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  • Avaliação da ameaça de erosão hídrica na ilha da Madeira - Portugal
    Publication . Coutinho, Miguel de Azevedo; Oliveira, Rodrigo Proença de; Antunes, Carla Rolo; Caetano, Cláudia Tomás
    Na estimativa da erosão hídrica na ilha da Madeira aplicou-se a Equação de Wischmeier. Recorreu-se a relações para estimar a erosividade (R); foi adequado o Índice Modificado de Fournier e relação IMF/R. cartografada a erosividade os restantes parâmetros resultaram da metodologia. IMF varia entre 81.0–465.0 mm. A equação R = 1.365 IMF1.408 estima a erosividade anual precipitação, com dados de Funchal-Observatório, sul de Portugal e valores da literatura, obtendo-se R ≈ 2 964 MJ mm h−1 ha−1 ano−1, variando entre 660- 8515. Erosão média é 28 t ha−1 ano−1, excedendo 100 em >4.9% da área. A ameaça de erosão adveio da divisão do volume de solo dos horizontes mobilizáveis, pela erosão anual. O resultado -número de anos- que ocorre a perda do solo de cobertura. Apesar do tempo para esgotamento do solo, ser >20 000 anos, a ameaça de erosão, alta e muito alta, é relevante. Estas ameaças (depleção <100 anos) ocorrem em 263 km2 (35.6%); na ameaça muito alta (depleção em <10 anos) a área é ≈40 km2 (5.4%). Encostas com declives muito elevados estão associadas a ameaças altas (ou muito altas). Efetuouse a análise da precipitação 20 de Fevereiro, obtendo-se um período de retorno superior a 100 anos.
  • Using participatory mapping to Foster Community-Based disaster risk reduction in Forest Fire-Prone Areas: the case of Monchique in Portugal
    Publication . Partidário, Maria; Saad, Guilherme; Monteiro, Margarida B.; Dias, Joana; Martins, Rute; Ramos, Isabel Loupa; Ribeiro, Henrique; Teixeira, Miguel; Costa Freitas, M. B.; Antunes, Carla
    Local knowledge and communities’ active role in disaster risk areas are recognized in the literature as key conditions to better understand risks, enhance adaptive capacities and foster local resilience. A participatory action research project in forest fire-prone areas in Monchique, Portugal, is aligned with the literature and adopts participatory mapping as a method that can bring evidence to the importance of local knowledge and communities’ agency. In the BRIDGE Project, different types of knowledge are integrated, triggering local/collective agency and fostering a forest fire community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) approach. An innovation laboratory (InnoLab) provides the space for dialogue and knowledge sharing for different actors that manage forest territories. In the InnoLab, participatory mapping is used as a method to engage landowners where risk factors and local vulnerabilities were identified. Their active engagement enabled a collective perception in the assessment of vulnerability and led to the identification of strategic measures for risk reduction. This paper shares the process and outcomes of this participatory mapping, highlighting the benefits of a community approach and the importance of local knowledge and practices as recognized in the literature. It also reveals how the active role of local stakeholders can help drive a CBDRR process.
  • A composite indicator to measure sustainable water use in Portugal: a compromise programming approach
    Publication . Costa Freitas, M. B.; Xavier, António; Fragoso, Rui; Antunes, Carla
    Clean water is an important resource for maintaining human life, economic activities, and ecosystems' survival. Nevertheless, its irregular distribution and occasional scarcity lead to the need to promote its sustainable use. To assess the current situation and the dynamics of sustainable water use, it is crucial to identify the main factors affecting it and to propose monitoring indicators. This paper develops an approach based on compromise programming to analyse water use sustainability at the municipal level, with a methodology that comprise a framework designed in five steps: 1 - indicators' choice; 2 - indicators's weights; 3 - definition of sustainability rankings with the application of a compromise programming approach; 4- application of a GIS analysis; 5 - identification of the main factors affecting sustainable water use. As a first result, the consensus weights of the chosen indicators were defined, indicating that the most important internal factors affecting sustainable water use are safe water, the percentage of housing served by water supply and water distributed by inhabitant. Then sustainability rankings at the municipality level were defined considering these factors. Finally, it was possible to conclude that tourism activity, income level, and young age population have a significant negative effect on sustainable water use, and municipal revenue has a positive effect. Irrigated farming shows a non-significant negative effect on sustainable water use. Population density, elderly population and education level did not show the expected effects on sustainable water use.
  • Best management practices for the transition to a water-sensitive city in the South of Portugal
    Publication . Rodrigues, Miguel; Antunes, Carla
    The uncertainty that arises from future environmental and climatic challenges requires new approaches towards urban water management in Mediterranean cities. In this work, an urban water cycle (UWC) strategy based on the best management practices (BMPs) of water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) is proposed for the transition of a coastal city in the south of Portugal into a water-sensitive city (WSC), in line with the Municipal Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation of Loulé (EMAAC of Loulé). The city’s watershed was identified using the ArcMap Hydrology toolset with geospatial data provided by Loulé’s Municipal Council Operational Unit for Adaptation to Climate Change and Circular Economy (UOACEC). A broad characterisation of the study area was conducted, identifying existing resources to further develop a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. The Hydrology toolset outputs, precipitation events records, and survey results were used to identify flood-prone areas. The opportunities and threats identified were further used to develop the transition strategy, which is focused on critical areas identified and supported by BMPs, including source control, attenuation, treatment and infiltration measures, permeable pavements, rainwater harvesting systems, and bioretention basins. The approach is designed to increase the city’s resilience to climate extremes, as well as community engagement towards UWC management.