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Sales Henriques, Nuno

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  • Marxan as a zoning tool for development and economic purposed areas - Aquaculture Management Areas (AMAs)
    Publication . Sales Henriques, Nuno; Monteiro, Pedro; Bentes, Luis; Oliveira, Frederico; Afonso, Carlos; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos
    The increased number of human activities within the marine environment and the demand for maritime space has increased to a point where in some parts of the globe the demand for maritime space has exceeded the available area. The overlapping objectives and activities have caused severe conflicts among users and with the natural marine environment itself. For that reason, holistic strategies such as Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) have been evolved and developed to sustainably manage the marine environment, avoiding conflicts and creating synergies. Spatial analysis tools like Marxan have been used for several years as decision support tools mostly for conservation plans, such as design and establishment of protected areas. In this study we approach the potential of this tool with a different purpose in mind: instead of using the available information of the region for the development of a conservation plan, we used this tool and the available information to select areas to establish Aquaculture Management Areas (AMAs). We also intended to analyse how the existing features of the region would affect the final result of a spatial plan aimed to establish areas for economic and development purposes. We conclude that the use of Marxan can be advantageous to support the planning and development of coastal regions, not only in a conservationist point of view (as it has been mostly used), but also into a developing and economic driven approach. This tool can be particularly useful in regions or situations where there is a large number of stakeholders, ecological and geographical features that could potentially conflict with the establishment, the management and the success of the proposed management areas. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Identifying habitats of conservation priority in the São Vicente submarine Canyon in Southwestern Portugal
    Publication . Nestorowicz, Iga-Maria; Oliveira, Frederico; Monteiro, Pedro; Bentes, Luis; Sales Henriques, Nuno; Aguilar, Ricardo; Horta E Costa, Barbara; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos
    Identifying vulnerable marine habitats is fundamental to promote evidence-based management and a sustainable use of our oceans. Although progress in the mapping of marine benthic habitats has been made, complex ecosystems such as submarine canyons remain largely unexplored, hampering evidence-based management from taking place in these ubiquitous features worldwide. Data from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey in the upper São Vicente Submarine Canyon in southwestern Portugal from 2011, was analysed to carry out a comprehensive assessment of megabenthic habitats, particularly those of conservation concern occuring between 90 and 560 m. Underwater videos from three exploratory dives, covering a total of 8.8 kilometers, were analyzed through multivariate and visual assessments, and the identified habitats were assessed against a set of criteria derived from current definitions of priority habitats. Thirteen potential priority habitats were characterized, out of which four distinct “coral gardens” and one “deep-sea sponge aggregation” are aligned with OSPAR definitions of priority habitats, and one corresponds to the habitat of a strictly protected sea urchin listed in the Habitats Directive. Three circalittoral sponge aggregations were also suggested based on the abundance of indicator species. The specific composition and diversity of priority habitats as described here, has not yet been described in any other canyon in the NE Atlantic region. Depth was revealed to be particularly important for the distribution of habitats, followed by relief and substratum. The approach presented in this study contributes to improve the understanding about submarine canyons, which is paramount to implement knowledge-based protection measures. Furthermore, it can be used to support future mapping efforts of deep-sea environments such as submarine canyons.
  • Co-design of a marine protected area zoning and the lessons learned from it
    Publication . e Costa, Horta; Guimarães, M. Helena; Rangel, Mafalda; Ressurreição, Adriana; Monteiro, Pedro; Oliveira, Frederico; Bentes, Luis; Sales Henriques, Nuno; Sousa, Inês; Alexandre, Sofia; Pontes, João; Afonso, Carlos; Belackova, Adela; Marçalo, Ana; Cardoso-Andrade, Mariana; Correia, António José; Lobo, Vanda; Gonçalves, Emanuel J.; Pitta e Cunha, Tiago; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos
    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a tool to safeguard marine natural systems, yet their effectiveness depends on how well they are integrated into the existing socioeconomic context. Stakeholder engagement in MPA design can contribute to increasing integration. This study focuses on the co-design of an MPA between researchers, public administration, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations. The proposed MPA is in Portugal and includes an area that is a hotspot for biodiversity and economic activities. This is the first MPA proposal in mainland Portugal co-designed using a participatory approach. This study highlights the steps of the zoning process and synthesizes the eight main lessons learned, useful for other cases, particularly for relatively small coastal MPAs with multiple socioeconomic activities. Three zoning proposals were developed and discussed within the participatory process. The proposals considered the best scientific and local knowledge available and were defined using ecological, socioeconomic, and shape-area guiding principles. In an iterative manner and following a participatory approach, compromises with stakeholders were achieved, and a final proposal, scientifically sound and socially accepted by most stakeholders, was delivered to the government. The final zoning plan will achieve ambitious conservation goals, including the largest fully protected area to be declared in mainland Portugal, while minimizing the impacts on the existing economic activities and promoting its sustainability. This process resulted in valuable lessons that may be applied elsewhere and guide future MPA implementation or rezoning of existing ones. These transdisciplinary and participatory processes can be time and resource-consuming but are vital for ensuring MPA effectiveness.
  • Setting performance indicators for coastal marine protected areas: an expert-based methodology
    Publication . Cardoso-Andrade, Mariana; Queiroga, Henrique; Rangel, Mafalda; Sousa, Inês; Belackova, Adela; Bentes, Luis; Oliveira, Frederico; Monteiro, Pedro; Sales Henriques, Nuno; Afonso, Carlos; Silva, Ana F.; Quintella, Bernardo R.; Costa, José L.; Pais, Miguel P.; Henriques, Sofia; Batista, Marisa I.; Franco, Gustavo; Gonçalves, Emanuel J.; Henriques, Miguel; Leonardo, Teresa; Coelho, Paula; Comas-González, Robert; Fernández, Laura P.; Quiles-Pons, Carla; Costa, André; Espírito-Santo, Cristina; Castro, João J.; Arenas, Francisco; Ramos, Sandra; Ferreira, Vasco; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos; Horta E Costa, Barbara
    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) require effective indicators to assess their performance, in compliance with the goals of relevant national and international commitments. Achieving and prioritizing shortlists of multidisciplinary indicators demands a significant effort from specialists to depict the multiple conservation and socioeconomic interests, and the large complexity of natural systems. The present paper describes a structured expert-based methodology (process and outputs) to co-define a list of multidisciplinary MPA performance indicators. This work was promoted by the management authority of coastal MPAs in mainland Portugal to gather a consensual and feasible list of indicators that would guide the design of a future national monitoring program. Hence, Portuguese coastal MPAs served as a case study to develop such a process between 2019 and 2020. In the end, participants (1) agreed on a shortlist of prioritized indicators (i.e., environmental, governance, and socioeconomic indicators) and (2) defined minimum monitoring frequencies for the indicators in this list, compatible with the potential replicability of the associated survey methods. The present approach recommends that management plans incorporate monitoring procedures and survey methods, with a validated list of indicators and associated monitoring periodicity, agreed among researchers, MPA managers and governance experts. The proposed methodology, and the lessons learned from it, can support future processes aiming to define and prioritize MPA performance indicators.
  • Marine litter in the upper São Vicente submarine canyon (SW Portugal): abundance, distribution, composition and fauna interactions
    Publication . Oliveira, Frederico; Monteiro, Pedro; Bentes, Luis; Sales Henriques, Nuno; Aguilar, Ricardo; Gonçalves, J. M. S.
    Marine litter has become a worldwide environmental problem, tainting all ocean habitats. The abundance, distribution and composition of litter and its interactions with fauna were evaluated in the upper S. Vicente canyon using video images from 3 remote operated vehicle exploratory dives. Litter was present in all dives and the abundance was as high as 3.31 items100m(-1). Mean abundance of litter over rock bottom was higher than on soft substrate. Mean litter abundance was slightly higher than reported for other canyons on the Portuguese margin, but lower in comparison to more urbanized coastal areas of the world. Lost fishing gear was the prevalent type of litter, indicating that the majority of litter originates from maritime sources, mainly fishing activity. Physical contact with sessile fauna and entanglement of specimens were the major impacts of lost fishing gear. Based on the importance of this region for the local fishermen, litter abundance is expected to increase.
  • An approach to map and quantify the fishing effort of polyvalent passive gear fishing fleets using geospatial data
    Publication . Sales Henriques, Nuno; Russo, Tommaso; Bentes, Luis; Monteiro, Pedro; Parisi, Antonio; Magno, Ramiro; Oliveira, Frederico; Erzini, Karim; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos
    The use of tracking devices, such as vessel monitoring systems or automatic identification system, enabled us to expand our knowledge on the distribution and quantification of fishing activities. However, methods and models based on vessel tracking data are mostly devised to be applied to towed gears, whereas applications to multi-gear and passive fisheries have been underrepresented. Here, we propose a methodology to deal with geospatial data to map and quantify the fishing effort, as soak time, of passive fishing gears used by a multi-gear fishing fleet. This approach can be adapted to other passive multi-or single-gear fisheries, since it requires only three variables that can be extracted from a pre-classified dataset, to identify the beginning (gear deployment) and the end (hauling) of passive fishing events. As far as we are aware, this is the first time a methodology that allows quantifying the soak time of static passive fishing events, within a polyvalent fishery context, is presented. We argue that the information that can be extracted from such approaches could contribute to improved management of multi-gear and static-gear fisheries and the ecosystem-based approach.
  • Let’s measure it: an approach of high-resolution estimates of bottom fixed net fishing effort at national level
    Publication . Sales Henriques, Nuno; Erzini, Karim; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos; Russo, Tommaso
    Fisheries are one of the most important food sources for human consumption whilst being amongst the most impacting and extractive activities happening within the marine environment, which makes it imperative to properly manage this activity. To improve fisheries management, the precise quantification of fishing effort is of the outmost importance. Yet, present methods for effort estimation, especially at broad scales, are hampered by difficulties in data access and usually rely on coarse effort metrics or on costly data collection for quantifying fishing effort with higher resolution. In the present work, we propose an approach of high-resolution fishing effort estimates of net fishing, as length of nets operated by a given fleet, at the national level. It relies on sampling of effort, derived from classified and easy to access vessel tracking data - AIS, and fishery dependent data - logbook and landings data. The proposed methodology combines trip-based effort estimates, derived from AIS data, as a foundation to extrapolate the total fishing effort, through the number of fishing trips linked to official landings and logbook data. It is estimated that in the years from 2014 to 2020 an average of 180 200 km of static nets (gillnets and trammel nets), which corresponds to approximately 4.5 and 210 times the lengths of the equator and the Portuguese Atlantic coastline respectively, are used in Portuguese mainland waters each year, by a fleet of slightly more than 100 vessels. The presented methodology allows to quantify and study the variation of the nominal fishing effort, at country level, with a higher resolution than what is usually used and at very low cost. We argue that such methodologies need to be developed and explored in order to have better and more comprehensive estimates of fishing effort which will contribute and improve the sustainable management of fisheries and the marine environment.