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Caetano, Sandra

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  • Cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxin occurrence in the Guadiana (SE - Portugal): preliminary results
    Publication . Caetano, Sandra; Miguel, Rute; Mendes, Pedro; Galvão, Helena M.; Barbosa, Ana B.
    Cyanobacteria are a recognised public health hazard, because the majority of species is able to produce toxins. The monitoring is usually restricted to freshwater environments, like lakes or dams used for water supply. Cyanobacteria blooms have been regularly reported in the Guadiana River and high estuary and most of the observed cyanobacteria were toxin producers.
  • Ecological tools for the management of cyanobacteria blooms in the Guadiana River watershed, Southwest Iberia
    Publication . Galvão, Helena M.; Reis, Margarida P.; Domingues, Rita B.; Caetano, Sandra; Mesquita, Sandra; Barbosa, Ana B.; Costa, Cristina; Vilchez, Carlos; Ribau Teixeira, Margarida
    Strong water demand for irrigation, energy and drinking water production is responsible for an increasingly regulation of freshwater flow patterns and watersheds. In this context, the construction of dams allows water storage but seriously restricts freshwater flow downstream. Due to scarcity of freshwater resources, reservoir water management often promotes high hydraulic residence. This may cause strong impacts on biological components of aquatic ecosystems, influencing the development of cyanobacteria blooms and aggravating their harmful impacts.