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- Meditation effects on anxiety and resilience of preadolescents and adolescents: a randomized controlled studyPublication . Gomes, Alexandra; Santos, Joana; Vieira, Luís SérgioMeditation has been described as having a positive impact on well-being while reducing anxiety and stress among those who practice, mainly working as a resource to cope with everyday difficulties. As a simple and easy to apply meditation technique, transcendental meditation (TM) has shown promising results in adults and in children, although more studies are needed to show the impact on psychological and behavioral dimensions in children and adolescents. This quasi-experimental, pre-test–post-test study, with a control group, aimed to evaluate the impact of TM on the stress and resilience of children and adolescents, with ages between 9 and 16 years old. Participants were selected within schools which implemented the Quiet Time Program (QT), from those who volunteered to participate. They were randomly assigned to an experimental group (immediate TM learning) and to a control group (delayed TM learning). A repeated measures ANOVA showed an interaction of time and group on externalizing behavior, from the strengths and difficulties measure. The experimental group decreased on externalizing less adjusted behaviors, while the control group increased in this aspect, after a twelve-week period. TM failed to reduce anxiety and to contribute to resilience in the TM experimental group. Both groups improved anxiety indicators. The results might suggest students were acting upon their expectation of improvement on practicing TM or solely modifying their behavior along the contextual factors, which affected both groups equally.
- The contribution of professional coach for emotional and psychological adjustment of soccer playerPublication . Silva, José Eduardo; Sérgio Vieira, Luís; Gomes, AlexandraABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore the perception of professional soccer coaches about their contribution to the psychological and emotional player's adjustment. It is a qualitative study and dates were obtained by semi-structured interviews conducted with ten professional soccer coaches. A descendent hierarchical corpus identified four classes organized into two themes. Theme 1 (the coach and soccer player toward competition demands) corresponds to class 1 (soccer coach profile) and 2 (soccer player in competition), and theme 2 (the coach and player psychological dimension), class 3 (player psychological dimension) and 4 (relationship coach-player).Results allowed us to understand that coaches appreciate the player psychological dimension, but they reveal a fragile domain on regular mastery of strategies for player's psychological and emotional regulation.
- Modelo integrativo de teorias cognitivas da motivação. Uma investigação realizada com professoresPublication . Jesus, Saúl; Sérgio Vieira, Luís; Almeida, H.; Santos, J.; Gomes, Alexandra; Martins, C.Neste estudo começamos por fundamentar a pertinência de um modelo integrativo que integre diversas teorias cognitivistas da motivação, no sentido de explicar como é que diversas variáveis motivacionais se relacionam e influenciam mutuamente, para melhor compreender o empenhamento e também o bem-estar profissional. O modelo que apresentamos parte do Modelo do Desânimo Aprendido e dos Modelos Expectativa-Valor da Motivação Humana, em particular do Modelo da Discrepância Motivacional, mas procura superar algumas das limitações destes modelos, integrando também os contributos da Teoria da Motivação Intrínseca e da Teoria da Auto-Eficácia. Posteriormente procurou-se validar empiricamente o modelo proposto, formulando instrumentos para avaliação das variáveis em estudo e realizando uma investigação em que participaram algumas centenas de professores, a qual permitiu demonstrar o sentido empírico do modelo. Desta forma, o modelo proposto e validado pode servir de suporte teórico para fundamentar algumas estratégias de formação que podem ser usadas para promover a motivação e o bem-estar profissional, em particular dos professores. Terminamos apontando para futuras linhas de investigação em que, noutros domínios de realização, nomeadamente alunos em contexto escolar, a motivação pode ser prevista e incentivada.