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  • Intestinal response to salinity challenge in the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)
    Publication . Ruiz-Jarabo, I.; Barany, A.; Jerez-Cepa, I.; Mancera, J. M.; Fuentes, Juan
    Fish are continuously forced to actively absorb or expel water and ions through epithelia. Most studies have focused on the gill due to its role in Na+ and Cl- trafficking. However, comparatively few studies have focused on the changing function of the intestine in response to external salinity. Therefore, the present study investigated the main intestinal changes of long-term acclimation of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) to 5,15, 38 and 55 ppt. Through the measurement of short-circuit current (Isc) in Ussing chambers and biochemical approaches, we described a clear anterior/posterior functional regionalization of the intestine in response to salinity. The use of specific inhibitors in Ussing chamber experiments, revealed that the bumetanide-sensitive Na+/K+/Cl- co-transporters are the main effectors of Cl- uptake in both anterior intestine and rectum. Additionally, the use of the anion exchanger specific inhibitor, DIDS, showed a salinity/region dependency of anion exchanger function. Moreover, we also described ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) and Bafilomycin Al-sensitive H-ATPase activities (HA), which displayed changes related to salinity and intestinal region. However, the most striking result of the present study is the description of an omeprazole-sensitive H+/K+-ATPase (HKA) in the rectum of Senegalese sole. Its activity was consistently measurable and increased at lower salinities, reaching rates even higher than those of the NKA. Together our results provide new insights into the changing role of the intestine in response to external salinity in teleost fish. The rectal activity of HKA offers an alternative/cooperative mechanism with the HA in the final processing of intestinal water absorption by apical titration of secreted bicarbonate. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Low dietary inclusion of nutraceuticals from microalgae improves feed efficiency and modifies intermediary metabolisms in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
    Publication . Perera, Erick; Sánchez-Ruiz, David; Sáez, María Isabel; Galafat, Alba; Barany, A.; Fernández-Castro, Miriam; Vizcaíno, Antonio Jesús; Fuentes, Juan; Martínez, Tomás Francisco; Mancera, Juan Miguel; Alarcón, Francisco Javier; Martos-Sitcha, Juan Antonio
    The aim of this work was to evaluate two functional feeds for the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, containing low inclusion of two microalgae-based products (LB-GREENboost, LBGb; and LB-GUThealth, LBGh). Fish (12-13 g) were fed for 13 weeks a control diet or one of the four diets supplemented with both products at 0.5% or 1%. LBGb and LBGh did not affect specific growth rate or survival, but increased feed efficiency by decreasing feed intake and enlarging the intestines. LBGb increased hepatosomatic index and reduced cortisol levels in plasma, while both products lowered plasma lactate. Extensive metabolite and metabolic enzyme profiling revealed that microalgae supplementations, especially 1% LBGh: (i) decrease plasma lactate and increase hepatic glycogen, (ii) reduce hepatic gluconeogenesis, (iii) enhance hepatic lipogenic activity and lipid secretion, (iv) led fish to double triglyceride content in muscle and to stimulate its lipid oxidative capacity, and (v) increase the content of monounsaturated fatty acids and the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid in muscle. This study demonstrates that both microalgae-based products are suited to improve feed efficiency and orchestrate significant changes in the intermediary metabolism in gilthead seabream juveniles.
  • Tissue and salinity specific Na+/Cl− cotransporter (NCC) orthologues involved in the adaptive osmoregulation of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
    Publication . Barany, A.; Shaughnessy, C. A.; Pelis, R. M.; Fuentes, J.; Mancera, J. M.; McCormick, S. D.
    Two orthologues of the gene encoding the Na+-Cl− cotransporter (NCC), termed ncca and nccb, were found in the sea lamprey genome. No gene encoding the Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter 2 (nkcc2) was identifed. In a phylogenetic comparison among other vertebrate NCC and NKCC sequences, the sea lamprey NCCs occupied basal positions within the NCC clades. In freshwater, ncca mRNA was found only in the gill and nccb only in the intestine, whereas both were found in the kidney. Intestinal nccb mRNA levels increased during late metamorphosis coincident with salinity tolerance. Acclimation to seawater increased nccb mRNA levels in the intestine and kidney. Electrophysiological analysis of intestinal tissue ex vivo showed this tissue was anion absorptive. After seawater acclimation, the proximal intestine became less anion absorptive, whereas the distal intestine remained unchanged. Luminal application of indapamide (an NCC inhibitor) resulted in 73% and 30% inhibition of shortcircuit current (Isc) in the proximal and distal intestine, respectively. Luminal application of bumetanide (an NKCC inhibitor) did not afect intestinal Isc. Indapamide also inhibited intestinal water absorption. Our results indicate that NCCb is likely the key ion cotransport protein for ion uptake by the lamprey intestine that facilitates water absorption in seawater. As such, the preparatory increases in intestinal nccb mRNA levels during metamorphosis of sea lamprey are likely critical to development of whole animal salinity tolerance.
  • Corrigendum to ‘Dietary aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) reduces growth performance, impacting growth axis, metabolism, and tissue integrity in juvenile gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)’. Aquaculture, volume 533, 25 February 2021, 736189
    Publication . Barany, A.; Guilloto, M.; Cosano, J.; de Boevre, M.; Oliva, M.; de Saeger, S.; Fuentes, Juan; Martínez-Rodriguez, G.; Mancera, J.M.
    The authors regret the errors in a few table references within the text. Specifically, it should reads as follows within the following subsections/ page: 3.2. Blood analysis (page 5)