Research Project
Effects of disturbance and stress on the reproductive modes of marine plants
Publication . Paulo, Diogo Filipe da Silva Gonçalves Soares; Serrão, Ester; Alberto, Filipe
Seagrass populations are declining worldwide due to human activities and rapid climate
changes. Marine plants achieve population growth by a combination of sexual and clonal
reproduction, and their relative contribution to population life history is poorly studied.
Seagrasses are limited by light at the lower depth limit of distribution and by hydrodynamic
action at the upper limit. Literature suggests a differentiated demography and genetic
structure along the depth gradient, from higher contribution of sexual reproduction at
shallower depths to a progressively larger contribution of clonal propagation deeper. In the
first chapter we found that along a depth gradient more Cymodocea nodosa seedlings where
lost at shallow depths than at deeper levels. The hypothesis of a differentiated reproductive
balance along the depth gradient was tested in the second chapter, by analysing the
demography and genetic structure of seagrass meadows along depth gradients. The results
showed a heterogeneous pattern of genotypic richness and clonal structure, likely
influenced by local acclimation and stochasticity. In the third chapter, the re-colonization
strategies after perturbation along a C. nodosa meadow were investigated. Initially
recolonization was mainly clonal, but after winter the study areas had loss biomass and only
few shoots remained. Though the areas did not fully recover, genotypic richness increased
along time in the perturbed areas, demonstrating the relevance of sexual reproduction at
any depth level. In the fourth chapter, a Zostera marina meadow that disappeared after
extreme perturbation was studied. Previous to its disappearance, the meadow was known to
be genetically rich. Sexual reproduction, via seed bank, played a crucial role in its recovery.
In a later stage, clonal growth was essential for colonization and spread. In the fifth chapter,
seagrass transplants initiated via clonal propagation were tested in an area where 10 ha of
seagrass were loss due to continued impacts. The result was the selection of the most
successful species, donor population and time of the year to attempt future transplants.
Furthermore, it is likely that larger initial transplant areas are able to surpass the required
threshold to achieve vegetated stability, allowing for long term persistence. The challenges
of seagrass restoration highlight the urgent need to protect seagrass meadows worldwide.
Recruit survival of Cymodocea nodosa along a depth gradient
Publication . Paulo, Diogo; Manent, Pablo; Barrio, Juan M.; Serrão, Ester; Alberto, Filipe
Clonal plants can reproduce sexually and clonally, expressing different proportions of these different life histories in distinctive environments. In seagrass meadows, light attenuation hinders marine plant colonization in deeper areas of its vertical distribution. Therefore it is expected that the fluorescence maximum quantum yield of seedlings will be higher at deep limits of the meadow relative to shallower depths. We hypothesized that seagrass seedlings experience higher mortality in deeper areas of the meadows than at shallower levels. Our objective was to test survival of seagrass seedlings along a depth gradient in meadows of Cymodocea nodosa in the Canary Islands. Seedlings germinated in laboratory conditions, were transplanted to a natural meadow at three water depths: shallow (5 m), medium (8 m) and deep (12 m). Transplanted seedlings were monitored by measuring maximum quantum yield, leaf length, number of leaves per shoot and survival. Our data suggest that light does not hinder survival of seedlings along the depth gradient of the meadow. Before establishing clonal growth, seedlings in deeper areas had higher survival rates than those in shallow areas. Even though seeds are present at shallow depths and sexual allocation is high, sexual contribution can be lower than expected due to seedling loss.
Sexual reproduction vs. clonal propagation in the recovery of a seagrass meadow after an extreme weather event
Publication . Paulo, Diogo; Diekmann, Onno; Ramos, Ana; Alberto, Filipe; Serrao, Ester
Marine flowering plants can reproduce sexually and clonally, and the relative contribution of these two modes can be dependent on the environmental conditions. Zostera marina, a seagrass widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, can form annual and perennial meadows with different proportions of sexual versus clonal propagation depending on the environmental disturbance regime. We study the hypothesis that the contribution of sexual propagation varies during the recovery of a seagrass meadow. In this case study, we compare the proportion of sexual versus clonal propagation of a perennial Z. marina meadow before its disappearance due to winter storms and after recovery. Before disturbance, genotypic diversity was high, indicating frequent sexual reproduction events likely to create an abundant seed bank. Seedling germination allowed the population to recover after the extreme disturbance. As months passed, seedlings became rare and finally absent, giving place to adult shoots. In an advanced stage of colonization, the shoots colonized the area by vegetative growth, which lowered the genotypic diversity. Despite this reduction over time, the genotypic diversity of the new meadow is still high, demonstrating the importance of sexual reproduction in meadow recovery and persistence.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number