places to feel and experience neat and interesting things. But cultural heritage is experienced differently by different visitors. The more erudite may know beforehand what they intend to explore, while the least literate usually know and are capable of expressing some of their preferences but do not exactly realize what to see and explore. This paper proposes the use of a mobile application to set an itinerary where you can move at your own pace and, at the same time, have all the complementary information you need about each of the points of interest. The application is designed in face of an adaptive user interface where the routing and augmented reality are connected to acknowledge the needs of different user categories, such as elders, kids, experts or general users
  • Plastic use sustainable change in Portugal: an analysis on tourism stakholders' actions and programmes
    Publication . Nunes, Dilia Cristina dos Santos Rafael; Lessa, Joana de Carvalho
    Studies indicate that 80 % of all Tourism in Europe is held in coastal areas. In Portugal the number grows to 90 %, a fact that raises two distinct but equally relevant types of concerns: on one side the pressure for maintaining the shorelines and beaches clean and aesthetically appraisable for visitors, and on the other side, the potential massification of tourism that stands on the opposite end towards preserving the environment of tourism locations. This study focuses on the relevance of the oceans' preservation for the tourism sector in Portugal, specifically in the Algarve, and on how sustainability is being addressed regarding plastic use and its negative outcome, particularly marine litter and the damages it inflicts on coastal areas. The methodology adopted was literature review and case studies analysis of a set of governmental, non-governmental and private tourism sector stakeholder's actions and programmes. Findings suggest that the promotion of circular economy is a path several organizations are already undertaking in order to address plastic use towards a more sustainable planet and Tourism development. Results also indicate that Design is an important facilitator for the change of the tourism sector towards this new circular economy model.