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  • Meditation effects on anxiety and resilience of preadolescents and adolescents: a randomized controlled study
    Publication . Gomes, Alexandra; Santos, Joana; Vieira, Luís Sérgio
    Meditation has been described as having a positive impact on well-being while reducing anxiety and stress among those who practice, mainly working as a resource to cope with everyday difficulties. As a simple and easy to apply meditation technique, transcendental meditation (TM) has shown promising results in adults and in children, although more studies are needed to show the impact on psychological and behavioral dimensions in children and adolescents. This quasi-experimental, pre-test–post-test study, with a control group, aimed to evaluate the impact of TM on the stress and resilience of children and adolescents, with ages between 9 and 16 years old. Participants were selected within schools which implemented the Quiet Time Program (QT), from those who volunteered to participate. They were randomly assigned to an experimental group (immediate TM learning) and to a control group (delayed TM learning). A repeated measures ANOVA showed an interaction of time and group on externalizing behavior, from the strengths and difficulties measure. The experimental group decreased on externalizing less adjusted behaviors, while the control group increased in this aspect, after a twelve-week period. TM failed to reduce anxiety and to contribute to resilience in the TM experimental group. Both groups improved anxiety indicators. The results might suggest students were acting upon their expectation of improvement on practicing TM or solely modifying their behavior along the contextual factors, which affected both groups equally.
  • Exploração vocacional e vivências académicas
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Vieira, Luís Sérgio
    Embora exista uma expectativa teórica suficientemente estabelecida, a investigação que considerou a exploração vocacional na qualidade de preditor do desenvolvimento de carreira é ainda bastante limitada (Blustein, 1997) e não tem produzido resultados suficientemente consistentes. Globalmente, os estudos empíricos sugerem que a exploração vocacional tem impacto na identidade vocacional (Robitschek & Cook, 1999), no progresso na tomada de decisão (Blustein, Pauling, DeMania & Faye, 1994), na cristalização do auto-conceito vocacional (Brooks et al., 1995), no recurso a programas de formação (Zikic & Saks, 2009), na formulação de expectativas de trabalho realistas (Stumpf & Hartman, 1984), no ajustamento à universidade (Soares & Taveira, 1998), entre outros. No que se refere à transição para o ensino superior, a exploração vocacional pode constituir um importante facilitador da mesma, uma vez que este processo psicológico pode garantir a actualização entre o self e as diversas solicitações que os alunos experimentam no novo contexto de aprendizagem (e.g., Jordaan, 1963). Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como principal objectivo esclarecer se a actividade exploratória que antecedeu a entrada no ensino superior constitui um preditor significativo das vivências académicas.
  • Análisis bibliométrico de la interacción profesoralumno a través de las redes sociales
    Publication . Garcia Gonzalez, Alfonso Javier; Froment, Facundo; Bohorquez Gomez-Millan, Rocio; Vieira, Luís Sérgio
    Palabras clave: Interaccion, Comunicacion, Profesores, Estudiantes, Redes sociales. A bibliometric analysis of the teacher-student interaction through social networks is performed. 42 documents in English have been examined, ranging from 2006 to 2015. The most productive authors are six; the most prolific journals are two and an American university is the most representative institution. The contents focus on virtual teacher-student interaction, its consequences, teacher ' s credibility, friend requests, profiles and privacy. Price index is 49.81%, which means that the teacher-student interaction through social networks is a growing topic.
  • Cognitive, affective and behavioural repercussions of perceived quality in tourism vocational education: insights from self-determination theory
    Publication . Silva, Rejane Santana da; Souki, Gustavo; Oliveira, Alessandro Silva de; Vieira, Luís Sérgio; Dionísio Serra, Manuel António
    Purpose This study aimed to investigate the influence of the perceived quality by students regarding their experiences in vocational schools in tourism, hospitality and food service on cognitive and affective responses (satisfaction, self-efficacy expectations and self-regulation strategies of motivation for learning - SRSML) and commitment (behavioural response). Design/methodology/approach A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 454 students from twelve Turismo de Portugal IP-affiliated schools. The theoretical framework was rooted in Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and PLS-SEM, using ADANCO 2.3 software to test the proposed model. Findings Perceived quality by students concerning their school experiences are socio-contextual factors that directly influence their satisfaction and self-efficacy expectations (cognitive and affective responses). Satisfaction and self-efficacy expectations positively affected SRSML. Finally, satisfaction and the SRSML positively impacted the students` commitment to schools (behavioural response). Originality/value This study contributes to academia by comprehensively addressing 16 perceived quality dimensions within vocational education. It aligns with SDT, revealing that socio-contextual factors affect students’ cognitive, affective, and behavioural responses. Additionally, it demonstrates positive relationships between student satisfaction, self-efficacy expectations, SRSML, and students’ commitment to vocational education institutions. This study emphasises the multidimensional nature of perceived quality, urging educational institutions to address tangible and intangible dimensions to develop strategies to provide high-quality experiences, increasing students` satisfaction, self-efficacy expectations, motivation, and commitment.