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  • Coccolithophore productivity at the western Iberian Margin during the Middle Pleistocene (310–455 ka) – evidence from coccolith Sr∕Ca data
    Publication . Cavaleiro, Catarina; Voelker, Antje; Stoll, Heather; Baumann, Karl-Heinz; Kucera, Michal
    Coccolithophores contribute significantly to marine primary productivity and play a unique role in ocean biogeochemistry by using carbon for photosynthesis (soft-tissue pump) and for calcification (carbonate counter pump). Despite the importance of including coccolithophores in Earth system models to allow better predictions of the climate system’s responses to planetary change, the reconstruction of coccolithophore productivity mostly relied on proxies dependent on accumulation and sedimentation rates and preservation conditions. In this study we used an independent proxy, based on the coccolith fraction (CF) Sr=Ca ratio, to reconstruct coccolithophore productivity. We studied the marine sediment core MD03-2699 from the western Iberian margin (IbM), concentrating on glacial–interglacial cycles of Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 12 to MIS 9. We found that IbM coccolithophore productivity was controlled by changes in the oceanographic conditions, such as in sea surface temperature (SST) and nutrient availability, and by competition with other phytoplankton groups. Long-term coccolithophore productivity was primarily affected by variations in the dominant surface water mass. Polar and subpolar surface waters during glacial substages were associated with decreased coccolithophore productivity, with the strongest productivity minima concomitant with Heinrich-type events (HtEs). Subtropical, nutrient-poorer waters, increased terrigenous input, and moderate to strong upwelling during the deglaciation and early MIS11 are hypothesized to have attributed a competitive advantage to diatoms to the detriment of coccolithophores, resulting in intermediate coccolithophore productivity levels. During the progression towards full glacial conditions an increasing presence of nutrient-richer waters, related to the growing influence of transitional surface waters and/or intensified upwelling, probably stimulated coccolithophore productivity to maxima following the rapid depletion of silica by diatoms. We present conceptual models of the carbon and carbonate cycle components for the IbM in different time slices that might serve as a basis for further investigation and modelling experiments.
  • Data report: IODP Site U1387: the revised splice between Sections U1387B-18X-3 and U1387C-8R-3 (>171.6 mcd)
    Publication . Voelker, Antje; Jimenez-Espejo, F. J.; Bahr, A.; Rebotim, Andreia; Cavaleiro, Catarina; Salgueiro, Emilia; Röhl, U.; Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Hernández-Molina, F. J.; Alvarez Zarikian, Carlos A.; Expedition 339 Scientists
    The Expedition 339 shipboard splice of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1387 deeper than ~155 meters composite depth (mcd) is based on a composite of the magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma radiation data. When generating high-resolution paleoceanographic reconstructions for the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and early Pleistocene sections of Site U1387, it quickly became obvious that proxy data misfits existed at several splice transitions. Thus, a revised splice was generated for Site U1387 below Core 339-U1387B-18X based on X-ray fluorescence– derived element records (e.g., ln[Fe/Ca]) and the stable isotope records obtained for planktonic and benthic foraminifers. Corrections were needed at most of the splice transitions below Core 339-U1387A-19X, with adjustments ranging from a few centimeters to several meters. In addition, Core 339-U1387A-33X and sections of Core 36X were integrated into the revised splice to replace Core 339-U1387C-2R and sections of Core 5R, respectively. The replacement of Core 339-U1387C-2R with Core 339-U1387A33X is an option for the intended paleoceanographic research and not essential for lower resolution studies. The splice tie point table, therefore, also includes an option for a splice that retains Core 339-U1387C-2R. The extensive revision of the shipboard splice reveals that making a splice for sediment sequences rich in contourite layers and coring disturbances (biscuiting in the extended core barrel cores) can be tricky and that data misfits at splice transitions are not necessarily a data problem but could indicate a splice problem.